Confection - riglete sell lighting of LED plexiglass
valid for cars and buses H0 or greater
Made to order riglete on transparent plexiglass sheet, with white-hot leduri control and power absorbed by the bulb.
- The current system regulates leduri in the consumption of network requirements and the current ledurilor;
- Prisma of plexiglass is perfectly polished so that light is distributed evenly throughout wagon;
- Installation and worked perfectly in digital and in analog;
- Rigletele works regardless of the purpose of travel;
- With rigletele delivered two blades and contacts to put the car.
Rigletele can order depending on the length of their wagon and the price is calculated according to the number of such leduri mounted:
1 euro for each LED incorporated plus taxes expedition. Rigletele interested can order by any measurements of length wagon. Leduri calculation of the number required to do by measuring the area illuminated, so that distribution is ledurilor lighting and balanced outcome to be uniform in all wagon. Following the same principles run like lighting and H0 scale vehicles (buses)