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Макетиране и техники на макетирането | All about layouts => Похвалете се с вашия макет | Show us Your layout => Темата е започната от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:05:51

Титла: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:05:51
Diorama de la Slobozia - Orasul din sufragerie

I started to buid my layout in 25 septembrie, 2007

I will try to mantain the story here for you but my english is not wery well so I hope that the image are a goog explications for my work

The story of evolution on The layout from Slobozia!

In perspectiva viitoarei diorame, incerc sa creez un traseu care sa aiba si panta-rampa! Primul test al urcarii l-am facut cu Micuta Mo!
E 69 a urcat cu mare usurinta panta de 5%
(http://img.youtube.com/vi/-c310lfS3A8/default.jpg) (http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/filme/era-mocheta/?action=view&current=test-rampa-E69.flv)

Incurajat de succesul Micutei MO, am pus la treaba si ducesa!
(http://img.youtube.com/vi/U2ulV4-57Eo/default.jpg) (http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/filme/era-mocheta/?action=view&current=test-rampa-BR84.flv)

Vom reveni cu detalii de la fata locului si cu postarea evolutie lucrarilor la Orasul din sufragerie!
Pentru cine nu are rabdare sa ajung cu posturile la zi, iata aici (http://trenulete.info/diorama.htm) un link unde se poate vedea evolutia dioramei.
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:15:21
Diorama mea

The crazy start to begin on the floor!
My first ideea abou what will be my town!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto203.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto203.jpg)

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto204.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto204.jpg)

The dimensions of the layout  2,80 m/ 1,50 m!(film)
(http://img.youtube.com/vi/Urq0A9janIM/default.jpg) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Urq0A9janIM)
Iata si Ducesa testand pantele cu 9 vagoane dupa ea:9film0
(http://img.youtube.com/vi/QLXVfyYiwfA/default.jpg) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLXVfyYiwfA)

I turn the projoct with 180 degree !
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto205.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto205.jpg)
basic Ideea!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto206.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto206.jpg)
Insa modificarile le voi face dupa ce realizez plansa si urc ansamblul pe ea!
Ca sa finalizez circuitul, mai astept sa vina astazi cateva sine de la Raly.

Voi mai reveni cu date despre diorama!
Am eu o idee despre cum sa reduc panta la 2,5% si totusi sa am diferenta de nivel de 10 cm la o panta lunga de numai 1 m!

Mai vorbim!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:16:18

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto206b.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto206b.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:17:58
Some of the first buildings...

Gifts from forum frends on my birstday 2007

Ca "sa-mi fac mana", am demarat cu fantana (care mi s-a parut mai usoara)...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_fantana1.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/fantana1.jpg)
Desigur, ea nu va ramane asa! Voi monta lumini in apa asa cum se cade sa aiba o fantana in centru viitorului Oras Din Sufragerie!

Apoi, plin de incredere, am atacat cabana!
Unul din muncitori si-a luat o pauza de masa...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_cabana05.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/cabana05.jpg)
Jardinierele sunt goale! :-(
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_cabana06.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/cabana06.jpg)

Deocamdata, reusita primei machete de cladire mi-a dat aripi si ideii, astfel incat, deja lucrez la proiectul unei vile cu Saloon la parter si tersasa restaurant mare la etaj. Ma bucur caci am de lucru mult si pentru timp indelungat de aici in colo.
Voi reveni cu detalii!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:20:01

Is ready the train station:
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_gara-Beaufort2.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/gara-Beaufort2.jpg)
Ce mai frate, exact vorba lui Robert: "Chinezarie"!!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_gara-Beaufort1.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/gara-Beaufort1.jpg)

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_gara-Beaufort3.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/gara-Beaufort3.jpg)

Dupa cum se poate vedea in poze, eu am vopsit cu alb izolatorii electrici de pe rigleta de conectare energetica, iar lampa de la intrare cu negru bratul si argintiu palnia becului! Desigur, in perspectiva montarii pe o diorama, acest felinar electric va fi reconstrut astfel incat sa adaposteasca un LED!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_gara-Beaufort4.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/gara-Beaufort4.jpg)

Am mai manjit cu negru de fum si cosurile ca prea artau a lipsa de lemne ...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_gara-Beaufort5.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/gara-Beaufort5.jpg)

Ca un fapt divers foarte interesant, de la gara, mi-au ramas in plus urmatoarele piese:

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_gara-Beaufort0.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/gara-Beaufort0.jpg)
Desi cladirea nu prezinta doua magazii, pe un rastel au ramas un acoperis, doua burlane si doua trepte, iar pe un alt rastel au ramas cele doua baze pentru o alta magazie! Daca erau si peretii, rezulta inca o mica magazie!Ma intreb, in ce kitt voi gasi ca bonus peretii necesari?  :-D

S-auzim de bine!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:21:06

Personal project... din gama "Chibri(t)"!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_Saloon3.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/Saloon3.jpg)

Se observa la ferestre, perdelele...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_Saloon2.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/Saloon2.jpg)

... din colectia vara-toamna, toamna-iarna, iarna-primavara si primavara-vara, apartinand celebrului creator de moda pentru locuinte, Prognosis!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_Saloon1.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/Saloon1.jpg)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:27:02
My first Kibri... very bad product...
Un depozit!
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_depozit1.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/depozit1.jpg?t=1191151209)

(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_depozit2.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/depozit2.jpg?t=1191151209)

(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_depozit3.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/depozit3.jpg?t=1191151209)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:29:03
From the florr to the table...
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto219.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto219.jpg?t=1191265783)
Dupa teiere si fixare provizorie...
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto221.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto221.jpg?t=1191265783)
Prima testare a sinelor!
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto222.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto222.jpg?t=1191265783)

Multumesc si celor ce au sarit sa-mi trimita softul de proiectare!
Am facut cateva incercari si pot sa spun ca softul ma ajuta sa-mi fac idee de cum pot folosi spatiu si de cate materiale am nevoie!
In practica insa, e cu totul alta varza!
Iata o idee de plansa!
Fireste! Nu va ramane asa! :mrgreen:

I'l be back :evil:
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:31:48

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better!!"

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto225.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto225.jpg)
Locul viitoarei turnante (sper ca de la Rally o voi lua!)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto228.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto228.jpg)
Aici Micuta Gara...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto229.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto229.jpg)
Si depozitul...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto230.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto230.jpg)
Vedere dinspre sine...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto231.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto231.jpg)

I' be back  ;)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:33:23
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better!

Change again!
maybe this?
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto239.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto239.jpg)
or maybe this...?
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto240.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto240.jpg)
hmm... who know!

Detalii si imagini aici:
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/baza/trenulete1.gif) (http://trenulete.info)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:37:50
11 octombrie 2007, am reusit in final sa definitivez traiectoria celor doua tuneluri din partea stanga a dioramei!
Imagini edificatoare din timpul evolutiei lucrarilor, pe situl meu personal!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto231.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto231.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto230.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto230.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto229.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto229.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto228.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto228.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto225.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto225.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto239.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto239.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto240.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto240.jpg)

Astept pietrele si comentariile! Orice sugestie este binevenita!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:38:46
Problema diferentei de nivel si a tunelului in panta, m-a trezit la realitate!
In fine! Rezultatul zilei de azi, dupa ce am acoperit cu gled fisurile si imbinarile din zona platoului!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto263.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto263.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:39:42
Details of the work on tunnels..:
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto260.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto260.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto259.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto259.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto258.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto258.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto257.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto257.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto256.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto256.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto250.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto250.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto249.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto249.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto248.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto248.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto247.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto247.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto246.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto246.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto244.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto244.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto243.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto243.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto242.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto242.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto241.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto241.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:40:48
Next level on the mountains!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto263.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto263.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto264.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto264.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto266.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto266.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto270.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto270.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto269.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto269.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:41:37
In timpul meciului, inspirat de jocul de fotbal, am continuat cu neastamparul care ma caracterizeaza...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto268.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto268.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto267.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto267.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto271.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto271.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto272.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto272.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto273.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto273.jpg)

Astept comentarii si sugestii!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:44:02
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto275.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto275.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto276.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto276.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto277.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto277.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto278.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto278.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto279.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto279.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto281.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto281.jpg)
All the links are change to:

Voi reveni!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:44:47
Evolutie 17 octombrie (morning)

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto283.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto283.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto284.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto284.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto285.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto285.jpg)
All the links are change to:
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:46:04
Start working to the second tunnel...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto294.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto294.jpg)

- remodelarea profilului montan american intr-un model mai bland, mai european...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto329.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto329.jpg)

- lucrul cu peria de sarma figiona (cea cu care fac toaleta parului de pe cei doi pekinezi ai mei)  :-D
- pante mai dulci...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto331.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto331.jpg)

- ultimile tentative...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto332.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto332.jpg)

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto333.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto333.jpg)

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto334.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto334.jpg)

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto335.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto335.jpg)

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto336.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto336.jpg)

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto337.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto337.jpg)

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto339.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto339.jpg)

All the links are change to:
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:46:46
Azi am mai lucrat cate ceva la diorama...

am definitivat cu relieful in partea stanga...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto340.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto340.jpg)

apoi, am dat prima mana la retusul de culoare stancoasa, combinat cu cel de pamant rosiatic montan...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto341.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto341.jpg)

iar in final am facut un test de iarba...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto342.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto342.jpg)

All the links are change to:
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:48:08
Evolutia dioramei in data de 5 noiembrie 2007

(http://img.youtube.com/vi/iwFfJgBSrvo/default.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme.htm)

astept sugestii si reclamatii :grin:
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:49:23
Evolutie in data de 11 noiembrie

(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto352.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/12%20Nov%202007.htm)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:50:49
Evolutia Dioramei Mele In Data De 15 Noiembrie 2007
Filmuletul evolutiei!
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto352-1.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/15%20Nov%202007.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:51:31
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto348.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto348.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto349.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto349.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto350.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto350.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto351.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto351.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto352-1.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto352-1.jpg)
Intrucat am terminat de montat liniile in tunel si terasamentul,
am lipit defitiv tunelele deasupra reliefului si am stupat in sfarsit crapaturile de la imbinari, care se vedeau extraordinat de urat!

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto360.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto360.jpg)

Si pentru cine isi facea griji ca nu voi putea interveni in tunele in caz de accidente, iata solutia la care ma gandisem inca de la inceput, atunci cand va spuneam ca, pentru tunele am o surpriza.
Aceste decupaje vor fi astupate cu plexiglas transparent, peste care voi aplica folie brumarie unidirectionala (ca acelea de pe geamurile masinilor, astfel incat sa nu se vada din tunele spre afara ci numai de afara inspre tunel, mai ales ca intentia este de a ilumina tunelele, asta bineinteles, dupa ce voi termina decorul interior al tunelelor) Totul pentru ca admiratorii dioramei, sa poata observa circulatia trenurilor prin tunele, dar lumina din exterior sa nu patrunda in acestea!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto361.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto361.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto362.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto362.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto363.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto363.jpg)
All the links are change to:
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:53:24
03 Dec 2007 12:06

Evolutie in data de 3 decembrie!
Filmuletul evolutiei!
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_DIORAMA_MEA.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/03%20dec%202007.htm)


Si imagini de la fata locului...

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto397.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto397.jpg)


(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto398.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto398.jpg)

Vedere cu turnul de control!

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto399.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto399.jpg)

Ansamblul garii cu depozit si peron curbat si adaosul de peron in fata ansamblului. Acesta este lucrat din polistiren si acoperit cu carton de carti de vizita cu model grofat, carton ce va avea in final culoarea peronului original! (sper!!!)

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto400.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto400.jpg)

Masivul deluros estic!

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto401.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto401.jpg)

Centrul urban!

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto402.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto402.jpg)

Fata dispre oras a garii si parculetul cu fantana!

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto403.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto403.jpg)

Vedere a depozitului dinspre rampa feroviara!

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto404.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto404.jpg)

Vedere din spatele carciumii! Acolo voi face terasa cu gard viu, mese si jardiniere!

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto405.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto405.jpg)

Masivul montan vestic!

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto406.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto406.jpg)

Vedere cu trotuarul din fata garii, partea dispre oras!

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto407.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto407.jpg)

Ultima achizie! De la Rally desigur, fireste!

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto408.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto408.jpg)

All the links are change to:
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:55:01
Evolutia in data de 7 decembrie 2007

(http://img.youtube.com/vi/thEIzo7I4Tc/default.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/07%20dec%202007.htm)

(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_S6300045-1.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/07%20dec%202007.htm)

(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_S6300113.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/07%20dec%202007.htm)

(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_S6300094.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/07%20dec%202007.htm)

Detalii si imagini pe situl personal in sectiunea ATELIER! (http://trenulete.info/category/atelier/)
All the links are change to:
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:56:39
Am inceput "asfaltarea" strazilor din oras!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto449.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/17%20dec%202007.htm)
Centrul Orasului!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto453.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto453.jpg)
Intersectia principala cu marcajele stradale aferente!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto452.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto452.jpg)
O bucata de peron!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto454.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto454.jpg)
Zidurile nedecupate inca!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto456.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto456.jpg)
Decupararea si formatarea zidurilor!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto457.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto457.jpg)
Lipirea zidurilor!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto458.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto458.jpg)
Imagine de control a zidului de protectie de la depozitul garii!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto459.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto459.jpg)
Parcarea din dreptul de pozitului!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto460.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto460.jpg)
Bradul din oras:
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_Foto442.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/Foto442.jpg)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:58:04
Evolutie in data de 17 decembrie seara!

Astazi am continuat cu zidurile. Am confectionat dupa aceleasi metode, partea de deasupra zidurilor, avand grija sa plasez caramizile la orizontala de data asta!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_17122007002.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/17%20dec%202007-2.htm)
Vederea zidului de la peron dinspre oras !
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_17122007003.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/17122007003.jpg)

Dupa cum se vede, am decis ca peronul sa fie marginit de ziduri de protectie paraninsoare si paravant, iar mijlocul peronului are acces spre oras printr-o alee marginita de jardiniere din zid de caramida!

Cu un marker, am colorat partea din mijloc a jardinierei, imitand zona cu pamantul pentru flori!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_17122007004.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/17122007004.jpg)
Intrarea spre peron!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_17122007005.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/17122007005.jpg)
Zidurile din fata garii au capatat si ele fata de jardiniere!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_17122007006.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/17122007006.jpg)
Zidul care margineste depozitul garii a capatat si el "capacul" de caramizi!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_17122007007.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/17122007007.jpg)

Pe la colturi se vede cum iarba a crescut prin crapaturi si muschii au urcat prin fisuri!

(fie vorba intre noi, plasarea de muschi in crapaturi, are si rolul de a astupa lipitura dintre foliile zidurilor)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_17122007008.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/17122007008.jpg)
La final, dupa uscare si intarire, am "plantat" florile!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_17122007009.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/17122007009.jpg)


texturi diverse http://www.mayang.com/textures/index.htm (http://www.mayang.com/textures/index.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 10:58:39
19 Dec 2007 22:35

Cateva instantanee, oarecum artizanate! Asta pentru ca am acordat putina atentie artistica !
Pacat insa ca resolutia telefonului nu permite detalii!
Ati fi remarcat faptul ca am montat panourile de avertizare si indicatoarele
pe majoritatea cladirilor industriale si feroviare si am definitivat supermarketul!

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/19decembrie.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/19%20dec%202007.htm)

Detalii si imagini pe situl personal in sectiunea DIORAMA MEA! (http://trenulete.info)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:00:28
Buna ziua si sarbatori fericite!

Cred ca acesta este ultimul post pe anul acesta, caci nu voi mai lucra la diorama cat tin sarbatorile pentru ca in primul rand sunt foarte prins cu ale casei si apoi, nu ma simt bine deloc. Fiecare zi vine cu o stare de sanatate din ce in ce mai proasta pentru mine. Aproape ca nu ma mai despart de masca de oxigen si am depasit cu mult consumul pe care ma asteptam sa-l am pe luna decembrie. Numai cu ajutorul Lupuliu Alb am reusit sa rezist luna asta insa numai Dumnezeu stie ce voi face dupa 5-6 ianuarie cand epuizez resursele pentru oxigen!

Nu vreau sa va mai stresez cu problemele mele stupide! Am facut doua filmulete cu evolutia dioramei pe care va invit sa le vedeti alaturi de toate celelalte pe situl personal in sectiunea FILMULETELE MELE!
acestea ultimile au link direct de aici
filmul nr. 1
(http://img.youtube.com/vi/kTt0kQhQl9g/default.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)
si continuarea filmul nr. 2
(http://img.youtube.com/vi/sZsEhUin94g/default.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-diorama.htm)

Va doresc tutulor sarbatori fericite si un an nou plin de impliniri matrete! :evil:
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:01:29
24 Dec 2007

Cateva instantanee, cu micile adaugiri de detalii si cu noua iesire-intrare a orasului in partea sa estica!
Podul ce prinde contur!!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/grup24.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/24%20dec%202007.htm)

Detalii si imagini aici:
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/baza/trenulete1.gif) (http://trenulete.info)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:03:05
13 ianuarie 2007

the pics say everything

Imaginile spun totul: (http://img.youtube.com/vi/5p4HfK_hUAg/default.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/13-ian-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:04:14
18 ianuary 2007 electric sistem...

Am stat mult in cumpana si am cantarit optiunile! Cum nu voi avea sanse in aceasta viata sa trec pe digital, am decis sa-mi termin diorama asa cum imi sade bine! Adica in analog!In consecinta….

Ieri am inceput sa lucrez la tabloul de comanda pentru blocurile de alimentare! Am decis sa fac doua sau chiar trei tablouri de comanda distincte! Primul, acesta din poze, este destinat alimentarii de forta a tronsoanelor gandite de mine in blocul automatizat nr. 1. Adica cel interior.
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_cablare-1-01.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/18-ian-2008.htm)
Am trasat, taiat si montat mai intai peretii laterali ai tabloului, tot din resturile de OSB de 6mm ramase de la platforma dioramei. Din bagheta de brad de 10/10 mm, am montat intarituri pe canturi. Le-am lipit cu aracet dar le-am fixat si cu tinte de sina care vin perfect! Rolul acestor intarituri este si acela de a facilita legatura intre piesele (peretii) tabloului.
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_cablare-1-03.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/18-ian-2008.htm)
Apoi, pe o placa de plexiglas alb de 3mm grosime, am montat cele trei variatoare Mehano luate de la Rally! Inainte de fixare acestea au fost modificate astfel incat iesirea de tensiune variabila sa fie prin carcasa inspre cutie! La fel am procedat si cu alimentarea  de 12 V care nu se mai face prin mufa exterioara, ci prin cablu direct din cutia tabloului de comanda.
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_cablare-1-04.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/18-ian-2008.htm)
Voi reveni cu continuarea!

Detalii si imagini aici:
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/baza/trenulete1.gif) (http://trenulete.info)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:05:30
continue with the electric sistem...

20 ianuarie 2008 - Definitivarea tabloului si cablarea

Pentru a monta tablourile de comanda, am decis "largirea" pistei frontale ca facand parte din circuitul nr. 2 de pe diorama mea. Vreau ca pe acest circuit sa introduc un alt bloc de automatizare, care va face altceva decat primul, si despre care voi vorbi in alt subiect! Largirea este de numai 80 mm dar pe toata lungimea dioramei (2,80 m).
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_cablare-1-02.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/20-ian-2008.htm)
Pentru cablare, a trebuit sa rastorn diorama pe o parte! Lucru dificil de realizat daca tinem cont de marimea acesteia si de faptul ca cele doua module sunt fixate unul de celalalt!
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_cablare-2-01.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/20-ian-2008.htm)
O data rasturnata, lucrul la cablare a devenit floare la ureche!

