Автор Тема: About: Association " Тrain Мodelator "  (Прочетена 21128 пъти)


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About: Association " Тrain Мodelator "
« -: 11 Ноември 2009, 08:27:34 »

Picture on the entrance of the Association Headquarters

The main objectives of  Association Тrain Мodelator Bulgaria  are:
1. Promotion and distribution of all kinds of ideas related to railway modeling;
2. Establishing contacts with similar companies / associations in the country and abroad;
3. Support the creative initiatives of its members;
4. Expansion of the educational qualifications of its members;
5. Rehabilitation and reconstruction of the existing railway located in model training housing of VTU "Todor Kableshkov"  Sofia city; http://www.vtu.acad.bg
6. Construction and operation of modern digital model railroad;
7. Group developing activities in the field of railway models and modeling; .
8. Preservation of the Bulgarian railways history  for the future generations;

we have signed a contract between Association "Тrain Мodelator Bulgaria" and VTU "Todor Kableshkov" ( http://www.vtu.acad.bg ) for free use (ie without payment of rent) on the premises of the last floor in the main building of the school. or about 2200m3. the only promises is to restore the model in Gauge 1 / Spur I with over 2000m. of rails, 400 wagons and 16 locomotives from Marklin constructed in the period from 1982 to 1984

If you have questions pleas ask here we will be very glad to answer them

PS for Bulgarian speaking only click on the link / За темата на Български натиснете линка : линк/link
« Последна редакция: 09 Май 2011, 10:25:12 от Best Ripper »


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Re:About: Association " Тrain Мodelator Bulgaria "
« Отговор #1 -: 11 Ноември 2009, 08:47:38 »
News 11/11/2009

On 10/11/2009 was held an official meeting between the Executive Agency "Railway Administration", represented by Simeon Ananiev and Association "Тrain Мodelator Bulgaria" represented by Venelin Vasilev on which they had discussed future plans and objectives for development of Railway modeling and the museum presentation of the Railway transport  On the meeting was decided to be sign a official memorandum for Cooperation.

Source :"Railway Administration" Executive Agency - News in Bulgarian / на Български
« Последна редакция: 11 Ноември 2009, 11:05:58 от piko1 »