Mai intai am conectat firele de alimentare a tronsoanelor de cale ferata. Acestea nu se mai leaga de sine prin intermediul clipsului de legatura din urmatoarele motive:
1. am observat ca in timp clipsul nu mai face contact corect;
2. prezenta condensatorului face imposibila trecerea pe digital fara modificari in clips;
3. nu se mai vede cutia clipsului!
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_cablare-2-02.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/20-ian-2008.htm)
Am legat firele intr-o retea pe care am conecta-o in tabloul de comanda nr. 1, cel pentru variatoare! Pe dedesubt, am fixat provizoriu firele cu scoch uramand ca la final sa le fixez cu picaturi de plastic la cald (pistolul).
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_cablare-3-05.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/20-ian-2008.htm)
Apoi am procedat la fel cu reteaua de iluminare! Adica am efectuat gaurile pentru fire, am tras firele prin gauri si le-am conectat intr-o retea pe care am dus-o in tabloul de comanda nr. 2, cel de automatizare!
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_cablare-3-08.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/20-ian-2008.htm)
Pentru gaurile luuungi! Am confectionat dintr-un electrod de 3,5 mm, un burghiu tiganesc! Adica am batut capatul electrodului pe nicovala pentru al lati, apoi am polizat doua laturi in unghi de 45 grade pe care le-am ascutit pe cate o parte pe fiecare si cu acest burghiu luuung am reusit sa strapung diorama la cei peste 10 cm de grosime pe care ai are pe alocuri!

Am confectionat apoi cel de-al doilea tablou de comanda, destinat bloculurilor de automatizare!
Am montat si acest tablou la locul predestinat! Am adus cablurile in el si am montat pe riglete de conectare fiecare fir la locul sau!
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_cablare-3-02.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/20-ian-2008.htm)
Variatoarele lui Rally, o data modificate, si-au gasit locul pe panoul frontal al tabloului de comanda nr. 1.
(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_cablare-3-03.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/cablare-3-03.jpg)

Trebuie sa va spun ca variatoarele piko nu pot fi folosite in acest fel de tablou pentru ca au un dispozitiv prea sensibil de schimbare a sensului de mers si pentru ca sunt lipite si nu se poate umbla in ele. Cele de la mehano au acest avantaj si pe deasupra, au leduri de avertizare si sunt mai flexibile in functionare, mai robuste si nu intra in suprasarcina la doua locomotive ca cele piko!

Mai multe detalii si imagini pe situl personal in sectiunea DIORAMA MEA! (http://www.trenulete.info/diorama/20-ian-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:06:34
Am pregatit cateva imagini pentru un interviu pe care am fost anuntat ca-l voi da unui ziar local din Ialomita.
- iluminare cladiri - Evolutia din 24 ianuarie in imagini. Voi reveni cu commentarii si explicatii.... dupa interviu!
Am avansat in constructia celui de al doilea tronson de automatizare si am terminat iluminarea cladirilor!
Am instalat luminile si pe peron!.
Am montat si cel de al doilea panou de comanda si mi-am pus si lumina pe el! :)
Am plantat pomuletii de la Cluj! Multumesc prieteni!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/24ian.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/24-ian-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:07:37
Tronsonul nr. 2 automatizare

Va prezint succint un filmulet cu functionarea automata in tronsonul doi de pe diorama mea! Am terminat de aplicat schema si maine voi posta explicatiile si imaginile lucrarii pe situl meu!
Deocamdata numai filmuletul!
(http://i.ytimg.com/vi/3gPD1CksFfk/default.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)

Bafta tuturor!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:08:54
my first schema electric automatic sistem analog

Schema automatizare nr. 3a in circuit analog

Va prezint in continuare schema electrica de automatizare a circuitului de pe tronsonul B al dioramei mele.
Aceasta schema este faza finala asa cum este montata ea pe diorama mea!
Am intarziat postarea schemei intrucat nu o aveam realizata pe hartie, lucrarea fiind executata la "cald", direct din minte!
Ceea ce conteaza este ca prin aceasta jonglerie electrica, am reusit sa controlez individual doua locomotive in circuit analog !

Avantaje si Optiuni:
- Ambele trenuri merg in acelasi sens si isi dau prioritate una celeilalte!
- Intrarea in abatuta sau in principala se controleaza automat astfel incat nu poate intra un al doilea tren peste primul.
- Intrarea pe oricare linie se poate controla manual din butoanele "liber".
- Odata intrat un tren pe una din linii, automat cel din spatele sau intra pe cealalta, conditia fiind sa existe intre cele doua trenuri cel putin lungimea unei garnituri!
- Se poate alege atat garnitura pe care dorim sa o garam la un moment dat si cat si linia pe care aceasta poate fi garata!
- Exista optiunea de oprire a automatului, astfel incat sa rulezi un tren non-stop, pe oricare din linii la alegere, fara sa mai fie comandat un al doilea tren care poate stationa pe una din linii oricare ar fi ea.

(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/scheme/th_schemaautomatizare3a.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/scheme/automatizare3a.htm)
Filmul functionarii

(http://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZVzdD9wiB_M/default.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme.htm)

Bafta tuturor!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:10:14
Schema mea rezolva aceasta problema! Se folosesc doua variatoare conectate prin relee pe polaritati diferite vezi aici:
Deponde de cum dai inversorul la variator (ma rog, la unul din ele) merg in acelasi sens sau in sensuri diferite! Na ca m-am inervat si azi o fac iar maine vedeti filmul!  :D

Detalii si imagini aici:
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/baza/trenulete1.gif) (http://trenulete.info)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:11:11
Schema automatizare nr. 3b in circuit analog

Pentru acelaşi tronson B am conceput schema 3b.(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/scheme/th_schemaautomatizare3b.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/scheme/automatizare3b.htm)

Trebuie specificat faptul că am lucrat aceasta schemă la abiţie, stimulat de disputele de pe forum cum că nu se poate!
Ba se poate! Azi o pun în practică dacă ma tin bateriile şi diseară vedeţi filmul funcţionării!

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:12:37
Functionarea schemei de automatizare in analog 3a simplificata si modificata!

(http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Oo1M6NYleDo/default.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)
Si  "Turul de onoare" al "Zanei albe" inaintea plecarii spre noul proprietar in circuitul automatizat!
(http://i.ytimg.com/vi/BfBmSbM0R6Y/default.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)

Maine pun schema 3b in aplicare!

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:13:16
Orasul din sufragerie vazut noaptea!

(http://i.ytimg.com/vi/ufc60rs7FFQ/default.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme.htm)

Vizionare placuta!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:14:33
21 februarie 2008 - Circuit de automatizare tronsonul B
control trei locomotive

(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diverse/th_sitelogo.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/21-feb-2008.htm)

Detalii si imagini aici:
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/baza/trenulete1.gif) (http://trenulete.info)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:15:45
Filmul ultimei variante de automatizare a tronsonului B - numai locomotivele

(http://trenulete.info/gallery/dir/th_21022008.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)

Filmul ultimei variante de automatizare a tronsonului B - trenuri complete

(http://trenulete.info/gallery/dir/th_21februarie2008-2.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)

Film de ansamblu cu toate trenurile in ambele tronsoane. Ruleaza 5 trenuri pe doua circuite in analog!

(http://trenulete.info/gallery/dir/21feb2008-3.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)

Nu uitati sa vizitati situl meu pentru a vedea schema si detalii de constructie!

(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diverse/th_sitelogo.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/21-feb-2008.htm)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:16:35
finalizarea peronului intermediar si a peronului liniei 1

Folosind acelasi material plastic, am continuat sa lucrez si peronul liniei 1 care era facut din celuloza si vopsit urat.

Am folosit aceleasi metode ca la peronul intermediar. (http://forum.lokomotiv.ro/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=2034)

Din acelasi tip de plastic insa de alta grosime, am confectionat pasajele peste traversele de linie ferata si pentru legaturile cu peronul intermediar. De asemeni am confectionat si legatura cu turnul de control.

La peronul intermediar, am ascultat de sfatul lui LDH si am facut rampe inclinate, sa nu oboseasca personalul feroviar!

Mai multe detalii si imagini din procesul de fabricatie gasiti aici:

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diverse/th_27feb.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/27-feb-2008.htm)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:17:03
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/peron/th_peron-j-08.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/peron/peron-j-08.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:18:00
Montarea semafoarelor la pozitia lor in capatul vestic:
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_28-02-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/28-02-01.jpg)
Urmeaza automatizarea dar am de lucru la cablaraie astazi nu cred sa termin!

I/l be back... ;)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:18:54
8 martie 2008 - fara cuvinte

Evolutia dioramei de la Sbozia in imagini!

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_dio-8mar-20.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/08-mar-2008.htm)

Urmeaza filmul!

I'l be back  ;)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:19:29
Ceva chinezarie de ... român:
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diverse/th_biciclete02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diverse/biciclete02.jpg)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diverse/th_biciclete01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diverse/biciclete01.jpg)

Ma pregatesc cu nisate maruntisuri si detalii caci marti voi fi vizitat de Antena 1 pentru o fimare si un interviu! :grin:
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:21:03

Motive de panica...

Dupa ce am definitivat constructia cablajelor miniaturizate pe placute individuale, conform zonelor automatizate de pe diorama, am atacat frontal si direct tabloul de comanda...
Am demontat vechile relee greoaie si am inlaturat cablaraia care trona ! Procesul de modificare m-a panicat intrucatva! Sotia ma intreaba daca mai stiu sa fac la loc sa functioneze asa cum functiona.... Sper!

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_dio-15-3-09.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/dio-15-3-09.jpg)

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_dio-15-3-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/dio-15-3-01.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 13 Декември 2008, 11:21:17


Stop copy/paste !!!   >:(
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:23:08
I start to change the old sistem electronics and electrics. There is naw ready to work so I start change the modules...

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_dio-18-3-03.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/dio-18-3-03.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_dio-18-3-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/dio-18-3-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_dio-18-3-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/dio-18-3-01.jpg)

my english is so bad... sorry!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:25:02
here I start to balast the tracs

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_31martie.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/31-mar-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:26:09
I change the back site of the layout...

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_02april-10.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/02-april-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:27:32
continue of the rebuilding of the back side of relieff

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_03april06.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/04-april-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:29:12
some of the new electric sistem and the train station midle platform

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_10aprilie03.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/10-april-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:32:34
17 aprilie 2008 - evolutie

I continue to balast the tracs and I make some street lights and some of my passenger car have now lights...

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_dio17apr-01.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/17-april-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:33:47
21 aprilie 2008 - evolution ...

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_21-04-01.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/21-april-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:42:29
Some of my new buildings!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_case25.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/casute.htm)
City holl and post office...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_case18.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/casute3.htm)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:43:40
17 iujy 2008


(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_16-06-2008-06.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/17-iulie-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:44:52
Evolution 02 iunie 2008
Pasage tracs planuri. (http://trenulete.info/planuri.htm)
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/07-02-2008/th_07-02-2008-01.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/02-iunie-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:45:41
04 iulie 2008 - plants greens and trees!
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/07-04-2008/th_07-04-2008-06.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/04-iunie-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:47:11
St. Andrei crouse and barriers.
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_17iulie2008-03.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/17iulie2008-03.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_17iulie2008-04.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/17iulie2008-04.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_17iulie2008-05.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/17iulie2008-05.jpg)

Detalii si poze in Diorama 17 iulie 2008  (http://trenulete.info/diorama/17-iulie-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:49:03
18 iulie 2008

  Printing the parking and the streets that I made in Corell Draw 12
DetailsDiorama 18 iulie 2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/18-iulie-2008.htm)

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_18-07-2008-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/18-07-2008-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_18-07-2008-03.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/18-07-2008-03.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_18-07-2008-05.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/18-07-2008-05.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:50:15
Diorama 19 iulie 2008.[/url]

planting the vegetation
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_19-07-2008-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/19-07-2008-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_19-07-2008-04.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/19-07-2008-04.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_19-07-2008-05.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/19-07-2008-05.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:52:06
in 20 iulie 2008... making trees an green piketfences

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_20-07-2008-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/20-07-2008-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_20-07-2008-04.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/20-07-2008-04.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_20-07-2008-05.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/20-07-2008-05.jpg)
Details and pics in Diorama 20 iulie 2008. (http://trenulete.info/diorama/20-iulie-2008.htm)
Trees mini COPACI (http://trenulete.info/atelier/copaci.htm)
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/copaci/th_arbusti-10.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/copaci/arbusti-10.jpg)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 11:58:14
24 iulie 2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/24-iulie-2008.htm)

Last night I put 3 street lights on the north part of the layout...
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_23-07-2008-03.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/23-07-2008-03.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_23-07-2008-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/23-07-2008-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_23-07-2008-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/23-07-2008-02.jpg)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 12:01:26
Using the  Auhagen de la Rally (http://www.jucarii.com.ro/produs.php?cod=au42558), and  forex de 2,5 mm I build the post office fences. For the gate I use forex de 1 mm ...

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diverse/th_gard-posta-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diverse/gard-posta-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diverse/th_gard-posta-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diverse/gard-posta-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diverse/th_gard-posta-03.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diverse/gard-posta-03.jpg)

In finaly I put them on the layout!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_24-07-2008-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/24-07-2008-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_24-07-2008-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/24-07-2008-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_24-07-2008-06.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/24-07-2008-06.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 12:04:55
28 iulie 2008

I continue to build the street on the west side of the layout. Miin time I plant vegetation on the side of the road.
I us the printing for the wall and for the street asphalt. This is made on Corel Draw 12
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_28-07-2008-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/28-07-2008-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_28-07-2008-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/28-07-2008-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_28-07-2008-03.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/28-07-2008-03.jpg)

Detalii si imagini diorama 28 iulie 2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/28-iulie-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 12:06:20
30 iulie 2008

Today I build an auto bridge.
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_30-07-2008-05.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/30-07-2008-05.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_30-07-2008-06.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/30-07-2008-06.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_30-07-2008-09.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/30-07-2008-09.jpg)

Detalii si imagini diorama 30 iulie 2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/30-iulie-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 12:09:39
diorama - 01 august 2008
Today I change the power unit from FZ1 to 486 power unit... I use 5v out for the street lights, one of the 12v out for the electronics, and one of 12v out for the building lights...

The mehano variators are still using FZ1 power out

(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/vrajeala/th_surse1.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/vrajeala/surse1.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/vrajeala/th_surse2.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/vrajeala/surse2.jpg)

 Detalii si imagini diorama01  august 2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/01-august-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 12:13:17
16 august 2008

-I change the barier electric motor and I impuved the mecanis sitem to be more realistic moovmnet and to be more silence on working...
Detalii (http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/bariera/th_bariera-39.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/bariera.htm) si filmul ! (http://trenulete.info/filme/atelier/th_bariera-6.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/atelier.htm)
-In PanArin depot is coming a new Flaischmann locomotiv for changing in a romanian locomotiv ...
Moovie befor transformation ! (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale/th_diorama16aug.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)
Pics of the loco !(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/locomotive/th_electrice04.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/locomotive.htm)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 12:16:05
18 august 2008

More impruvment on street lights  stalpi de iluminat (http://trenulete.info/atelier/stalp-1.htm) 
Movie with layout evolution (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm) in this area.
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_18aug2008-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/18aug2008-01.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_18aug2008-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/18aug2008-02.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/th_18aug2008-05.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/diorama/18aug2008-05.jpg)

 Gadget on the bariier house ultima automatizare... (http://trenulete.info/diorama/18-august-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 12:18:51
21 august 2008 - pavement home made

I make some pavement using linoleum de 2mm 

pavement on the down city. (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_trotuare-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/trotuare-01.jpg)

I planting some vegetation. (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_tufisuri-05.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/tufisuri-05.jpg)
Mai multe detalii si poze! (http://trenulete.info/diorama/21-august-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 12:20:30
23 august 2008

  Some of urban improvements
Gard Viu Home Made (http://trenulete.info/atelier/gardviu.htm)
(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_23august2008-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/23august2008-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_23august2008-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/23august2008-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_23august2008-07.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/23august2008-07.jpg)

mai multe poze si detalii (http://trenulete.info/diorama/23-august-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: XRISTO в 13 Декември 2008, 12:21:44
В този сайт не се ли пише само на български?Ако не знае езика да слага само линкове, в крайна сметка нищо не му разбирам, а този, който му разбира би могъл да общува на лична с него.  ::)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Декември 2008, 12:25:14
24 august 2008

Functional home gate... for garrage.  Some  clothes on drying maked on the printing paper.
(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_gard-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/gard-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_gard-03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/gard-03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_poarta-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/poarta-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_rufe-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/rufe-02.jpg)
Mai multe poze si explicatii din activitatea zilei de 24 august 2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/24-august-2008.htm)

So if my expications is bad or if you don't like what I try to put here, I stoped now. Sory, I try to help. I will net put more!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: misho_tabakoff в 13 Декември 2008, 16:06:39
Helo, mate.

It looks great!

I have one suggestion only - please write only in English. We speak English, French and German, so it would be better to translate all sentences in English let say ... because this is the only foreign language I speak.  ;D

How long time did it take to build up your layout?

I did scroll your layout project very fast, no I will return to the beginning and will read more carefully.

Welcome to our Railwaypassion forum!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: misho_tabakoff в 13 Декември 2008, 16:08:50
Ице, ние ще превеждаме. Трябва да се радваме, че има интернационален интерес към форума ни, това е похвално.

Адри, има електронни преводачи, така че няма да ни е зор да си превеждаме и сами. Ако някой не може да се справи, ще помагам с превода. .... не гарантирам, че ще е 100% верен, но на кой ли му пука - нали има снимки!!!!!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: CaLLlo в 13 Декември 2008, 16:38:10
Оказа се румънски! ;D
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Best Ripper в 13 Декември 2008, 19:51:13
Ха, че сега ли разбрахте, че е съсед оттатък Дунава? Той си написа в началото още Брашов... А па и на руски да пише, няма да му се разсърдим.  ;D Иначе от бегъл поглед ми се струва, че юнакът прави макета си от година някъде...
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Der Hetzer в 13 Декември 2008, 20:13:32
Хайде да не е само на руски  >:(
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Best Ripper в 14 Декември 2008, 22:15:08
br118, къф ти е проблемът? Ще ти го превеждам без проблеми...  ;D И ще е доста по-точно и удобно от Гугулевските траслатори...  ;D
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Der Hetzer в 14 Декември 2008, 22:36:54
Просто съм се постарал да забравя всичко научено на този изгустат език и не искам да си го спомням.
Няма да е лошо руския език да бъде забранен редом с писането на българска-латиница, а чужденците да използват английски (безспорно най-говорения и със статут на интернационален език на планетата) или немски (задължителния език за нашето хоби).
...а също не се знае дали и колегата-румънец не се старае да забрави езика на поробителите на цяла източна Европа, може и той да изпитва същите топли чувства подобно на унгарците 1956 и чехите през 1968.
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: XRISTO в 14 Декември 2008, 23:09:12
Цитат на: br118 link=topic=1087.msg14978#msg14978 date=1229287014
Просто съм се постарал да забравя всичко научено на този изгустат език и не искам да си го спомням.
Няма да е лошо руския език да бъде забранен редом с писането на българска-латиница, а чужденците да използват английски (безспорно най-говорения и със статут на интернационален език на планетата) или немски (задължителния език за нашето хоби).
...а също не се знае дали и колегата-румънец не се старае да забрави езика на поробителите на цяла източна Европа, може и той да изпитва същите топли чувства подобно на унгарците 1956 и чехите през 1968.
...пък ние, дето не знаем езици - да вземем да се откажем от хобито си, така ли предлагаш?!Аз пък имам друго предложение: в български сайт - на български език!Който чатка езици, нека си пише на "лична" ако иска и със пакистанци, негов си е проблема.  ::)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 14 Декември 2008, 23:27:52
Цитат на: XRISTO link=topic=1087.msg14979#msg14979 date=1229288952
Цитат на: br118 link=topic=1087.msg14978#msg14978 date=1229287014
Просто съм се постарал да забравя всичко научено на този изгустат език и не искам да си го спомням.
Няма да е лошо руския език да бъде забранен редом с писането на българска-латиница, а чужденците да използват английски (безспорно най-говорения и със статут на интернационален език на планетата) или немски (задължителния език за нашето хоби).
...а също не се знае дали и колегата-румънец не се старае да забрави езика на поробителите на цяла източна Европа, може и той да изпитва същите топли чувства подобно на унгарците 1956 и чехите през 1968.
...пък ние, дето не знаем езици - да вземем да се откажем от хобито си, така ли предлагаш?!Аз пък имам друго предложение: в български сайт - на български език!Който чатка езици, нека си пише на "лична" ако иска и със пакистанци, негов си е проблема.  ::)
(http://www.pic4ever.com/images/169.gif)(http://www.pic4ever.com/images/169.gif),Съвсем излишно спамим темата.Човека толкова снимков материал е сложил...глупаво  е  с подобни изказвания да загрозявате темата.
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Der Hetzer в 14 Декември 2008, 23:35:33
Цитат на: XRISTO link=topic=1087.msg14979#msg14979 date=1229288952
Аз пък имам друго предложение: в български сайт - на български език!

За това съм напълно съгласен. Всичко друго би изглеждало също толкова нагло, колкото "Новините на ""майчин език""" по закърнялата ни и западаща телевизия (БНТ анал 1)

В други форуми (нямащи нищо общо с ЖП Моделизма) съм забелязал наличието на "Foreign Section / Forum/ Board", където всякакви чужденци пишат главно на английски, но и на всякакви други езици. Добре ще е ако има такава секция във форума, така ще бъде по-лесно и за самите чужденци.
Иначе става прекалено досадно и дотягащо да чета писанията на някой мужик че "у тях йест тйеплавози и паравози" и всякакви подобни дивотии, както и очевидния спам в темите за покупко-продажби, където един такъв таваришч виртуално изкупи всичко.

Разбира се който иска и намира някакъв смисъл от това - нека си контактува с чуждестранни хобисти, аз лично за себе си не виждам такъв, защото от приказките за теплавози на серьожа или вадим мога само да се възмутя (особено когато са придружени с потресаващи снимки на техните антиестетически изделия). С цялото си уважение към немските хобисти - едва ли мога да науча нещо повече от любопитни факти дори и от някой Хер Майер или Мюлер, проспериращ банков чиновник с гълъбовосив костюм и цайси с тънки златни рамки, събиращ Мерклин и родом от Саксония или Бавария. Не забравяйте че в този форум има хора като Ясен caprycorn , който е истинска съкровищница на знанието!

а колкото до чуждите езици - никога не е късно да научиш, с желание всичко се постига, примерно моя брилиантен английски го научих сам, без да посещавам езикови курсове и каквото и да било, просто имах голямото желание за това, а и съдбата ме срещна с изключителни "учители", в благодарение на които владея един строго-специфичен набор от думи и изрази, които не се преподават на чужденци дори и на университетско ниво.
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: XRISTO в 15 Декември 2008, 06:54:33
Цитат на: br118 link=topic=1087.msg14981#msg14981 date=1229290533
Цитат на: XRISTO link=topic=1087.msg14979#msg14979 date=1229288952
Аз пък имам друго предложение: в български сайт - на български език!

За това съм напълно съгласен. Всичко друго би изглеждало също толкова нагло, колкото "Новините на ""майчин език""" по закърнялата ни и западаща телевизия (БНТ анал 1)

В други форуми (нямащи нищо общо с ЖП Моделизма) съм забелязал наличието на "Foreign Section / Forum/ Board", където всякакви чужденци пишат главно на английски, но и на всякакви други езици. Добре ще е ако има такава секция във форума, така ще бъде по-лесно и за самите чужденци.
Иначе става прекалено досадно и дотягащо да чета писанията на някой мужик че "у тях йест тйеплавози и паравози" и всякакви подобни дивотии, както и очевидния спам в темите за покупко-продажби, където един такъв таваришч виртуално изкупи всичко.

Разбира се който иска и намира някакъв смисъл от това - нека си контактува с чуждестранни хобисти, аз лично за себе си не виждам такъв, защото от приказките за теплавози на серьожа или вадим мога само да се възмутя (особено когато са придружени с потресаващи снимки на техните антиестетически изделия). С цялото си уважение към немските хобисти - едва ли мога да науча нещо повече от любопитни факти дори и от някой Хер Майер или Мюлер, проспериращ банков чиновник с гълъбовосив костюм и цайси с тънки златни рамки, събиращ Мерклин и родом от Саксония или Бавария. Не забравяйте че в този форум има хора като Ясен caprycorn , който е истинска съкровищница на знанието!

а колкото до чуждите езици - никога не е късно да научиш, с желание всичко се постига, примерно моя брилиантен английски го научих сам, без да посещавам езикови курсове и каквото и да било, просто имах голямото желание за това, а и съдбата ме срещна с изключителни "учители", в благодарение на които владея един строго-специфичен набор от думи и изрази, които не се преподават на чужденци дори и на университетско ниво.
Да уча английски съм се пробвал - не се получава.Явно трябва да ме "хвърлят" някъде сред англоговорящи за да се получи, но това, естествено, няма да стане.Както е широко известно има хора които учат лесно езици, а има и друга група, която не се справя добре.Аз съм от тези, които изобщо не се справят.А иначе относно това, че сме оспамили темата, ами той първо този дето я е създал я е оспамил с постове на английски, защото по-голям спам от непонятен за мене текст аз не знам.
Иначе съм съгласен с отделната секция, но също така бих желал по възможност да има опция да се изключва от "непрочетен публикациии", защото както ви е известно за да се разкара нещо оттам, то трябва да се отвори.И сега достатъчно досадно е да отварям "бъмпнати" теми в продава, които не ме касаят, та и с подобни теми да се занимавам.
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 15 Декември 2008, 08:28:52

Навсякъде в международни форуми пиша на английски , както и други чужденци като мен.
По вашата логика би трябвало да знам унгарски , румънски и немски :(
Английският си е универсален , пък и има он-лайн транслатори , коити винаги освен превода те спукват и от смях ;)
Във форума на нашия гост съм вече почти година , там пиша на английски , запознах се с 2-3 ма , направих 2 размени , поканих ги да ни посетят форума и този пич явно е харесал почвата . Той и там същите неща е постнал , затова му казвам да спре с copy/paste.
Имам още няколко отзива , но те са негативни, тъй като форумът ни продължава да няма английска версия и хората не могат да ни разберат.
Ние сладко си хо=ртуваме тук в темата на човека и той кво ли си мисли - баси интереса възбудих в България
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 15 Декември 2008, 08:48:37
Е да де , само дето човека си е писал , че и той отбира малко от английският...
Това е превод на първият му пост , през Гугъла (там има румънски) та който се интересува и е малко в час със хобито ще схване за какво става въпрос...
Останалото е проблем на модераторите - ще ли направят английска версия където , чужденците да "спамят" с толкова снимки от направата на един макет , или пък ще направят автоматичен превод (който макар е неточен - също ще върши работа)!?
Пиша спамят в кавички щото не се сещам някой от нас тук да е поместил толкова поетапен снимков материал от строежа си на макета.Да си спомним как всички обещаха да направят чертеж на коловозното си развитие на макетите чийто снимки са в главата на сайта и там все още не съм видял нито един такъв!? ...А мина доста време откак се каза , че би било хубаво.И снимките там не са актуални (аз трета седмица чакам да видя снимкитое от новият макет на колега , ама нъцки !?).
Ами няма какво да се дразним , като ни оглеждат чужденците и ни мислят за аборигени в хобито та ни качват такива стари теми тук !!!
Те това е положението Пенке... ;)

Ето и превода на румънеца :

Диорама на сабите - Градът на живите стая

Аз започнах да си проект оформление на 25-ти септември 2007 година

Аз ще опитам да mantain историята тук за вас но моят английски не е wery и затова се надяваме, че образът на Google са обяснения за работата ми

Историята на развитието на тема "Разпределение от Мечове!

С оглед на бъдещото диорама, опитвайки се да се създаде маршрут, че имате и надолу рампата! Първият тест на urcarii направихме с малкия Mo!
Той се изкачи до 69 с голяма лекота надолу до 5%

За останалият превод и който се интересува , да ползва това (http://translate.google.com/translate_t?sl=en&tl=bg#ro|bg|)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 15 Декември 2008, 08:51:35
Mi-a părut, chiar în Google translator (care nu este foarte credincios ...). Maketa tine chiar cu un regim simplificat este foarte plăcut şi atractiv forma. Sper că şi înainte de a face schimb de informaţii cu privire la probleme de natură tehnică.
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 09:22:19
Hello everybody! I start working on my maketa on 21 september 2007... I work some times about 12-18 hours by day, but not in every day! Were din you find google translate? Give me the link pls so I will can start translate for you! I am so sory but  I don't understand the Bulgarian language... I hope my information be helpfull for you all.

Marry Cristmans
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 15 Декември 2008, 09:29:31
En=Bg http://translate.google.com/translate_t?sl=en&tl=bg#
Ro=Bg http://translate.google.com/translate_t?sl=en&tl=bg#ro|bg|
... and vice versa under options

Marry Cristmans!!!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 09:33:13
25 август   

Завърших засаждане на трева на диорама. Следвайте засаждане на живи плетове, храсти, дървета и храсти. Балюстрада защита от линия 2 на железопътната гара бе демонтирана в замяна на оградата на мястото за закрила.
Blumenberg кметството е закупил първата кола пост за да могат хората да изпращате и получавате кореспонденция от и към други градове в Кът стаи, тавани, мазета и градини!

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_25-08-2008-25.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/25-08-2008-25.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_25-08-2008-32.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/25-08-2008-32.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_25-08-2008-09.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/25-08-2008-09.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_25-08-2008-10.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/25-08-2008-10.jpg)

Evolutia dioramei in imagini! (http://trenulete.info/diorama/25-august-2008.htm)

I don't know if it works for you and if you understand.
Аз не знам дали то работи за вас и ако разбирате.
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 09:40:57
27 август
Направих и фиксирани парапети за охрана срещу повреда в декор в Авто криви около моста и бариера.

Тук е малък филм (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale/th_27august.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)
Аз засадени дръвчета на всички, които са имали близки. Ние не може да покрие много, бяха твърде малко. Мисля, че е необходимо поне 50 дървета, за да изглежда добре диорама. Надявам се, че докато, когато се говори за нея в Брашов мога да направите тези дървета от пелин.
(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/27aug2008/th_27-aug2008-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/27aug2008/27-aug2008-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/27aug2008/th_27-aug2008-05.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/27aug2008/27-aug2008-05.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/27aug2008/th_27-aug2008-06.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/27aug2008/27-aug2008-06.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/27aug2008/th_27-aug2008-08.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/27aug2008/27-aug2008-08.jpg)

Сложих тези клоун в 20-ви, че имаше. Uhhh! Малко. Мисля, че имаме нужда от 50 до главата диорама живот. Ако мога да направя дървета и клоните на грахово зърно omuletii е много по-трудно. Мисля, че те са единствените, които ще останат на диорама. Във всеки случай, моите най-добре да довърша работата, до заминаването на изложбата. Вероятно това ще бъде първата и стигат за диорама за разходка. Надявам се всички като ...

Evolutia dioramei in imagini (http://trenulete.info/diorama/27-august-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 15 Декември 2008, 09:42:34
 ::) works by 40%, the rest be taken in context ...
 ;D Тanks
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 15 Декември 2008, 09:43:57
What exhibition will participate? It is also interesting - tell her.
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 09:45:46
diorama - 31 august 2008

 Profitand de plecarea in acest ultim weekend al verii, primaria orasului Blumenberg a decis instalarea iluminatului public pe toate strazile orasului. Tot in aceste zile s-a montat si o cabina telefonica iluminata in centrul orasului, in fata garii si langa viitoarea scoala.
(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/31aug2008/th_31aug2008-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/31aug2008/31aug2008-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/31aug2008/th_31aug2008-03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/31aug2008/31aug2008-03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/31aug2008/th_31aug2008-12.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/31aug2008/31aug2008-12.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/31aug2008/th_31aug2008-18.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/31aug2008/31aug2008-18.jpg)

Освен работниците от пътища в сътрудничество с местната полиция са поставени пътни знаци, необходими за гладкото функциониране на трафика в града на цветя. Опасните завои около моста също бяха посочени от знаците правилно ...

Evolutia dioramei in imagini! (http://trenulete.info/diorama/31-august-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 09:47:21
Готов! Това беше решено! Градът излиза във всекидневната стая в света. Диорама на сабите ще бъде дадена на публиката в изложбата на железопътните Моделиране в Брашов, второто издание на което ще се проведе между 28.11.2008 - 01.12.2008 официалното откриване - Smabata 29.11.2009.
Място на провеждане Редута културен център, зала ARCADA (точно като миналата година).
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 09:50:58
1-ви септември 2008 година
С няколко sparkles и leduri smd Направих лампи дойдат до някои къщи, които бяха оборудвани с лампи за екстериор декор.

Също така днес сме направени от baghete на frigarui клечка за зъби и няколко телеграф полюси, които ще доведат власт в планините и хълмовете диорама. Досега само Рейнджър кабината са били засадени телеграфни стълбове, които ще проводници за осъществяване на електроенергия и телефон. Вероятно утре confectiona по маршрут до вятърна мелница.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01sept2008/th_01sept2008-1.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01sept2008/01sept2008-1.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01sept2008/th_lampa-1-2.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01sept2008/lampa-1-2.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01sept2008/th_lampa-2-5.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01sept2008/lampa-2-5.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01sept2008/th_stalpi-2.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01sept2008/stalpi-2.jpg)

Еволюция диорама в снимки (http://trenulete.info/diorama/01-sept-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 09:53:32
град в хола - 02 септември

Вчера ние намерихме начин за теб и да се придържаме към проводника smd диоди. След първите резултати насърчавани, аз започнах да правя всичко lampioanele от функционални кутии. Така получените functionale лампи страноприемница и хотел. Гостите на хотела, аз светлини, монтирани на двата входа. И на предните, но и на гърба, прикрепена към стената под завивките. Всички хотели са монтирани лампа и при сенници тераса, така че хората, които спрем тук една бира за включване може да види какво става под носа ...

Михаела прозорец гаража бе планирано да се появи светлина в гаража и днес е получена. Тук, през задната врата и бе осветена него. Не много ясна картина, но могат да видят светлината в гаража.

Друго поле, имаш някои странични стени, лампи, осветителни тела в стените, и тя е получила светлина на цялата тази вход на базата SMD светодиоди. Той ми отне цял ден, за да лампа и монтиране на диорама. Scrupulously.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02sept2008/th_02sept2008-09.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02sept2008/02sept2008-09.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02sept2008/th_02sept2008-12.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02sept2008/02sept2008-12.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02sept2008/th_02sept2008-04.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02sept2008/02sept2008-04.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02sept2008/th_02sept2008-05.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02sept2008/02sept2008-05.jpg)

mai multe imagini si detalii (http://trenulete.info/diorama/02-sept-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 15 Декември 2008, 09:54:55
Баровчета , имаме почти година време , да се организираме и да идем на комшийската изложба - ей го де е Брашов!? ;)
Сигурен съм ,че пътуването и посещението на изложбата ще е само с положителни емоций...
Може пък това да е втората организирана тематична екскурзия на клуба , след тази до музея ни в Русе. ;)
 ;D ;D ;D
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 09:56:41
Опитвам се да картини, но стаята ми е много беден и няма да правя така резолюция оставя много лоша нощ. Уверявам ви, но това е чудесно и луд. Дори жена ми започна да dioarma погледнете с други очи, когато свърши осветление ...

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/31aug2008/th_31aug2008-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/31aug2008/31aug2008-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/31aug2008/th_31aug2008-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/31aug2008/31aug2008-02.jpg)

03 septembrie 2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/03-sept-2008.htm)

Ние изново осветление платформа, като се използват всички SMD светодиоди жълто inseriate с rezistor 150 Ом и хранени на 5 волта. Бележки на пластмасови от различни домове, направиха банка за платформа. Jardinierele граници са комплект принадлежности за платформа. Че за да остане в тонус сграда.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/03sept2008/th_03sept2008-4.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/03sept2008/03sept2008-4.jpg)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Gervasii в 15 Декември 2008, 09:58:32
Цитат на: pach link=topic=1087.msg15005#msg15005 date=1229327695
Баровчета , имаме почти година време , да се организираме и да идем на комшийската изложба - ей го де е Брашов!? ;)
Сигурен съм ,че пътуването и посещението на изложбата ще е само с положителни емоций...
Може пък това да е втората организирана тематична екскурзия на клуба , след тази до музея ни в Русе. ;)
 ;D ;D ;D

а може и да е излет на 2-3 дена до Русе и наоколо  ;) ;) ;)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: EMPEROR в 15 Декември 2008, 10:02:32
Това с организираното посещение на комшийската изложба си е една добра идея :)

prognosis really nicely done layout! Congratulations!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 15 Декември 2008, 10:03:39
Бе той Брашов май е по към Унгария , та малко трудно от Русе да се вдигнем и до Брашов , но важното е идеята!
...ииии реализацията де... ;D ;D ;D
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Gervasii в 15 Декември 2008, 10:13:23
ще наемем хиликоптер от Русе  ;)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: EMPEROR в 15 Декември 2008, 10:14:43
prognosis do you mind if we put the pictures of your layout in our website gallery? :) We would be really glad to have your project shown among ours :)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:22:14
Аз бях през ноември в Брашов в Румъния.     
Брашов. Ергенски злато! Знаете ли къде? Планина, Сидни.
На Ágúst отида през лятото в Унгария ...   
И през зимата, през ноември отново в Брашов. Надявам се до тогава да имам време да се промени автоматична инсталация. За да направите много по-гъвкави с повече програми ...
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:30:45
Ok you can put the pics there but please to mark that are my pics and a link to my site like this:

Freedom is not free!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/baza/trenulete1.gif) (http://trenulete.info)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:35:11
диорама - 07 септември - преминаването на двигателя

В рамките на една година, поради различни причини (най-често човешка грешка и натрупването на мизерията в ножове, особено тревата) I успява да изгори три часа двигатели превключвате Пико. Загуби много важно във връзка с дружеството PanArin. Poor надеждността на такива части, както и тяхната чувствителност по отношение на стрес (поради многократно акционерите автоматизация диорама) ме убеди да се върнете към старата си начин на мината. TT колекция от края Останах с няколко двигатели, за да превключите линии профил "U". От последното зимата, когато сме започнали автоматизирането диорама, аз мислех как биха могли да използват тези двигатели. Аз спадат идеята във времето от съображения за удобство. (Работим по диорама е почти невъзможно за мен ...)

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/macaz/th_motormacaz2.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/macaz/motormacaz2.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/macaz/th_macazTT-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/macaz/macazTT-02.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:36:04
Направих малък филм, че вижда движението преминаването на двигателя с подмяна на ...

(http://trenulete.info/filme/atelier/th_macazTT.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/atelier.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:39:15
10 септември

Тук е малък филм с еволюцията на данни диорама ED 10 септември и новата gaselnita по автоматизация схеми. 6 влакове вече да пускат едновременно с опция за приоритет на някои влакове. Искам да кажа, че когато влаковете преминават през гарата са насочени приоритетно върху линията и да направи свободно транзит гара и не спира на гарата. Ще докладва утре и схема за експлоатация.

(http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale/th_10sept.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)

Радвам се!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:41:31
диорама - 13 септември

Град Развитието в хола през ноември привлякоха хората с техните семейства и деца. В този контекст, и по време на началото на новата учебна година, градът зала Blumenberg реши ctitorirea първата постройка на образованието в този град. За започна да стреля и електричество в тази сграда.
До началото на учебната година, ще направя всичко възможно за парк с красиви алеи и много зеленина в двора на училището spatelele, тъй като студентите имат моменти, при които разходите красива и релаксираща и където децата могат да играят в recreatii. След появата на тази сграда, някои домове са били изселени и са адаптирани към новите позиции на града карта.
Има светлини, монтирани в някои сгради лампиони.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/13sept2008/th_13sept2008-08.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/13sept2008/13sept2008-08.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/13sept2008/th_13sept2008-09.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/13sept2008/13sept2008-09.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:45:24
Днес 15-ти септември 2008 година, бе открит новия образователен център в гр. Blumenberg.
По този повод, ученици и родители бяха в състояние да се възхищавам на тази красива фонтана със светлини в градината институция, място за отдих за студенти,
и многобройните дарения на приложение сграда

 (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_15sept2008-03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/15sept2008-03.jpg)

За фасада, занаятчии от кмета имате инсталиран Известен покрива iluminat прозрачност на две класически светлина, оборудвани с лампи SMD. За тази работа ще използва оставащите felinarele от друга книга, ние сме се променили и коня, публикувана в предната част на сградата. Използвах leduri SMD, зареден в 5 волта inseriate с rezistor 260 ома. Сенници е от друга сграда, песента остана в добавянето на пакет.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_15sept2008-08.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/15sept2008-08.jpg)

Каним ви да видите какво е построена върху  град в хола (http://trenulete.info/diorama/15-sept-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:47:41
   diorama - 17 septembrie (http://trenulete.info/diorama/17-sept-2008.htm)

Днес 17-ти септември 2008 г, оставих в мястото, което закрила зона зад оградата на училището двор. Оградата работи на мястото клечка за зъби и комар. Сега има опасност от произшествия,. Останалите сме някои засадени дървета и храсти. Аз ще продължа да правя храсти и храсти до земята и планините на изток.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/17sept2008/th_17-09-2008-06.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/17sept2008/17-09-2008-06.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/17sept2008/th_17-09-2008-10.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/17sept2008/17-09-2008-10.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/17sept2008/th_17-09-2008-04.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/17sept2008/17-09-2008-04.jpg)

Ние направихме два часа видео с последния етап от диорама! (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale/th_17sept1.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:48:50

Днес бях изкушен да опита aerography. Преди нападението BB локомотив 15002 реших да направя няколко теста на машини и танци, детски играчки, която изглежда трогателно. Ето какво излезе.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/auto/th_vopsire-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/auto/vopsire-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/auto/th_vopsire-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/auto/vopsire-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/auto/th_vopsire-03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/auto/vopsire-03.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:49:53
Възможно е да продължи без спиране трансмисии с подбора на филмите еволюцията диорама на Tacloban. Надявам се да го харесате.
На същия линк, ще се опита да влезете в дневния ред един час да се предават най-новите творби в диорама.
(http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale/th_17sept2.jpg) (http://www.mogulus.com/Blumenberg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:50:52
29-ти септември 2008 година

Аз съм мощност в този късен час (22,30), за да пиша прекалено много. Аз много цветя, засадени с Windows, ние имам храсти, пътните знаци, съм Morarului количка. Аз ремонтирани и обновени един инвалид на автобуса, които направих шаси, колелата на камион, прозорци и omuleti и по този начин първия автобус пристигна в ЖП гара Blumenberg накрая. Уеб камерата работи. В останалите образи, които да говорят за себе си.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/29sept2008/th_29-09-2008-01.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/29-sept-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:54:20
Вчера и днес аз, посветен козметични растителност в района Изток. Buretelui използване на тоалетната, аз catva ноември дървета.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/copaci/th_copaci-2-08.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/copaci.htm)

Също днес, ще се опита да постигне дърветата са сухи.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/copaci/th_copaci-2-07.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/copaci/copaci-2-07.jpg)

Аз поне cosmetizat източната част на диорама. Ще започна с изграждането на stane за 6 mioare моя. Аз бях полюсите, клечка за зъби кръгла летва оградата и имаме направени от слама, за да зрели. Водни гъби, използвани за зеленина Hoch са засадени храсти много в тази област. За да вмъкнете tufisurile сме искали да balastare смеси.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01oct2008/th_01oct2008-11.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/01-oct-2008.htm)

Утре ще растения дървета, е резултат от работата днес. Надявам се да правя добре. Онези, направени това лято изглежда страхотно. Надявам се да приключи до Брашов. Знам, че други хора направят диорама в три дни и аз оценявам това, но аз съм единствен и не е здравословно да не се постигне такава производителност, които са особено трудни разстроен. Моят опит да се създаде клуб по ialomitean оказа провал. С две трима членове, какво можем да ги събера, освен мен са пусти първата тегло. Това е трудно. Не мога Run единствен да направят такъв акт. Вероятен остане само моделер, заложени в Яломица. Големите тъга! И самотата!

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:56:09
диорама - 02 октомври

Ние, засадени дървета, направени вчера. Честно казано аз не наистина харесвам, но и други възможности не са и искам да завърша на Изложбата в Брашов. Не отивай последната. Pesemne умора .... Останалите сме засадени храсти, цветя, две leafless дървета (нещо старо), някои приятни неща, малките традиционни, така че да има повече. Аз ще се опитам всеки ден да оставя някои храсти, някои растения, така че растителността за запълване на свободните зони и да даде реалистична аспект. Stana е придобило чрез Mioara изглежда по-реалистично е да се изгради малък подслон за овчари. Така направи ...

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02oct2008/th_02-oct-2008-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02oct2008/02-oct-2008-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02oct2008/th_02-oct-2008-03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02oct2008/02-oct-2008-03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02oct2008/th_02-oct-2008-04.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02oct2008/02-oct-2008-04.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/02oct2008/th_02-oct-2008-07.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/02-oct-2008.htm)

Направихме филма, които могат да се видят тези дни тук (http://www.mogulus.com/Blumenberg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 10:59:43
Днес премина през голяма емоция. Те дойдоха в sfrasit на Antena 1 и диорама и Заснето интервю. Два часа и те Заснет много. Аз не знам кога шоуто ще бъдат излъчени, защото те имат много работа по сглобяването, но аз ще обявя, преди да влезе в пощата. Продължаваме да поддържаме връзка. Диорама на сабите ще бъде символ ...    
Аз ще обявя веднага, след като антена ще знаят коя дата и какво шоуто ще бъде телевизионното интервю, но ние Ви видим какво сме изградени днес ...

Да не забравяме, че ми остава в рекламата. Благодаря на тези, които са го! Още не мога да го кажа! Някой там горе, вижда я!

5 octombrie 2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/05-oct-2008.htm)
Днес е работил върху нещо приятно малките неща. " Използването на фурнир от махагон, аз го тоалетна дом за фрезоване и moraritza. Бях вдъхновен от модела, лансирани от г-н Рали. Работно време 1 час. Струва ... H0 (горната половина). Аз бях направил нещо откраднато за mioare и храсти, засадени във фонов режим и начина, по гърба, което води до вятърна мелница. Ние имаме "павиран" пътя на материала и стрелям много пъти в канавката харесва начина, по който често carutele с чували с брашно и граници. За съжаление, снимките не са толкова ясни достатъчно, за да видите следи от вагонни колела. Това е всичко!

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/05oct2008/th_05oct2008-03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/05oct2008/05oct2008-03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/05oct2008/th_05oct2008-06.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/05oct2008/05oct2008-06.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/05oct2008/th_05oct2008-10.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/05oct2008/05oct2008-10.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/05oct2008/th_05oct2008-12.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/05-oct-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:00:57
Върнах се диорама на едната страна да се възстанови схеми и cablajele работил емпирично. Следва да се отбележи, че тези схеми са работили в продължение на години, спорадично, в зависимост от това как съм имал части и материали, в зависимост от финансовите средства и в зависимост от позиционирането части. Работил съм толкова грозен, със самозалепващи се, защото беше много трудно да се остане в рамките на диорама, без въздух в странно положение. Сега той е готов за пускане repererelor може да се проследи вериги и постоянни позиции прежди. Да се фиксират кабели Използвах bridele че затваря устата на торбичка с хляб. Има гъвкава, без цена и лесно да се справя oridecateori искате да добавите нов кабел. Те са уловени с диорама на фиксирани линии цели. Трябва да се отделят два модула, така че могат да пренасят на изложбата. Inial Аз не мисля, че ще се мести, обаче, диорама е изградена върху две маси комплект с винтове между тях. Аз sectioned аварии в края.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/08oct2008/th_08oct2008-03.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/08-oct-2008.htm) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/08oct2008/th_08oct2008-04.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/08oct2008/08oct2008-04.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/08oct2008/th_08oct2008-06.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/08oct2008/08oct2008-06.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/08oct2008/th_08oct2008-07.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/08oct2008/08oct2008-07.jpg)

Sanatate maxima!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:02:38
Днес петък 10 октомври, в 11:00 часа Antena 1 Мечове ще се движат по местно честота интервю с мен, "Град на живот", които последваха гражданин, за да ми съобщят график. Понеделник, ще получат DVD проблем и аз ще публикуваме на mogulus в chanalul "Blumenberg" (http://www.mogulus.com/Blumenberg)

.... Радвам се
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:04:21
11-ти октомври 2008

Големите окабеляване през октомври 2008 г. е наближава своя край. Надявам се, че в неделя мога да се върна отново да стъпи на крака диорама и стартирате за първи път на влака спонсор, защото диорама на Мечът е официален спонсор на EXPO Брашов. Тук можете да видите, че влакът дарени от спонсор и еволюцията работи по кабелната диорама ... 11 octombrie 2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/11-oct-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:05:19
16-ти октомври, 2008

  Най-накрая успели да проследят връзките в областта на транзита между двете таблици. Следвайте своите козметични и производството на малки мостове.

Направих малък филм за спонсор на вагони, след добавянето на колата, тъй като попада pasionatilor на влак кола.

(http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale/th_trensponsor.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:06:13
След определянето bridelor за правилното позициониране на ястия диорама, имаме "павиран" на "вградени" в предната част на уеднаквяването на високо жп. Използвах четката и с темпера aracet за боя на стената камъни на ръка. Накрая captusit случайни система в някои райони с тревна и бръшлян различни първия слой. След изсушаване ще се върне с друг слой от тревни и бръшлян друг цвят. Сега изравняване изглежда по-реалистично. Следвайте леко картечар от камъни използвайки цветни моливи.
В областта бариера, сензор на този тип Рийд, генератор сега тонус направено с IC 555 и Clarion покана за шофьори, когато приближава влак бариера. "Никога не LL поставени такива събрание и в други части на диорама.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/17oct2008/th_17-10-2008-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/17oct2008/17-10-2008-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/17oct2008/th_17-10-2008-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/17oct2008/17-10-2008-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/17oct2008/th_17-10-2008-05.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/17-oct-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:11:49
Започнах голяма операция да се опрости автоматично блокиране на поръчката. Автоматизация на работата досега е направено в стъпки, в зависимост от финансовите и здравните бях на кормуване командния модул. Основната идея беше, когато ние започнахме изграждането на диорама, но тяхното изпълнение бе направено в стъпки, както еволюцията работи. Затова, автоматизация е работил по парчета, всяко събрание, имащи роля в цялостното влезете и се поемат от огъня и останалата част на блока.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/22oct2008/th_01.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/22-oct-2008.htm)

До бариерата направи така локомотиви да действа стабилен сигнал, че в Clarion влак, който предупреждава влак край бариерата. Събрание, което правим прости, с IC 555 и реле време действа в две стъпки на звук и дължина. Ще направим филм, в който можете да чуете звук, произведен от Народното събрание. Лектор ще бъде разположен в кантона следващата бариера.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/22oct2008/th_goarna-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/22oct2008/goarna-01.jpg)

За транзитни линии в таблицата диорама на другата маса, за да покрие дял между отделните хранения, аз направих Forex с дебелина 4 мм, A podet за всяка линия. Те са разглобяеми и извлечена с междинна линия, която свързва между физиката и електрически линии.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/22oct2008/th_podete-05.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/22oct2008/podete-05.jpg)

Започнах създаването на сценарии за използване на omuletii, които бяха събрани в доверителната сметка. Аз не съм много символи, които стои заедно, за да пуснат на пейката. Май daugat нещо, което растителността в някои места и ние добавя някои pomisori на гъба.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/22oct2008/th_03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/22oct2008/03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/22oct2008/th_10.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/22oct2008/10.jpg)

Диорама на флота е получила няколко нови коли, които ще дават бележка на реализъм градски пейзаж ... до степен, че те могат. С нетърпение очаквам входящи училище автобуса и се надявам да се съберат средства за закупуване на набор от символи "profesor cu elevi" (http://www.jucarii.com.ro/produs.php?cod=n16114)   
да се тури в двора и около училището Blumenberg.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/22oct2008/th_06.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/22oct2008/06.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/22oct2008/th_09.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/22oct2008/09.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:12:55
23-ти Октомври 2008

Снощи най-накрая завърши първият блок автоматична централната точка от външната страна на диорама. 5-отделно събрание, което прави този сегмент са оптимизирани и обновени и после се сляха на един карта. Много по-добри тази нова карта, са опциите, които имаме развита и имаме изпълнени, за да се издаде по-разнообразна работа на диорама. Но какво прави ново събрание, след което ще бъде в състояние да го цени. Ще последва и нов лицето на арматурното табло, с много светлинни контрол ...

(http://trenulete.info/filme/atelier/th_releu_temporizare.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/jucarii.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:15:19
Снощи, благодарение на Джонатан's, колегата ми страст на Wanaka, имах в ръка и готов за монтаж в новото събрание се обработват от желанието ми към нея. Подобряване направени от Разван е, че системата работи сега с temporizare базирани IC 555. Прилагането на тази схема по автоматизация диорама носи нови възможности в обращение като истински влак. В този момент, ние изпълнени през съединение и ефекта произвежда неподвижен за известно време, влак garate в квартала, преди един от тях да напуснат. Тук е малък филм, направени в бързия тест и подробности за новата диорама Nwe притурка на моя оформление

(http://trenulete.info/filme/atelier/th_montaj1.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/25-oct-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:16:14
28-ми октомври 2008 г

Аз успях да Накрая нов панел на арматурното табло ... Сега leduri bicolore сигнализация на оператора всичко, което се случва на диорама. Трафик светлини, позиция влакове в тунела, включете и др. Също така съм готова последното събрание и на системата за сигурност. Тази система не позволява niunui влак, идващи към гарата, за да влезе Ако двете линии са заети. Всеки влак, който се появява за по-нататъшно укрепване на неочаквани станция спре, докато една от линиите са освободени, независимо от това къде те обучават и след това вземат разбира се. Acelassi система сме изпълнени път надолу. Той работи за основния сезиране на този влак и издаване на блокиране на безопасност между всеки два часа влаковете са в работата. Тези събрание, предназначени да защитят trenuletele на възможните човешки грешки по пътя към създаването на изпълнение или борави свободно с определен влак инцидент.

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/images/oct2008/th_28-10-2008-2.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/octombrie-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:17:14
От прозрачен плексиглас, An LED и разпятие в свет манастир Cozia, ние създадохме триптих светлина за моята диорама! Тринити е мястото, на входа на паркинг манастир. Подкрепа и покрива са изработени от Тринити клечка за зъби и парчета дърво от linguritele на сладолед. LED на хранене, са до 12 в rezistor 1200 ома. Аз бях направил няколко дървета. Утре, след сушене, ще бъдат засадени на диорама.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/28oct2008/th_troita-1.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/28oct2008/troita-1.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/28oct2008/th_troita-2.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/28oct2008/troita-2.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/28oct2008/th_troita-3.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/octombrie-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:18:34
01 ноември, 2008

Ноември започна с новини за диорама. Първо, миналата вечер, Джонатан успя да завърши инсталацията на втория автоматизация, по-конкретно засегнатите блок на заповедта за горния раздел. Надявам се днес да успеем го приложат и да го тури в офиса. Миниатюри са дълго време са работили и монтирани върху диорама. Повече подробности страница 1 nov2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/01nov2008.htm)
(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01nov2008/th_fantana-05.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01nov2008/fantana-05.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01nov2008/th_statuia.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01nov2008/statuia.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/01nov2008/th_taxare-02.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/01nov2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:41:57
Накрая, този филм могат да се обработват по Интернет, след интервюто за Antena показани 1.

Vizionare placuta! (http://trenulete.info/diorama/03nov2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:52:51
04 noiembrie 2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/04nov2008.htm)

Днес Направих няколко buretelui дървета като. В първата фаза са сухи. Ще продължи със засаждане на храсти и растителност в челен, между редовете, а по предната tronsonului. Много от растенията в района на моста, и хълмиста страна градина с цветя (за слава). Подробности и снимки (http://trenulete.info/diorama/04nov2008.htm)плюс    
филм с нови автоматизация на диорама
(http://trenulete.info/filme/chanal-mogulus.htm).    Филмът няма коментар.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/04nov2008/th_04-11-2008-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/04nov2008/04-11-2008-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/04nov2008/th_04-11-2008-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/04nov2008/04-11-2008-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/04nov2008/th_04-11-2008-03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/04nov2008/04-11-2008-03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/copaci/th_copaci-sr-01.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/copaci/copaci-sr-01.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:54:31
09 noiembrie 2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/09nov2008.htm)

Развитие на 9-ти ноември 2008 г, без много думи. COPEC няколко от моите собствени, символи, сценарии, но приятни малки неща, които правят сол и пипер диорама ... Лас образи, които да говорим, най-вече, тъй като това е последната ми пост преди изложбата. Можете да се върнете да публикувате снимките направени там и после ... готов! Аз нямам никакво право да работят на диорама или да се правят снимки, страници NET постове по форуми и др. Аз се оттегли от обществения живот. Светът модел железопътната ще бъде по-добро място без мен. Аз няма да изтрия сайта TRENULETE.INFO, аз ще оставя, преди договорът изтича. Искам да кажа, когато останките на публичност (тъй като изплащането им автоматично реклама) може да traisca Е, как е живота. Ако тя се затваря от само себе си ... здраве. Не мога да! Успех на всички, ще се видим в Брашов! Кой се нуждае от мен, можете да се свържете страница съвети!
(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/copaci/th_arbusti-00.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/copaci/arbusti-00.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/09nov2008/th_09-11-2008-73.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/09nov2008/09-11-2008-73.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/09nov2008/th_09-11-2008-18.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/09nov2008/09-11-2008-18.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/09nov2008/th_09-11-2008-90.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/09nov2008.htm)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:55:36
10 noiembrie 2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/10nov2008.htm)

Последният вариант с 4 работниците и sapatura така книгата, как да ни правят, е готов и монтиран върху диорама ... Чакащи фигурки награда от галерията, не повече, отколкото аз правя това, което се фокусира върху разделянето последния зърно растителност. Чудя се къде да ги тури?
И ако до сега, аз честно нямаме време да си играе с мен trenuletele, точно сега, когато диорама е приключил и мога да играя с тях свободно, ние не искам да правя. Като че ли липсва работа ... Дланите горят аз да направя нещо. В invart 10 пъти на ден в диорама и тогава да направите ръчно маневри. В "Аз специализирам в" движение "... Но след няколко обиколки, след което върна преди и след съединителя промени вагони между тях, след като всички Пусни локомотиви, че те са ... Какво мога да направя? Нищо?? Hmmm! Мозъкът ми obstinately отказват да влязат в менопауза! Мисля, че е прав LupulAlb. Дружеството ЗАК без работа само за 2 дни и вече умирам от скука .... Достигнали местоназначението, ти осъзнаваш, че "единственият начин е интересно"

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/04nov2008/th_IMG_0722.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/04nov2008/IMG_0722.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 11:57:37
19-ти ноември 2008 г

Аз се яви в независимите вестници на първа страница! Живот в града започва да покажем на света! (http://trenulete.info/diorama/images/19nov/th_independent-0.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/jucarii.htm)

Аз артезиански монтирани в парка, но аз работя в електронен монтаж, който ще заповядам на фонтана светлини. Някои снимки със знаци, поставени върху през ноември диорама в различни сценарии.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/19nov2008/th_IMG_0959.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/19nov2008.htm) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/19nov2008/th_IMG_0960.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/19nov2008/IMG_0960.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/19nov2008/th_IMG_0964.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/19nov2008/IMG_0964.jpg)

Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 12:00:01
21-ви ноември 2008 год. - Градът на живите стая е в траур!

Вчера в 13,30, началник на гарата в Blumenberg умрели в алеята пред входа на блок rapus безсъзнание и безгрижие на таксиметров шофьор, който никога не е catadixit до колата и да видя каква е извършил престъпление, се изпълняват от сцената поглед. Не трябва да се направи жест дойдат спасителни него ...

(http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/la%20familia/th_Foto223b.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/la%20familia/Foto223b.jpg?t=1191339580) (http://s212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/la%20familia/th_Foto224b.jpg) (http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/la%20familia/Foto224b.jpg?t=1191339580)

"Bitzu" беше моята душа. Ми хареса начина, по който бях, понякога пакостлив, и тъмен AMI често безгрижни в неговите нужди. Не само искаше му любов и моли любов с Ochisorii не че аз никога няма да забравя. Беше ми много години. Спомени начислява сега са много съжалява над душата ми грубо. Само след като загубиш Драги някого, ти осъзнаваш истинската стойност, която беше казал. Счупих си душата и ума смути от тази загуба. Надявам се, че там горе, някой да се грижи за нея, както заслужава малкото ми приятел. Надявам се да го видя скоро!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 12:01:39
25-ти ноември 2008 г 1:27 ч.
Най-накрая успя да обучава надпис спонсор. Те пристигнали като стикери, че благодарение на Cosmin за усилие Rush през Букурещ да ми правят и да ги изпращате с мен!

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/heavy/th_tren-sponsor-4.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/heavy.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 12:03:37
27-ми ноември 2008 година

Днес пристигна и така над училище автобус, заедно с първата надпревара с туристи, които посещават Blumenberg. Ние сме готови да вървим. Аз диорама части, всичко е поставен в кутия и готово. Имам страхотно чувство за това, което ще се състои на транспорта и как да получа диорама в Брашов. По-добре да е добър момент да се здрави и цяло.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/27nov2008/th_27-11-2008-1.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/27nov2008/27-11-2008-1.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/27nov2008/th_27-11-2008-5.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/27nov2008.htm)

Ще се видим в Брашов! Така че Бог ни помогне!
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 12:06:13
02 декември 2008

Приключи успешно участието си на изложението в Брашов ЖП Моделиране Edition II "Колекции, предмети за колекции" - темата на изложбата железопътни, която се проведе между 28.11.2008 - 01.12.2008 Редута Културен Център, Зала ARCADA

И готово ... Той свърши! Беше красиво, красиво, но уморителна. Аз вероятно ще има време да CERN информацията, събрана по този повод. За мен беше едно от първите в света с мощност диорама и първото излизане muulti в страната след години на изолация в дома. Моят дихателни проблеми не позволяват усилията ми да пътуваме, но мога да кажа, че той заслужено. Срещнах много талантлив и пламенен модел, знаеше, че от форумите, срещнах много страстни в цялата страна и аз бях щастлива да се срещне с тях. Богдан, организаторът, заслужава всички усилия за хвалене. Така ли г-н Корнелиу Balteanu представител Редута Културен център ", човек, който, дори и ако не е връзка с trenuletele имаше вяра в нас и ни даде цялата подкрепа да направи тази Изложбата уникално събитие в Брашов.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/Brasov%202008/th_5-trenulistii-2-30-11-2008.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/BRASOV.htm)

Импресии, снимки и филми, направени по този повод
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 12:07:04
Аз бях командирован за следващите 30 снимки, получени от моя приятел Iasmin

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/Brasov%20Iasmin/th_ExpozitiedemacheteferoviareBraso-10.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/BRASOV.htm) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/Brasov%20Iasmin/th_ExpozitiedemacheteferoviareBraso-7.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/Brasov%20Iasmin/ExpozitiedemacheteferoviareBraso-7.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/Brasov%20Iasmin/th_ExpozitiedemacheteferoviareBraso-2.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/Brasov%20Iasmin/ExpozitiedemacheteferoviareBraso-2.jpg)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 12:07:56
Ние обработени и публикувани за първи филм в Брашов, направени Iasmin приятел.
(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/th_film-iasmin.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/chanal-mogulus.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 12:08:48
Някои филми ме накара Експо в Брашов
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 12:09:48
И някои fimari направени от Разван TT
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 12:11:04
Някои снимки, направени от г-н Ференц Емора, главен редактор на списание модел Indohaz (http://www.indohaz.hu/) в Унгария.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/Brasov%202008/th_Indohaz-01.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/BRASOV.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 12:15:03
Конкурс снимки крайната фаза ще PREMIA продукти на стойност 100 евро присъстват на всички тези картини, възложени миналата година. И аз участват със снимки октомври. Надявам се да спечелим и да направим нещо за диорама!   Както казах преди, аз не съм богат човек. Аз съм болна от астма cronis не са източници на доходи. Мога да помогнат на картината, ако избран.

Моля всички да гласуват за моя снимка    
Автор autor Arin Panait.

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/images/25august/th_25-08-2008-05.jpg) (
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 12:19:42
15-ти декември 2008 год.

И така стигаме до края постове. Всичко, което работя сега ще превежда в този форум за modelistii Българи. Надявам се да бъде полезен. Опитах се да дам сега за празниците, всички Модел на България за това, как го направих диорама. Надявам се, че съм направил нещо добро. Въпреки че не беше лесно да се преведат и аз започнах rasping. Google преводач всичко стана лесно. Бавно, бавно, ще публикува и преводите на произведения от моя модел жп!

Искаше ми Честит празник, A новата 2009 година пълни с радост и постижения, богатство и здраве. Честит рожден ден, България!

Весела Коледа и Честита Нова Година
Свободата не е безплатно!
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/baza/trenulete1.gif) (
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 15 Декември 2008, 12:32:33
Thank you for your diligence, we expect the technical details of what and how you did (as diagrams and drawings) as a vote to suppose that they will support ...
(Personally, I will read you a detailed tematat weekend, it is quite long for home!)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (not as you wish us - Happy birthday - so googol us wrong).
We wish you success and the Germans as they say -
"Be happy in your hobby!"

 ;D ;D ;D
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Декември 2008, 14:49:19
15 decembrie 2008 (http://trenulete.info/diorama/15-dec-2008.htm)

Започнах от съветите на връзка между модули, asftel, че съм много по-лесно свързване и отделяне на двата модула. Pllacile са отлични и имат фантастична точност.
(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/15dec2008/th_placute-0.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/15dec2008/placute-0.jpg)
След като се инсталира лампите в новия ми BR 218, дадох закарам на схеми възстановено след пътуването от Брашов ...

Ще последва през ноември изненада по отношение на автоматизацията в аналогов. Имам идеи, които ще революционизирам аналози в света ...
(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/15dec2008/th_new-BR218-03.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/15-dec-2008.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 17 Декември 2008, 11:03:55
В jalopy в Blumenberg

17 decembrie 2008 (http://trenulete.info/atelier/trabant.htm)
(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/auto/th_Trabant-02.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/trabant.htm) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/auto/th_Trabant-03.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/auto/Trabant-03.jpg)

"Blumenberg" на флота и го въведете в ревизия поддържа. Това се дължи на изпълнението на програма "инвалид" и Общността на Blumenberg. Програмата започна снощи с картечар    
Малко TRABANT изкупени Брашов

Прогнозиране желанията ви "Много Cristmans"! (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/th_bradulet.gif) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/bradulet.gif)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 17 Декември 2008, 11:42:09

Програма да започва с картечар си е направо зловещо ! ;D
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 17 Декември 2008, 11:43:28
Ами Брашов бе братче - `89 от там започна всичко в Румъния... ;)
 ;D ;D ;D
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 18 Декември 2008, 00:20:42
Цитат на: prognosis link=topic=1087.msg15070#msg15070 date=1229336382
   15-ти декември 2008 год.
И така стигаме до края постове. Всичко, което работя сега ще превежда в този форум за modelistii Българи. Надявам се да бъде полезен. Опитах се да дам сега за празниците, всички Модел на България за това, как го направих диорама. Надявам се, че съм направил нещо добро. Въпреки че не беше лесно да се преведат и аз започнах rasping. Google преводач всичко стана лесно. Бавно, бавно, ще публикува и преводите на произведения от моя модел жп!
Искаше ми Честит празник, A новата 2009 година пълни с радост и постижения, богатство и здраве. Честит рожден ден, България!
Весела Коледа и Честита Нова Година
(http://s13.rimg.info/1488045ff4ede02cae99749a87f7ce8c.gif)  Prognosis
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 19 Декември 2008, 15:26:00
Благодарим ви, приятели на душата. Аз ще се върна през май и отделните произведения. След Нова Година. Ако сте здрави ...
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ritchie в 30 Декември 2008, 11:07:33
Евала  на  пича  !   
Най-накрая  да  видим  един  истински  професионалист, 
какво  прави !
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 30 Декември 2008, 18:55:15
Colleague here argue that their professional, but I think I just modelist very good - what is true?
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 04 Януари 2009, 16:02:58
Здравейте и Честита Нова Година на всички!

Миналата година, Коледа, ще спечели снимка на конкурса, организиран от Санта trenulete.ro това в миналото Ева и донесоха ми награда. Сред другите неща, аз избрах камион намерени Tilling Sachsen Модел DB еп. V модел 76441 (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama2009/th_76441.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama2009/76441.jpg)    
Смятам да го CFR-izez модел Eanos  (http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/04ian/th_Eanos.jpg) (http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh299/pepyxxl/servtrans/Eanos.jpg)    
защото много мачове в двете коли ...
Аз бях избран набор от Травълърс бързам и багаж, набор от децата, които в свободното си време, определен от децата, идващи от училище и набор от домашни животни. Всички ще намери мястото си в диорама следващия месец. Аз все още не са направили нищо в този период, диорама. Но аз плужек върне в пълния смисъл на думата тази година! Смятам да направи много промени на диорама, включително и да осъществи на практика проект, който може да маневрира във влаковете, автоматична вървят в различни посоки в аналогови и е попречило и върви гладко.
(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama2009/th_SantaFoto-02.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/04ian.htm)
Титла: Re: Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ivo в 05 Януари 2009, 15:13:51
Max An Nou fericit! Multe succese ћn noul an.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Януари 2009, 20:44:55
Локомотив BR55 G7 Пико - подобрения

Аз открих, че в кабината пожарникар, бойлер, има някои пич в горния сектор и реших, че мога да експлоатира този факт. Използвах оригинала fantele на Локомотив да котелна планина в светлината на огнището котел. Тя изглежда страхотно в aprinzandu отиде при "огън" в зависимост от скоростта на Локомотив ...
(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/BR55-G7/th_G7-cazan-3.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/BR55-G7.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Януари 2009, 10:50:58
В 9 часа тази сутрин пристигна LED на ...

Аз съм много щастлива. Днешната стартиране на обидни осветление и dioramas на пътническите автомобили.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diverse/th_LED-zeXstar1.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diverse/LED-zeXstar1.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diverse/th_LED-zeXstar2.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/jucarii.htm)
Бог ще помогне в усилията на вашия бизнес днес, Градът на Хол е спонсор!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 13 Януари 2009, 11:40:32
I see that you put translator of Bulgarian language in your sayt. :yes:
Courtesy of you and enough comfort for some of our colleagues.
Now they will read this nice place from the beginning to the end,
though automatic translation is sometimes surprising! ;)
 :clapping: :ok:

(Виждам че сте сложили транслатор на български език във Вашият сайт.
Любезно от ваша страна и достатъчно удобно за някой наши колеги.
Сега вече и те ще прочетат това приятно място от началото до края , макар автоматичният превод понякога да е изненадващ!)

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 24 Януари 2009, 14:30:49
I am very happy to hear that. Enjoy!

Bad light in my living room distorts photos and movies. Those made in Brasov are beautiful and clear the same room. Consequently, I made a first projector hooked somewhere above dioramas and I made a movie sample ...

(http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale/th_24-01-2009.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/24ian.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 27 Януари 2009, 08:42:25
27 January 2009

Although unable to publish in the number of December to January, whose appearance coincided with the exhibition in Brasov in 2008, the magazine INDOHAZ in Hungary, a dedicated number in February, a page about this event in Romania. Diorama of Slobozia was presented in the pages of this magazine himself, Mr. Ferenc Hamori, chief editor of this magazine. Here is page magazine article with a translation of this material.

(http://s432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/expo%20Brasov/th_Indohaz-pag81.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/BRASOV.htm#indohaz)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 27 Януари 2009, 09:29:28
some new pics with my layout on Expo Brasov 2008...

(http://s432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama/Brasov%20Iasmin/th_grupbrasov.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/BRASOV.htm#iasmin)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 28 Януари 2009, 08:46:07
January 27 2009 - layout evolution

I started the spring campaign. The months of December and January we have stopped work at the diorama and we expect offers of purchase. There were some, but not the value that I appreciated it ... As a result, we have not sold and I decided to continue work on improving diorama and everything is possible. My goal is now presenting dioramas in Budapest in summer this year.
Enlarge blocks line passing through the station Blumenberg, increasing sidewalks and restoration of power - Automation four separate buildings on the route above and three blocks on the route outside. The possibility of a combination of the two routes and inter-activity. Preparing for changing the entire automation equipment for a more reliable principle. Trains will run in both directions and stopping and starting will be made gradually. Like those are the plans. For the moment, I started replacing the lines ...

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/27ian/th_27-01-2009-05.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/27ian.htm)

27 януари 2009 - оформление еволюция

Започнах пролетта кампания. Месеците от декември и януари сме спрели работата в диорама и ние очакваме оферти за покупка. Имаше някои, но не и стойността, че аз го оценявам ... Като резултат, ние не се продават и аз реших да продължи работата по подобряване на диорама и всичко е възможно. Моята цел е представянето dioramas в Будапеща през лятото на тази година.
Увеличи блокира линията, минаваща през гара Blumenberg, увеличаване на тротоари и възстановяването на властта - автоматика четири отделни сгради на трасето по-горе и три блока по маршрута навън. Възможността от комбинация на двете трасета и интер-активност. Подготовка за промяна на цялото оборудване за автоматизация на по-надеждна принцип. Влаковете ще се пуска и в двете посоки и спиране и стартиране ще се извърши постепенно. Подобно на това са плановете. За миг, аз започнах заменящи линии ...

I'l be back
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 30 Януари 2009, 09:38:53
Yesterday I finished did terasamentul material resulting from the foam packaging for obicte glass. It's like a sponge, but much more harsh. I cut probilul remodel fasiile on the route and we sticking with the plans prenadez cleaned of the old relief. That course, after I reshaped and rebuilt route lines. Then I installed provisional lines and electrical connections have reshaped. I did many tests to me edififca regarding stopping and accelerating the gradual departure. I got two choices. One that can feed different line with different voltages, and the second is still in working together with Razvan TI. Since we came to test it but make sure it is something that was not thought anyone. I hope that in a few days I could do the first test results diorama and if I will be ashamed of, I'll post.

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/29ian/th_29-01-2009-02.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/29ian.htm)
Also yesterday, stopped at the gates depoului an American locomotive, made by Bachmann. It will remain at CFPA ... It will adjust the lights and LEDs will then sell to other companies that have American profile. When we do not match. Locomotive going very well, shoot height and strong, not noisy.

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/29ian/th_Bachmann-SUA-02.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama2009/29-ianuarie/Bachmann-SUA-02.jpg)
Thanks to sponsor zeXstar (http://www.zeXstar.com), wagons arrived container to be labeled with the company logo. Very beautiful, detailed accessories and many require more attention and migala to mount, but the end result is impeccable. The wagons were delivered by obiwan (http://forum.lokomotiv.ro/modules.php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=viewprofile&u=530)        
order after the requirements sponsor.
(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/29ian/th_Danzas-04.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama2009/29-ianuarie/Danzas-04.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 30 Януари 2009, 09:43:51

Prognosis , my man ,
can you arrange for us some quantity of Tillig loc DA060
with good price , ofcourse ?
Or just give us direct link for order ?

Прогнозис , мой човек,
можеш ли да ни уредиш някакво количество локомотиви DA060
с добра цена , разбира се;
или дай директен линк за поръчка ?
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 31 Януари 2009, 09:41:27
Цитат на: Adrian link=topic=1087.msg18408#msg18408 date=1233301431

Prognosis , my man ,
can you arrange for us some quantity of Tillig loc DA060
with good price , ofcourse ?
Or just give us direct link for order ?

Прогнозис , мой човек,
можеш ли да ни уредиш някакво количество локомотиви DA060
с добра цена , разбира се;
или дай директен линк за поръчка ?
Adrian pls tell me haw many loco thid you need... there is no many rest.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 31 Януари 2009, 09:44:14
31 ianuarie 2009

- I finally assembly lines and moving oblong switch away from the station so that the length of the train entering the station in Blumenberg be higher. I changed this position sensors, and I entered another gears. At this moment, on the route above, there are three gears. Here is a movie with the operation at this time of automation. I have installed today the traffic lights which have correlated with light train.

(http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale/30-01-2009.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)

- Autobaza Transport Company Blumenberg, he received from a bus Onesti Mercedes, the same type as the one owned by the company, so far, CTB runs two buses that are connected to the nearest town.

(http://trenulete.info/gallery/auto/autobaza/th_bus-06.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/31ian.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 02 Февруари 2009, 08:58:00
01 February 2009

- I continued working on the lines in the station area. I broke relief to mount semaforului signal line 1. On the line 2, I have  mounted on a piece of forex 2.2 mm thick, painted in gray, cement imitation.

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/01feb/th_01-02-2009-02.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/01feb.htm)
- The notification to a user of the site trenulete.info I fixed the error of the scheme 3b automation. I also gave details of the magnetic sensor placement. Thanks for reporting the error of Mr Vince Vass Brasov.

(http://trenulete.info/scheme/images/th_schemaautomatizare3b.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/scheme/automatizare3b.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 04 Февруари 2009, 13:29:00
04 февруари 2009 г.

Ние финализиран трасето на храна вътре, преминаващи през гарата, така че сега Blumenberg шофиране след 4-скорост на предавките. По принцип сме разделени на път в 4 отделни блока, всеки захранва от сорта Mehano. Започнах секторите на сигурността, някои практически линия сегменти като локомотив, предоставена от БАЛА funtie пред блока. Ако той е зает, то semaforul е червен и влакът спира. Когато създавате блок междинни свободно semaforul мине на зелено и безопасността на фуражите, докато Локомотив минава сигнал и след това се връща в червеният блок докато предната е издаден.

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/04feb/film_04-02-2009.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/04feb.htm)

Преминаване през различните стъпки на скоростта на влаковете, дайте по-реалистично движение за опаковане на dioramas. Speed стъпки са:
1 - Стъпка 4 - скорост - в борда panta;
2 - стъпка 3 - спирачни в низходящ наклон;
3 - стъпка 2-ниска скорост - на входа станция;
4-Стъпка 1 - спиране на стоп.
На тръгване, следвайте тези стъпки са в обратен ред.
За да подготви пътя извън други спиране на проекта много по-сложни и се основават на различни принципи.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Февруари 2009, 16:54:25
City of the Living room appeared ProTV News Today 10 February 2009

(http://trenulete.info/gallery/dir/th_PROTV-2.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/jucarii.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Февруари 2009, 22:25:18
It appeared the newest edition of the book "100 Tips for practical model railway"

Warmly recommend this book can be taken in digital format. The book includes a series of practical tips and tricks for the passionate model railway. Secret and ingenious solutions to save time and money in building a dioramas. Step by step advice, schemes and tactics, working methods and a complete guide for avid modeller. Not just a pay and to download in 5 minutes and have access to all the information you need.

(http://trenulete.info/images/ebook2.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/vanzare.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 16 Февруари 2009, 08:33:58
Give more details - where you pay and how much is the electronic version?
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 18 Февруари 2009, 09:27:27
Just follow the link. Every details and pay form are there...

(http://trenulete.info/images/ebook1.jpg) (http://www.model-train-help.com/?hop=pr0gn0sis)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 18 Февруари 2009, 16:47:01
It is now more clearly ...

(Сега вече е по ясно...)


Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 22 Февруари 2009, 10:26:35
диорама - 22 февруари 2009

След известно време, че бихме могли да работят върху диорама, аз се върнаха към модифицирани район около железопътната гара. За да промените позицията на контролната кула, този път на източната страна на железопътната гара, аз първи направиха алея, водеща до кулата и неговото основаване. Използвах Forex до 2,2 мм дебелина, по който аз предназначени тези две забележителности.
(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/22feb/th_22-02-2009-02.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/22feb.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 23 Февруари 2009, 17:45:05
Visit a friend with a camera performance was for me an extraordinary opportunity to make some progress with instant dioramas on
23 February 2009 ...

(http://s432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama2009/februarie/23/th_instant-23-02-09-61.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/23feb.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: jopeto в 23 Февруари 2009, 18:16:23
Very Well, for small place that, you have! Good details I am imprest!  :good: 
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Maktub в 24 Февруари 2009, 00:56:07
Very impressing! You have done a great job, congratulations!  :good:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ritchie в 27 Февруари 2009, 10:19:49
Ако  някой  успее  да  свали  иструкциите  на  американеца,  нека  да  ги  качи  тука,  за  да  можем  да  ги  прочетем  всички.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 27 Февруари 2009, 10:30:55
Цитат на: ritchie link=topic=1087.msg20249#msg20249 date=1235722789
Ако  някой  успее  да  свали  иструкциите  на  американеца,  нека  да  ги  качи  тука,  за  да  можем  да  ги  прочетем  всички.
;D ;D ;D
Плащаш си съответната цена и ги получаваш в най-чист вид от самият американец!!!
Мисля , че не става въпрос кой ще "успее" , а кой ще си плати за книгата му!!!
 :yes: :yes: :yes:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ritchie в 27 Февруари 2009, 11:35:22
Добре,  аз  като  нямам  съответния  опит  в  такива  международни  парични  преводи  и  съответно  доставки.  Съм  готов  да  платя  на  българин,  който  вече  го  е  закупил  от  американеца.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 27 Февруари 2009, 11:43:30
Цитат на: ritchie link=topic=1087.msg20257#msg20257 date=1235727322
Добре,  аз  като  нямам  съответния  опит  в  такива  международни  парични  преводи  и  съответно  доставки.  Съм  готов  да  платя  на  българин,  който  вече  го  е  закупил  от  американеца.

Шшшшшш, ;) нали си патентен специалист!?
А авторските права!!! :yes:
Мисля ,че всички разбрахме какво искаш... :swoon:
 ;) ;D
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ritchie в 27 Февруари 2009, 11:52:56
Да  прав  си !   Но  в  случая  авторските  права  няма  да  бъдат  засегнати,  защото  копирането  и  разпространението  на  информацията  не  с  комерсиални  цели,  а   само  за  лични  нужди  не  е  нарушение  на  закона.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 27 Февруари 2009, 12:04:30
 :good: :good: :good: :yes: :yes: :yes:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 28 Февруари 2009, 15:45:40
In the last days I worked more in the workshop, constraining crises (both the financial as well as asthma). In the meantime I rebuilt a locomotive Piko BR 98 (http://trenulete.info/atelier/BR98-s.htm), received from a friend of Eduard Deme Onesti.

My train set  de Umbauwagen (http://trenulete.info/atelier/Umbauwagen.htm) was filled with another car made by a friendOBIWAN (http://forum.lokomotiv.ro/modules.php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=viewprofile&u=530) order, which we fitted with interior lights.

I rebuilt the motor and the old BR 55 G8.1 (http://trenulete.info/atelier/BR55-RK-motor.htm)

Inside the site we have updated the page locomotive (http://trenulete.info/locomotive.htm) , so showing current fleet of cars and locomotives with archives that have passed through the depot PanArin.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 02 Март 2009, 12:28:15
BR 55--->  :good:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Март 2009, 08:53:25
Catenare домашно приготвена

С оглед на инсталирането на електрическата мрежа на железопътната секция извън моя диорама, започнах вземане на домашно приготвени catenare. За тази цел аз закупени модел catenara Viessmann, след като редизайн на оръжие, да отговарят на моите потребности dioramas. Мрежата жица също редизайн беше толкова евтини материали на ръка, за да се постигне този проект, без цената настръхвам, като се вземе предвид пазарната цена на catenare ...

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/catenare/th_catenare-10.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/catenare.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Март 2009, 19:23:23
Още catenare
Като двойна дъга кабели, използвани за дълго оръжие. Те преминават през отворите на стълбовете. Веднага тече от медна жица на следекспортна insulators, но трябва да се фиксира на оръжие на стълбовете. След смачквал шестимата спирали, е cositoreste края на рамото им, и по този начин тяхната позиция се определя ...

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/catenare/th_catenare-26.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/catenare.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ritchie в 05 Март 2009, 13:47:51
Някой  няма  ли  да  качи  на  американеца  инструкциите  ?
 :scratch_ones_head: :scratch_ones_head: :scratch_ones_head:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: zazo в 05 Март 2009, 13:51:34
Пазаруват се с парички, как очакваш някой да ги качи?
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Март 2009, 10:48:04
06 март 2009 г.

  Аз продължих с инсталацията на верига dioramas и аз започнах да работя по теглят камиони тип моторни Tatra T813-270 k8x8tp получи от спонсора dioramas и започнах вземане на телени мрежи за електрификация на железопътната линия на екстериора на dioramas от Slobozia

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/catenare/th_catenare-32.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/06mar.htm) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/Tatra/th_Tatra-03.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/Tatra.htm) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/catenare/th_catenare-29.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/catenare.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 07 Март 2009, 13:50:21
Завърших влекач кола монтирани тип Tatra T813-270 k8x8tp, изглежда страхотно.
(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/Tatra/th_Tatra-13.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/Tatra.htm)
Дъга инсталацията продължи работата по диорама телени мрежи. Това е филм за етапа на развитие на работата.
(http://trenulete.info/filme/atelier/th_catenara-1.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/06mar.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 07 Март 2009, 20:28:13
Tatra -super ,good ,bravo  :hi:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 08 Март 2009, 16:36:02
(http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/r9Xx_mdWsmo/default.jpg) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9Xx_mdWsmo)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 08 Март 2009, 23:40:58
 :swoon: :clapping: :clapping:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 09 Март 2009, 08:50:58
09 март 2009 г.

Аз завърши инсталирането на мрежа и на верига electificare.
Направих части, включително и закрепването на прежди за контакт входа тунела. Тази мрежа може да бъде функционален, но да се защитят както контакт тел и pantografele, реших, че е функционална. Започнах работа по дърветата, се уверете, че насърчителят dioramas  (http://trenulete.info/images/but-minitech-2.gif) (http://minitechnik.ro/home_ro.html) и се надяват да успеят да използват спрей лепило система без ушите ми хвана лепило ... бонус филма, направени с добра камера ...

(http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale/08-03-2009.jpg) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGDymbImyOg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama2009/martie/08/th_ins-8-mar-2009-11.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/08mar.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 09 Март 2009, 16:37:35
Започнах работа по дърветата, изпратени от спонсора dioramas (http://trenulete.info/images/but-minitech-2.gif) (http://minitechnik.ro/home_ro.html)    
Тези браншови Busch, химически обработени и дезинфекцирани. В комбинация със спрей лепило и пяна настърган Busch тип "Микро Flocken" granulatii и разнообразни цветове, дървета, че аз се опитах за първи път днес осъзнах, дойде почти съвсем реална. Без прекалено много работа, само избрани ramurele изчиства района и напрежение, и след това пуснати спрей пяна и се поръсва с нарязан и готови ... През 20 минути направих четири часа големите дървета и храсти, плюс някои храсти. Опитах моя начин, искам да кажа аз, използвани за поддръжка (хобота) клон на сухо рязани жив плет пред блока, над която са приложили този метод. Това, което е ясно се вижда по снимките. След това ще се засили и напълно суха, ще намерите място в диорама и ще продължи извършването на тези видове дървета, много реално, по мое мнение ...

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/copaci/th_Busch-03.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/copaci.htm#busch)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Март 2009, 04:15:19
10 март 2009 г.

Той очаква много от електронния монтаж вариант тип PWM направено изключение Разван TI след моя идея.

Така че днес, dioramas влезе RK. Аз ще се върна след няколко дни, историята и съответните обяснения. Ще бъде много работа, защото тя включва много други промени и модификации на обясненията на сайта вече не съществува. След изпълнение, аз ще публикуваме подробности и функционалност филм ...

Но факт е, че аз правя с тази идея, въпросът за осветлението на локомотиви и вагони в неподвижно, в аналогов. Да приятели! Имам фарове и теснолинейка, по аналог, по време на пост, като се започва и спирането на стъпки, вторият етап е въвеждането на звука при скорост на двигателя, в зависимост от това ... всичко аналог! И ще дам информация за разходите по изпълнението на тази идея.

Всъщност, ти се прилагат два метода. За раздела на железопътните от интериора, която преминава през гара Blumenberg, че използването на система, основаваща се на няколко модулация, че ще бъдат секторите, в този раздел. За външно съединение, ползвам една идея, взети от Разван, които ще говорят в точното време.

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/PWM/th_pwm02.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/PWM.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: XRISTO в 10 Март 2009, 05:46:50
Ако разбирате моля ви, преведете с какво маже колегата стеблото на дървото(нещо бяло) та става монолитно и после след боядисване не се виждат сплетените жички, а си е направо като истинско стебло?  :no: И това с осветлението сигурно е супер, но явно съм много тъп на тема асоциативно мислене, защото за разлика от повечето от вас, почти нищо не разбирам, а явно е интересно и полезно.  :blush2:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ritchie в 10 Март 2009, 17:37:27
Които  ги  има   преведени  инструкциите  на  американеца,   
направо  тука  да  ги  слага.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 12 Март 2009, 15:02:32

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diorama2009/martie/12/th_12-0302009-12.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/12mar.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Март 2009, 10:25:37
Ето дъга дизайн за моите акции. Са елементи, които могат да бъдат двойни или единични.
Близо е шаблон за позициониране височината на пантографа. Шаблонът е направено за да заредите кола откри Roco.

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/catenare/th_desen-catenara.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/catenare.htm)

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 13 Март 2009, 11:02:58
What are the pillars and what contact network?
Care sunt piloni de reţea de contact şi pentru ce?
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: jopeto в 13 Март 2009, 11:58:25
Дървено шишче или нещо от сорта до колкото виждам.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Март 2009, 15:31:18
Да, това е дърво. Дървен материал с диаметър от 3,5 мм от плюнка ... оръжия са от медна жица 1 mm
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 16 Март 2009, 17:03:38
Да навлезе в нов сектор на сигурността и автоматизирана semaforizat. Аз монтирани на борда с часовник и термометър в охлаждането culer цялостната структура на поръчката.

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/16mar/th_16-03-2009-02.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/16mar.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 20 Март 2009, 10:12:10
20 март 2009 г.

Аз продължих да работя като дървета Busch (http://trenulete.info/atelier/copaci.htm#busch) с материали, предоставени от спонсора (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diverse/th_but-minitech-1.gif) (http://minitechnik.ro/home_ro.html) Дървета са засадени в кампания, организирана от екологична Град Blumenberg, с участието на всички личности в хола на града, много от жителите жаден за почистване на въздуха.
(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/20mar/th_20-03-2009-11.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/20mar.htm)

Успоредно с това, в работилници PanArin, започна изграждането на железопътната мрежа, поддържане на електрификацията на външната част.
(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/intretinere/th_vag-retea-06.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/intretinere.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: jopeto в 20 Март 2009, 18:29:33
Well done!   :hi: Very original, repear car for electric network!  You have to make a workshop boxcar.
I have got question about  your  network. How you did the joints, betwееn two sectionts?  Coud it be a problem, for sliding for powersuplaing part of the locomotives, if ther is no joint between them? Joints have to be flat, I thing! If they are any gaps,  Locomotive coud destroy the network and the life of powersuplay part will be shorter.     
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 20 Март 2009, 18:51:11
Цитат на: jopeto link=topic=1087.msg21702#msg21702 date=1237566573
Well done!   :hi: Very original, repear car for electric network!  You have to make a workshop boxcar.
I have got question about  your  network. How you did the joints, betwееn two sectionts?  Coud it be a problem, for sliding for powersuplaing part of the locomotives, if ther is no joint between them? Joints have to be flat, I thing! If they are any gaps,  Locomotive coud destroy the network and the life of powersuplay part will be shorter.     

The connection between the sections are flat, pantograph slide smoothly over the junction on a section to another.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 22 Март 2009, 17:20:27
Залесителни кампании  "Blumenberg корен" (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/22mar.htm) продължи с нов етап, когато Сити Blumenberg реши да се движи дървета Piko тип City Center, от хълмовете на източна dioramas, и по места, са били издадени нови дървета, засадени различни сортове готов навреме в разсадниците PanArin от лесовъди достойни. Бяха използвани като много щамове на marar сухи клони и листа, и там бе спонсор и други части на гъбата с нарязан зелено кафе на атмосферни смущения Разван майка ... ако това е убийство и двама ни!
(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/22mar/th_22-03-2009-07.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/22mar.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 27 Март 2009, 19:27:32
Като се има предвид неотдавнашното решение да разработи диорама чрез добавяне на малък модул, който съдържа сгради и приложенията приложен малък склад, аз започнах да се въведе по-практически disputatele модели Auhaggen, отпечатани на хартия.
За тази цел ще са започнали работа с    
локомотив ремонт проливат  (http://trenulete.info/atelier/remiza.htm)

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/remiza/th_remiza-20.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/depou/remiza/remiza-20.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: zazo в 28 Март 2009, 13:16:13
Получило се е много добре. Браво!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 29 Март 2009, 15:55:43
Аз продължих да изготви доклада, от вътрешното осветление, лампа над зала вратата, и не защото ми хареса прозорците боядисани, направих по-прозрачен в scoch хартия и черните кутии.

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/remiza/th_remiza-36.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/remiza.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 01 Април 2009, 12:38:15
01 април 2009 г.

Да продължи да работи и растителни дървета. Направих оградата линия, за да се предпази от екстериора на клечка за зъби и място на комарите. Аз завърши цех. Сега се подготвят за промяната фута диорама.

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/01apr/th_01-04-2009-01.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/01apr.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Април 2009, 08:53:35
Ieri am fost la Fetesti dupa noile picioare pentru diorama. De asemenea am primit de la sponsorul PRODOMUS (http://mobila-prodomus.ro/) si placile de mascare laterale. Urmeaza o noua etapa de cosmetizare. Iata o ultima filmare cu evolutia dioramei inainte de modificarea meselor.
(http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale/th_01-04-2009.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Април 2009, 18:49:14
Dioramas от Slobozia взе едно ново лице благодарение на спонсора PRODOMUS

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/06apr/th_06-04-2009-04.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/06apr.htm)

Няколко нови символи и животни са се присъединили към тези, които вече са известни.

Но голямото щастие пристигнаха по куриер днес. DA равнище от 060 на първата серия. Благодарение на Майкъл за подкрепата!

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/06apr/th_06-04-2009-18.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/06apr.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 09 Април 2009, 09:18:59
DA 060 - Подобрения

Моите нови 060 локомотив DA 0801-5 влезе в PanArin депо за подобрение.
Аз боядисани колан boghie и колела и аз redid монтирането на осветление, така че да работи на по-ниско напрежение в аналогов.

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/060-DA/th_060-DA-03.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/060-DA.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: XRISTO в 09 Април 2009, 09:51:15
   Este uimit de mine cu clip! Nu m-am gandit asa. Aici, o are întotdeauna o mulţime de învăţat.  :good:

Това със щипката ме изкефи!Никога не би ми дошло наум.Ето, човек винаги има какво да научи.  :good:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 16 Април 2009, 12:57:10
15 април 2009 г.

След дълги приключения, и натрошен клипове жак излитане от транспорта и инсталиране на шокове, Dioramas от Slobozia готов в ProTV студиото Buftea да влезе в градината си Maruta!
(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/15apr/th_ProTv-00.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/diorama/pag2009/15apr.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 17 Април 2009, 03:14:02
Връзка към страницата на градината Maruta, където inviting поддръжници да гласуват!
Link to the page's garden Maruta, where inviting supporters to vote me!

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/15apr/tren.jpg) (http://happyhour.protv.ro/gradina-lui-maruta/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 17 Април 2009, 08:01:56
Това предаване е мечтата на нашият Владо!!!
...ама румънеца го задмина стова си участие!!!
 :good: :good: :good: ;D ;D ;D

И да гласувате за колегата - той е от нашето тесто!!! :clapping:

Ама оператора хвана "катастрофата" докато диспечера е зает!!! :spiteful:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: XRISTO в 17 Април 2009, 09:12:34
Цитат на: pach link=topic=1087.msg23253#msg23253 date=1239944516
Ама оператора хвана "катастрофата" докато диспечера е зает!!! :spiteful:

Имаш впредвид "дерайлиралия" вагон ли?  ;D
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 17 Април 2009, 09:31:11
Вагоните са два , дерайлираха , защото се откачиха от предният влак...
Добре че на мястото на катастрофата имаше червен светофор , та бутането им спря все пак...
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 17 Април 2009, 11:03:59

Prognosis is the man !!  :locomotive: :declare:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 17 Април 2009, 17:06:58
Прогнозиране между град в хола ще искам Честит Великден!

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diverse/th_Paste.jpg) (http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/diverse/Paste.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 17 Април 2009, 17:11:26
 :good: :good: :good:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 20 Април 2009, 10:14:39
Аз получи DVD запис на Maruta. Тя съдържа снимки включително моменти на почивка, когато обявите, дойде в ефир. Аз открих кой е виновен за derairerea две коли. По време на полувремето, бях в грима. В един момент, някой се приближава dioramas, допир и се движат двете сини коли, а след това отидете там веднага. За съжаление, аз не трябва да се знае къде, и на входа не съм имал време да се провери дали всичко е както аз го направих. Искам да кажа добре, особено преди директните влакове са постигнали почти един час, без проблеми.

Съжалявам, че не съм на софтуера, с който да редактирате филма на DVD и само на културите, че част на пост. Филмът е достатъчно голям ...

От друга страна, аз видях, че те могат да гласуват на всеки 24 часа след същия период. Ако привърженици, които ще ме подкрепят с техните гласове, както и възстановяването на връзката благодаря предварително!

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/15apr/tren.jpg) (http://happyhour.protv.ro/gradina-lui-maruta/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 20 Април 2009, 17:41:08

Аз успях да редактирате филма и ще представят серия от почивка. Време за нула е ясно видима. Човек в зелено риза, следващата диорама, вземи точния сини вагони и после тръгна. Може би тя не е, той unleashed злополука, които пряко засегнати моята репутация! Но това е! Раул вече беше направено!

(http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale/maruta%20zero.jpg) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQnwWXsFta8)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 22 Април 2009, 13:40:11
Пълното развитие на филмовата в моето шоу "Градина на Maruta"

http://trenulete.info/filme/chanal-mogulus.htm (http://trenulete.info/filme/chanal-mogulus.htm)

Напомни приятелите си, че могат да гласуват на всеки 24 часа след същия период. Ако привърженици, които ще ме подкрепят с техните гласове, както и възстановяването на връзката благодаря предварително!

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/15apr/tren.jpg) (http://happyhour.protv.ro/gradina-lui-maruta/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 24 Април 2009, 23:56:15
Se inteteste lupta.
Dati o nota pentru Omul cu trenuletele reciclate! (http://happyhour.protv.ro/gradina-lui-maruta/video-omul-cu-trenuletele-reciclate-este-in-gradina-lui-maruta/21019#play)

Vote me pls! I need your help!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Maktub в 25 Април 2009, 00:46:17
Цитат на: prognosis link=topic=1087.msg23884#msg23884 date=1240606575
Se inteteste lupta.
Dati o nota pentru Omul cu trenuletele reciclate! (http://happyhour.protv.ro/gradina-lui-maruta/video-omul-cu-trenuletele-reciclate-este-in-gradina-lui-maruta/21019#play)

Vote me pls! I need your help!

Хайде  :clapping: Хора, дайте да избутаме това гласуване до първа позиция. Значи може да се гласува на всеки 24 часа по веднъж (от един компютър), а до кога е гласуването?
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 25 Април 2009, 08:22:56
По интересното е ,че по точки води на първият с 10 (426 на 436) но не знам защо все още е на втора позиция...
Имат и някакъв коефициент?!!!! :)

І - 426 т. и 4,88 коефициент.
ІІ - 436 т. и 4,45 коефициент.---->prognosis
и т.н.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 25 Април 2009, 10:27:19
Хайде, да кажем не повече от една странна история ....
Когато бях в Maruta, се обърнах към "приятел", който да ми помогне и да извършват montatul dioramas. След работа се извършва там да Buftea, "приятел" Отидох чрез някои моменти penibile. Появата на Maruta, той почна да каже защо и как диорама, както са направени, те всеки получи това, което не е мястото да кажа нищо. В един момент аз дръпна ръкав и поиска от него да довърша. Той ме помоли да взема с мен на пейката. Моля, имайте предвид, че този човек не просто да ми помогне с тях, проведени по стълбите. Признавам, трудна пиеса, но това не е право, което coautor и арогантен. Казах, тогава:

  "... Това е Dacian брат, вземи си на пейката, аз ходя oleca чрез решаване Buftea, ако аз вече няма какво да кажа. Точно както трябва да влезе в банката и на водач, който ни доведе тук и тези, които извършват dioramas в Брашов и много колеги във всички форуми, които бяха повече като теб ... "

  А той отговори: "Ще те видя!" и ляво оставяйки ме да се справя както може. Аз правя. Платил съм двама души да блокират начало да се катерят dioramas. Интересен разказ на базата на Вчера в 14.00 ч., когато той даде на съобщение на каша:

"Ти шибаняк, вие не искате да сте на пейката в градината, докато се изпълняват на диорама дойде от очите ми! Поправя това. Тази вечер ми брат, който е на път да въведете AOL и дават 1000 гласа "за друго не само те, че колата. В коляното да дойде при мен да отида някъде с моята кола. Ще минем през носа!"

И така направи. Миналата нощ, само за 2 часа, още един кандидат, с корени, се увеличава от 87 гласа "за" ... 440. Тъй като и двете имат 2 през нощта. Е нараснал с около 20 гласа 5 минути. Нещо страшно. В 24.00 ми даде това съобщение:
"Те казват, че пич? Искаш кола ли в писмен вид, че сте работили с диорама и брат ми сме спрели да даде clikuri.

Аз не правя това. Особено, тъй като никога не съм постави острието на трева на моя диорама. Дори започна, когато бях гол обяд Гавая около диорама да покаже влак без домове и без (все още да има нещо на масата).

Като такова, моля не ме вот, защото Аз гласувам за нищо. Вие не можете да направите [*цензурирано*] потребител, който има AOL. Каквото и да ти дам, че е двойно по 5 минути. AOL има имоти, които да се разпределят на всеки стартиране различен ПР и като такъв да вота, тъй като всички от нас през 20 минути. Благодаря Ви много за това какво съм гласувал и подкрепени желаете здраве и да се моля да даде гласа. Сложих един човек луд ... Роден съм в колата! За да бъде здрав и може Бог вижда и помага да се излекува глупаво, въпреки че се съмнявам в съществуването на излекуване!
Останалото ще искат всичко най-хубаво! Отивам пред съдбата си и да продължава да работи с мен, че това състезание!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 25 Април 2009, 11:14:41
Мдаааа , мръсотията не е само у нас!!!
Тъжна история , която може само да те направи по-силен!
За какво всъщност се гласува ?

 :(, dirt is not just in our country!
Sad story that can only make you more strong!
What actually vote?
The prize??

 :(, murdăria nu este doar în ţara noastră!
Trista poveste care nu poate decât să te face mai puternic!
Care de fapt vot?

Sorry, but Google translate it!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Maktub в 25 Април 2009, 13:57:16
 :angry: ... Нищо де, сега е мометът да покажем, че можем да бъдем заедно... айде да видим дали ако тридесетина активни човека тук дадат по веднъж дневно един глас какво ще стане или пак някой тарикат ще ни го вкара щото сме за гъби  :diablo:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: XRISTO в 25 Април 2009, 18:45:19
Я някой да ме "светне" как се гласува, щото нищичко не разбирам от тоз език и след няколкоминутно пулене пред монитора се отказах онзи ден.Бих му ударил едно рамо и то няколко пъти, но не знам как?  :no:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Maktub в 25 Април 2009, 18:54:17
Цитат на: prognosis link=topic=1087.msg23884#msg23884 date=1240606575

Dati o nota pentru Omul cu trenuletele reciclate! (http://happyhour.protv.ro/gradina-lui-maruta/video-omul-cu-trenuletele-reciclate-este-in-gradina-lui-maruta/21019#play)

Кликваш върху горния линк, отваря се прозорец, в който в лявата половина има една форма за попълване, която не ни интересува, минаваш под нея, където има филмче като тези в ютюб за самия макет, а непосредствено под филмчето има сини звезди. Всяка от тях означава твоята оценка от 1 до 5, кликваш на 5-тата звезда и готово.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: XRISTO в 26 Април 2009, 00:23:21
Благодарско,Maktub, вече му ударих 1 рамо - утре пак.  :good:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 26 Април 2009, 20:21:04
 :good:  и от мен  :hi: една 5-ца
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ivo в 26 Април 2009, 20:45:28
:)  :good:  5 ...
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 26 Април 2009, 21:26:04
Тя може да кликнете на всяка звезда да влезете!

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 27 Април 2009, 08:19:54

you've got my vote !

Ти получи моя вот !
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: EMPEROR в 27 Април 2009, 08:55:31
И от мен 5, въпреки аварията дето стана  :drinks:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: XRISTO в 27 Април 2009, 10:02:11

you've got my vote несколько раз !  ;D

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 27 Април 2009, 19:00:20
Преминаване с серво действие

Странно как отчаяни и порочен в операционната двигатели превключите от Piko базирани магнитни серпентина, ние започнахме да се приложат на практика един стар и мисълта, че за да се направи действия, за да превключите на микро-сървър модела.

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/macaz/th_actionare-macaz-05.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/macaz.htm)

Сложих два часа филми по YouTube с експлоатацията на акционерите. Но първият опит, Декларирам благодари операция. Движението е по-реалистично. Утре ще бъде втората събрание като вече идеи за подобряване на него. След монтаж и електронен вид (Имам още някои електронни части - и устойчиви semireglabili) ще се завърне с подробности и със системата. Много е лесно да се направи и след като имам тази идея и кристализирана в моя ум, производството е продължило много малко. Следващият модел, ще бъде малко по-стабилна и по-лесно да се пуснат на дъски!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 28 Април 2009, 12:58:52
Механизъм на действие на ключа домашно приготвени

Използвах микро-сървър модела и монтаж на електронни контролни тип спомагателен двигател модифицирани за моите нужди. Всъщност аз заменя potentiometrul 50k с група от две semireglabile направени от 100k успоредно но минахме само с смяна на реда за контрол на курсора на двете превключвате позиции. Semireglabilele предназначени за ограничаване на състезанието точно там, където е необходимо. Механизмът е надежден, евтин, лесно и бързо да се изгради, не изисква много части и в резултат на движение е реалистично. Освен това вече не е въпрос, за да преминат през DA игла капачката, контакти и връзки, които не са както трябва, които остават свързани ножове и вятър вземе огън. Сбогом тези на тези проблеми. Плюс солидна като mororash преминаване да се движи много по-близо до реалността, отколкото tacanitul рулони. Планът да се направят подобрения в инсталирането на микро-leduri обърнете към светлината в зависимост от преминаването позиция!
Цената на крайния действие на двигателя е 30 Лей (серво и електроника) плюс 2 часа на работа! Но удовлетворение не разполага стойност!

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/macaz/th_actionare-macaz-18.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/actionare-macaz-cu-servo-prima-varianta/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 28 Април 2009, 14:31:44
Не можах да видя видеото - как действа механизма?
Бавно и плавно ли?
Колко струват в Румъния серво машинките ?
Тук оригиналните от Конрад са 5 евро за 1 брой!

I could not see the video - how does the mechanism?
I slowly and smoothly?
How much in Romania servo machines?
Here are the original Conrad of 5 euros for 1 cash!

Nu am putut vedea un video - Cum funcţionează mecanismul?
Am încet şi lin?
Cât de mult în România servo masini?
Aici sunt original Conrad de 5 euro pentru 1 numerar!

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 30 Април 2009, 14:37:38
Merge incet asa ca in realitate.
Servo se pot lua de aici:

Върви бавно, така че в действителност.
Серво можете да получите тук:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 01 Май 2009, 12:48:05
Еврика! Skipping баланс! Не мога да повярвам колко е просто!

Ние всички знаем колко досадно може да бъде в нетрезво ratushca баланса на колата. Следователно имаме проучен въпроса, ние в сравнение с другите двигатели и открих един много прост разтвор в ръка и посмял някой да се разглобяват локомотив.

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/060-DA/th_060-DA-11.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/060-DA.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 07 Май 2009, 10:48:17
кола модификации VT 135

Аз възобнови работата по възстановяване automotorului VT 135. Аз redid цялото предаване на друг проект с един-единствен орган за двете редуктори, моторни 060 и DA Tillig pinioane от Rivarosi

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/automotor/th_Romania-VT135-06.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/VT135.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 09 Май 2009, 21:59:14
08 май 2009 г.

Завърших и подобрена тракция механизъм на automotorului VT 135 и аз се завтече тестове по основните пътища в dioramas. Сега върви напълно безопасно и ще остане така. Следвайте обзавеждане и интериор осветление. Аз афиш два часа филми с оборот в някои проби и снимки на нови подобрения върху диорама. Опитах се да се подобри имиджа на растителността и скоро ще започне работа по приложение модул, модул, който ще бъде равен брой гласове, станцията на въглища и вода, A обръщател за пара и цех за поддръжка проливат дъга.

(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/08mai/th_Romania-diorama-09-05-2009-37.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/jucarii.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 31 Май 2009, 20:50:26
В семинара PanArin пристигнали скоро електрически локомотив BR 140 от Roco. Доставчикът е Obiwan, локомотив много достъпна цена.

Sitemului осветление, но има много недостатъци. Дълги призми, до Управителния съвет, което води до загуба на интензитета на светлината и разсейване на светлината в кабината на полет и предишната. Така че аз redid монтирането на осветление на горещата leduri бели и червени, в зависимост от посоката на движение.

Pentr първо ние коригира продължителността на призми за влизане в първата оптични изолация (до първия разделител стена таван на борда).

Тъй като след първите тестове се установи загуба на сигнала светлина в размножителен кабини и в преувеличени, ние снадка призми с фолио станиол кухня. Отново сме изолирани ръбовете с черни самостоятелно към светлината вече не избягат освен призми.

На борда Направих верига дъска, на която ние засадени ledurile в antiparalel две по две, зареден лампи серийно с оригиналната публикация на дъската резистор. Лампи са поставени на места по схема борда, така че ние не може да доведе до стопяване на тялото, ако overheated.

Макар че изглежда просто и лесно да направите, проектиране и намирането на оптимално решение за този локомотив е продължило достатъчно дълго, защото complesitati и оптична sinuozitatii премаршрутиране ръководство. И накрая, резултатът е много добър. По-малката налягане прилага само преди напускане на помещението, осветлението се обърна. Не е слама разпрострат на вълната на светлината в кабината преди, както и шофиране в бял топла светлина върху ходене напред.

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/BR140/th_BR140-06.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/BR140.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Юни 2009, 11:26:09
Накрая успяхме да се приложат на практика променя тракция локомотив. Аз заменя оригиналния двигател с един Tillig назад мен в този момент локомотив писти с други подобни скорост, същият прилага напрежение. Промених шасито и soclul твърди за нов двигател и по-големите по-мощни. Първоначално аз исках да се сложи двигател Roco в 5 поляците, но това е прекалено много като него може да се адаптира ефективно, без това да повлияе prindearea полето на Локомотив шаси. До след като избра да се назад моторно на Германското Xerox, размер приемливи. По принцип е със същия размер двигателят на китайския Piko BR 01/03, но е по-здрава, с по-мощни магнити и бронзови bushings на nuca, безшумен на въглища, които могат лесно да бъдат заменени.

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/060-DA/th_060-DA-19.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/060-DA.htm)

Ето и малко филма текат в тестове ... (http://trenulete.info/filme/atelier/060%20DA%20motor%202.jpg) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5TvzNN337c)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 07 Юни 2009, 19:31:29
Roco BR 364 - осветлението leduri SMD superflux zeXstar

Придобита повече, отколкото преди година, дръжката локомотив BR 364 на Roco накрая получи подходящо осветление. Ние забавя процеса, поради липса на пространство в областта на призми на светлината ръководство.

Използвах наяве leduri SMD superflux, предоставени от спонсора ZEXSTAR, leduri много практичен.

Осъзнах група осветление SMD състои от две връзки помежду им остана в antiparalel, с конец, получен от медна кабелна мрежа. Rezultata път размерите са включени в оригиналната крушка. Аз засадени по веригата след първоначалното някои промени, направени за нея.

Всъщност аз прекъсне веригата, където диоди са свързани до края на първоначалния захранващия електрически крушки, които се отстраняват и по мястото си аз, засадени от 920 ома inseriati Резистори SMD групи с връзки към всеки пост.

По принцип не се е променила много в съединение, но вместо това имам червени и бели светлини по смисъла на работа.

Единственият проблем е все още нерешен червената светлина в централната лампа. Имате мисъл. Лек ръководства са много тясно и все още не са "брилянтна идея", за да разрешите този дефицит ...

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/BR364/th_BR364-08.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/BR364.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 09 Юни 2009, 09:53:10
Original верига борда, и твърде jammed твърде сложни, аз определено за изграждане на друг, по-прости с модела текат в аналогов. Трябваше да направя много за mofificari вариант осветление адаптирани към аналогови, за настаняването rezistorilor.
Аз монтирана една Condes успоредно с двигателя и да се намали напрежението връх ние монтирани 5 ома рулони от ферит filat.
Аз redid го като мъгла, така Сложих един централен LED SMD superflux от zeXstar захранва серийно с 560 ома резистор. Централна осветително тяло е монтирано в паралел с двете SMD leduri оригиналната позиция на фарове, в antiparalel с ledul червено.

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/060-DA/th_060-DA-23.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/060-DA.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 09 Юни 2009, 10:07:33
От къде купуваш двигатели "Mashima" ?
 :hi: ;D
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 14 Юни 2009, 19:30:38
Последният път, когато работи повече в семинара, някои модификации на локомотивите, в ущърб на dioramas. Въпреки това, аз го стъпка, за да открият и отстранят проблема с опитваш. На горната част на веригата, някои локомотиви, тези с три оси или талигата на двете оси на талигата, сол винаги преминаване на ограничаване, когато той е бил закачен на вътрешната крива. Така, след многобройни опити да се определи без да се променя преминат, аз реших да го замени. Preblema бе решен и сега може да работи като тиха oeice локомотив. Въпреки това тя трябва да се спомене, че е виновен преминаване. Първо, наблюдавани през последните снимки, линията не се спазва и да коригират кривата е много astransa второ, преминаването е била определена в камък, преди да го баласт, и бе тежко пребит. Искам да кажа точно в центъра превключвате, cuiul бе преувеличени и до леко крива на пистата площ масата dioramas. Дори ако сме отстранени cuiul следващите шест часа чакъл засили позицията и не е позволено да се завърнат в хоризонтална линия. Както казваме ние решават този проблем. Също така по този повод, аз извади линиите и аз направих и наклона на кривата след документирано добре в това отношение.
(http://trenulete.info/diorama/img2009/Iunie/th_13iun2009-12.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/jucarii.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 16 Юни 2009, 12:46:26
A movie running LDE 060 DA and the new switch ...

(http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/bRmfAIOGaC0/default.jpg) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRmfAIOGaC0&feature=channel_page)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 22 Юни 2009, 16:59:48
Doua noi filme cu diorama

(http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale/16iunie2009.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/jucarii.htm)  --- (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale/22iunie2009.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/filme/era-semnale.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 23 Юни 2009, 11:53:13
23 юни 2009 BR 55 Г8 - в двигателя търг

За да регулирате скоростта в зависимост от модела, но и за издаване на Локомотив таксито, аз реших да се откаже от оптични двигател единица и да направи промяна. Така че ние поставен в офертата motoras видеокамера, 9 волт, което са взели за движение с помощта на шарнир Cuple че съм прехвърлен на въртящия момент моторни gearwheel разположен в котела.

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/BR55/th_BR55_27.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/BR55-RK-motor.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 26 Юни 2009, 10:40:03
Източник PWM

За семинара ще построен използвайки TI на Разван, вариант на PWM захранване само с две различни резултати. Простите и ефективна работа с локомотиви и вагони в депо оглушителен PanArin

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/PWM/th_pwm01.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/PWM.htm)

А филм с операцията от тях:
(http://trenulete.info/filme/atelier/pwm.jpg) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqtvgH4Zoic)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 30 Юни 2009, 12:41:31
Recently, with the help of Mr. George Stoian, the almanac Sloboziei, I did get some pictures archive.

A double-decker bus in 1957
(http://trenulete.info/gallery/Slobozia/th_Autobuzcuetaj.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/Slobozia.htm)

An old car in Railway Slobozia
(http://trenulete.info/gallery/Slobozia/th_gara-slob-veche.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/Slobozia.htm)

Station Slobozia Noua
(http://trenulete.info/gallery/Slobozia/th_garaslobozianoua.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/Slobozia.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 01 Юли 2009, 08:32:58
(http://trenulete.info/gallery/Slobozia/th_Slobozia-podulCFR.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/Slobozia.htm)

railway bridge over river Ialomita, in original version, built in 1895, that George Stoian said:
" An individual in the area told me that there was here a pleasant (subsequently destroyed) that was mentioned bridge construction date - 1895. Well, it was partially destroyed by the Germans (argument: Chapter D, section 1 Slobozia mayor in response to a questionnaire of Culturii Ialomita county, on 9 January 1919, says that, under the heading "Destruction, theft, robberies: 1. state buildings, a barracks that is the school of infantry fire, a was destroyed by fire by the Russians, also the bridge over the river Ialomita CFR and passengers from all the Ialomita river were destroyed in part "and should believe that it was rebuilt in present form, photo here (http://trenulete.info/AMFI/14iunie2009.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Юли 2009, 09:53:42
Dear trenulisti

With much sadness in the soul will announce that due to the crisis that confronts everyone, trenulete.info site will disappear soon. Even today I received the last warning from the host site:
Dear Panait Arin,

This is a billing notice that your invoice no. 1706 which was generated on 06/11/2009 is now overdue.

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Invoice: 1706
Amount Due: $ 39.50 USD
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You can login to your client area to view and pay the invoice
This is your final notice from us, from this 24 Hours notice your Account is subject to suspension.

Therefore invite all those who want to collect pictures and information on this site, do not put up in practice suspension.

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 03 Юли 2009, 11:49:03
 :( :( :(
Кризата удари и румънците!!!
Сваляйте информацията докато може...
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 04 Юли 2009, 10:08:35
TRENULETE.INFO сайт има нов дом

Благодарение моята фирма HIZEA (http://www.hizea.ro/), които предлагат безплатен хостинг сайта ни в тези трудни моменти. На практика няма промяна е почувствах по новото настаняване пространство. Вчера на мястото е бил копиран в новото местоположение и промяна на DNS снощи и при спирането влезе в сила, тя позволи на ново място. Поради същата спонсор, сайтът ще се скоро да има ново лице.

(http://trenulete.info/images/logohizea.jpg) (http://www.hizea.ro/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 04 Юли 2009, 17:47:55
Пощенски вагон Лима - осветителни лампи и заключителни

Wagon поща от Лима и получи го и днес, в деня, Америка, интериорни светлини и лампи leduri окончателно.
За събиране на ток, ние заменя оси Лима, които са имали пластмасова ос. Използвах оси Piko изолирани от едната страна.
Fasi лопатките са 2 mm х 18 mm баланс на медта еластични.

За светлини края използвахме светодиоди точка. Взех, че за да се сложи край вагона са стилизирани формата на лампата и аз дадох окончателния дупка директно в средата на имитация стъклени лампи.

Също така, в серията с мини-крушка от 12 волта, ние, свързани с трите leduri бледо жълто, което прави интериорни светлини. За подкрепата си към тавана, че се състои от тънка медна жица за кабелна мрежа. Всички ledurile са с гориво от мост токоизправители 0,5 A

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/lima/th_lima_posta-07.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/postal.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: piko1 в 04 Юли 2009, 21:49:56
Hi prognosis i'm very happy about the new Host your site is very useful and interesting
keep up the good work  :good:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Юли 2009, 08:19:05
Thank you! I will! :good:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: piko1 в 06 Юли 2009, 09:52:52
prognosis i have some questions about BR 254 Arco - iluminare pe leduri article
do you think that is possible to use your schematics for making more realistic lights on ES64U2 and using fiber optics cable ?
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 07 Юли 2009, 08:20:38
I am sure you do! Just adaptated realy to the optic fire and it's work.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 08 Юли 2009, 10:50:19
E 44 Електрически Локомотив Piko - подобрения преопаковане

Възстановяване на стари двигатели от 53 години. Смяна на предавките разрушени от оборота, подмяната на осветлението антични лампи с един модерен, от страна ръководени 2 цвята.

Собственост на приятел, този стар локомотив двигателя износване е толкова очевидно, че няма да се показва по никакъв начин. За да се възстанови работата, ще се промени предавки пукнати с други, взети от САЩ евтини.

За осветление, аз заменя стария метал, които бяха разбити светлина ръководства. Новите водачи бяха направени на бележки от къщите комплекти. На гърба на валутните подкрепа сме ръководени от две монтирани в 2 цвята (жълто-червен), поставени в редица, с резистор от 550 ома. Тогава монтирани на подкрепа в Локомотив шаси разположени така, че да направят контакт с парчета храна от тавана и шасито. Крака доведе сайтовете са станали част от този контакт.

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/E44/th_E44-08.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/E44.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Юли 2009, 17:48:33
Устройство за почистване на локомотив джанти - домашно приготвени

За бързо почистване на отлаганията на локомотив колела, направих прости и евтини, те могат да премахнат боклук в тях. Използвах парче гъвкава линия от Лима, е бил на почивка PanArin за депо, което определя размера на плоча на OSB. Избрахме дължина приемливо и локомотиви за дълго.

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/DCR/th_dcr-01.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/DCR.htm)

Лесно и евтино, устройството е влязъл в употреба днес и мога да кажа, че успешно издържал теста чисти цялото оборудване на локомотивите. Възнамерявам да се подобри чрез добавяне ротативна цилиндър блокове, което е чисто и вагон колела.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 23 Август 2009, 08:00:04
MSTS - board simulator home made

Because I loved him so the simulator, because I want to do Dioramas Slobozia in the virtual environment, I thought beat to make a board with simple command manetele not adequate to catch my ears in May taste. I have a lot of keyboards DTK
I want to make a small desktop-based parallel connections, derived from a keyboard and connected to the buttons.
(http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Tastatura/th_tastatura05.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/MSTS.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 24 Август 2009, 08:24:05
Will follow with interest the development of the project!
 ;D ;D ;D
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 24 Август 2009, 16:00:35


I finished the first phase. The result was a desktop comodod and easy to handle that yourself on the table near the keyboard.
Console will be called "adapter for the keyboard. It worked perfectly after the test drive made today. It contains a total of 19 specific buttons following commands:

1. Pantograph (up-down)
2. Ventilation (on-off)
3. Lights (On-uff)
4. Sanderling (on-off)

5. Direction of travel (forward-neutral-back)
6. Gearbox (forward-back)
7. Acceleration
8. Deceleration
9. France train (relaxation-drive)
10. Locomotive brake (relaxation-drive)
11. Emergency brake
12. Operation switch
13. Horns
14. Bell
15. Passenger access

The buttons are grouped into a form easily recognized and acted even in the dark.
Console is functional for electric locomotives, railcars and diesel but can be filled with orders for steam 

Mai multe detalii si imagini (http://trenulete.info/atelier/Adaptor-MSTS.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 25 Август 2009, 11:34:11
MSTS fans I will prepare a surprise!

Console command - version 2

(http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Tastatura/th_pupitru02.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/Adaptor-MSTS.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 28 Август 2009, 08:51:14
S over this new desktop version of the order. I present the details and the test movie

(http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/VKRp8WOfluE/default.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/Adaptor-MSTS.htm)

Tomorrow I made the case!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 29 Август 2009, 13:31:09
August 28, 2009

I finished and board control box. Console is ready and fully functional. It connects easily just plug in the slot for introducing slides open the back of your computer as a regular keyboard. Console is checked and tested in the game and works to switch diese locomotives, electrical and mechanical (automotive).

(http://trenulete.info/atelier/images/MSTS/pupitru-final04.JPG) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/Adaptor-MSTS.htm)

Here you have a small test movie with automatic fire only made the final presentation in the box ... The first version of the adapter, the one below, it will suffer some changes. I make buttons as in it, and I will offer for sale.

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 01 Септември 2009, 17:26:00
We labeled control panel. And I played much, much, more! Now it is a pleasure!

(http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Tastatura/th_pupitru-final06.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/atelier/Adaptor-MSTS.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Септември 2009, 08:27:44

I redid the calculations based on new sources of materials (buttons, plastic, wiring, etc..) And give the command console in version 2, in the box and labeled at a price of 50 euros plus shipping. Those interested can contact me by email or PM. Execution duration 6-7 days. Payment in advance or by money order or in shown on my account  (http://trenulete.info/contact.htm)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Септември 2009, 14:56:09
Електрически Локомотив СТАЕН 140 Roco

Локомотив пристигна от Obiwan, това недостатъчно осветление. По-голямата част от локомотивите на широк хоби. Откакто той дойде ние решихме да се намеси в него. Следват няколко опита за системата на локомотива е много странно и сложно. Дълги призми, светлина отделения дифузия в тавана и др., Което води до загуба на интензивността на светлината. Ние решихме, въз основа на LED осветление преконфигуриране. Ние коригира дължината на светлината, ръководства за текущи нужди.

Те първоначално беше там от магазина на различни, но близо до други "краде" светлина индукция. Ефектът е като светлината се разпространява в посока на движение на червен светофар преди и обратно. Това е почти дизайн грешка, която аз открих как да премахнете.

Направихме много промени на светлината, предназначени за употреба и аз една допълнителна табела, че се намира изисква LED светлини.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/BR140/th_BR140-03.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/locomotiva-electrica-br-140-roco/)

Накрая, след всички интервенции, фаровете осветяват книгата, прилагани от най-малкото напрежение релси, преди да напусне мястото.

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/BR140/th_BR140-07.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/locomotiva-electrica-br-140-roco/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 08 Септември 2009, 10:10:57
Откриване посоката на движение в BLA

Всъщност проблемът за откриване и посоката на движение ме е грижа за мен. Откриването на малки и мощни магнити, магнитно аз repositioned локомотива от дясната страна, някъде заедно с външната страна на линията. Успоредно с това, на всеки светофар, сега от две тръстика релета от всяка страна на реда, непосредствено до пистата. По този начин всеки блок един детектор в зависимост от посоката на движение. Релета лесно се компенсира един от друг и команди са предоставени на реле, което действа в зависимост от индуцира магнитен първото реле, които автоматично се блокира за няколко секунди на втората и така определя посоката на движение. АЗ имам използван вариант. Сложих на локомотива по някои от тях, не два магнита от всяка страна, но само един. По посока на движението. Ако цирка с локомотив в друг смисъл, само за връщане или позиция, линия магнит много лесно. Как направи това? Ами магнит е свързан локомотив. Залепих дъното rezetvorului една малка част от тънка дъска за всяка страна, и само привличане ... ataseaja магнит. Fiereste както е вярно и за веригата вече програмирани, тъй като диорама в Slobozia. Ако играете с дистанционно управление, назад и напред, както искаш, след това опция две детектори, както по-горе е най-добрият ...

(http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq43/PR0GN0ZA/atelier/indusi/th_indus02.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/detectarea-sensului-de-mers-in-bla/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 09 Септември 2009, 14:07:00
Страница вече не съществува в този формат.

Опитайте се да намерите нова страница, като се използва функцията за търсене или чрез търсят в менюто на сайта.







Аз работя в английската версия и България. Надявам се да ги приключите по-бързо. До тогава, ще направя като cautatnd сайт. Вижте превод Google е възможно. Има твърде много връзки, които ще трябва да сменят ръчно всеки пост на мината. Извинявам се скъпи колеги български!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Септември 2009, 08:54:35
Седан домашно приготвени от шперплат и мач пръчки

Работа на обхват "мач (т)" като личен проект. Залог салон е, изработени от мача и шперплат 3 мм. Цвят се прилага към четката. Темпе с aracet.
(http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc48/PROGN0SIS/cladiri/th_Saloon3.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/saloon-home-made-din-placaj-si-pete-de-chibrit/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Септември 2009, 14:23:08
Today I started Implementation of the diorama. Before mounting, the last film evidence of the mechanism:

And electronic assembly and also changed the scheme are here:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 18 Септември 2009, 13:30:44
Paint Scheme locomotives - 060 DA

I received several emails in which I was asked if the paint schemes can provide 060 DA. Here are true and that I will start today to post all the paint schemes on all locomotives Romanian MSTS owning it. Start with 060 YES, this locomotive on the lines of our country.

(http://trenulete.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/060-150x150.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/scheme-de-vopsire-locomotive-060-da/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: piko1 в 18 Септември 2009, 15:39:55
thanks prognosis you we made very good job it is very helpful material i will send you some beer for the paint schemes  :drinks:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 19 Септември 2009, 11:40:08

Paint Scheme locomotives - LE 40

You continue to post the paint schemes for Romanian locomotives that enchant us all alike. In this chapter you can see various models of the old piturare and omiprezentei LE 40 from 40-503 to 45-0511 beautiful. Will follow and other paint schemes depending on model reference found on the  Train-Sim.ro (http://Train-Sim.ro)

(http://trenulete.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/40-503-150x150.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/scheme-de-vopsire-locomotive-le-40/)

Sper sa fie de folos celor ce vor sa obtina modele romanesti cat mai realiste. Multumiri creatorilor 3D din MSTS-ul romanesc.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 20 Септември 2009, 10:00:58
Paint Scheme locomotives - LE 40-1

With the same love of trains, with the same respect for the creators of the clan MSTS 3D models takes place, continues the series of presentation of models of electric locomotives Romanian painting.

Will follow and other paint schemes depending on model reference found on site Train-Sim.ro These models are works of Romanian artists, passionate about MSTS and represents months of work, the identification of and measure all parts and up to ansablarea them in 3D.

(http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Scheme%20de%20vopsire/LE%20040/th_SFCAN499.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/scheme-de-vopsire-locomotive-le-40-1/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: schatsi в 20 Септември 2009, 10:09:43
Paint Scheme locomotives - 060 DA

  къде изчезна БДЖ локомотива ???

Where were BDZ locomotive???
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: piko1 в 20 Септември 2009, 14:02:18
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 20 Септември 2009, 18:45:45
(http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Scheme%20de%20vopsire/LDE%20060%20prf/th_SFCAN545.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/scheme-de-vopsire-locomotive-060-pkp/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 24 Септември 2009, 16:50:37
E gata si activitatea aceasta. Poate fi descarcata de aici:

ACTIVITATE nr. 2 Testare Siemens CTV cu vagoane cisterna (http://trenulete.info/activitate-pentru-testare-siemens-ctv/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 25 Септември 2009, 12:51:22
Здравейте скъпи приятели

Кризите в последно време винаги помнете, че здравето ми състояние се влошава всеки ден. Аз подготви безспорно ultuimile длъжности, както на този сайт и други, където членка, 15-20. Скоро ще отида в болницата, защото мога да го държи само на крак, но снощи бях на ръка на всички филми Caltia, всичко, което dioramas. Имам firlme канали и пуснати на сайта в усилията trenulete.info 5 часа, когато е изчерпан. Исках само да не загубят работата си и любители да се насладите на тези филми. Намерихме няколко много период, когато е диорама foar съзнанието ми. В действителност, имаше само една дървена дъска, че самият той направи няколко влакове бяха тичане процес. Ние преглед обичаше локомотивите, че аз трябваше да се разделят диорама фонд, за да постигне мечтата си детство. Последните 2 години, работещи в диорама беше убежище си пред нея болестта и ми pupta. Исках да уча толкова лесно. За съжаление, кучка ли ме бие. Оставих спомени и през сълзи си спомних как ръцете ми са разклащане когато поемем върху себе си всеки един локомотив, от страх да не си пада или се разклаща. И накрая, не по-стресиращо. Аз просто искам да кажа сбогом, ако това не се случва се върне в болницата за лечение на болка болка, която не ме карат да искам да се върна. Ако моята работа сте щастливи, ако имате видео trenuletele забравяйте да обича, ако те кара да се диорама сън, това означава, че съм постигнал целта. За съжаление ние не просто правят малък клуб в музея Slobozia, където децата се и се насладете на диорама. Надявам се моето семейство най-добрите при вземането на решение за съдбата dioramas След като няма да бъде.
Така priteni сбогом, благодаря на тези, които ме подкрепяха, благодаря на тези, които ми помогнаха.
За последен път ви каня да посетите сайта ми и аз исках да гледате филми от началото на dioramas.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: piko1 в 25 Септември 2009, 13:20:46
prognosis what you mean with that

това не ми намирисва не на хубаво  :fie: :resent:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: piko1 в 25 Септември 2009, 13:35:37
 м да човека си отива  тъжно :suicide_fool: :fie:

ето какво е написал в румънския саит за Msts
същото но на Румънски успях с помощта на глугъл да разбера какво има предвид а истината е отчайваща 

Hi dear friends

The crises in recent times always remember that my health condition gets worse every day. I prepare the unquestionably ultuimile posts both on this site and others where State 15-20. Soon I will go into hospital because I can hold it only on foot, but last night I had to hand all of Caltia movies, everything you dioramas. I got firlme channels and put the site in an effort trenulete.info 5 o'clock when I exhausted. I just wanted to not lose my work and lovers to enjoy these films. We found some very period when the diorama was foar my mind. In fact, there was only a wooden board that he himself made several trains were running trial. We reviewed loved locomotives that I had to divide the fund diorama to achieve my childhood dream. Last 2 years working at the diorama was my refuge in front of her disease and my pupta. I wanted to teach so easy. Unfortunately, the bitch got me beat. I left memories and through tears I remembered how my hands were shaking when we take on each one locomotive itself, for fear of a crush or a shake. Finally, not more stressful. I just want to say goodbye if that happens not coming back in the hospital for pain pain that does not make me want to come back. If my work you are happy, if you have videos trenuletele sure to love if diorama makes you dream, it means that I achieved the goal. Sorry we did not just make a small club in Slobozia museum where children come and enjoy the diorama. I hope my family the best in deciding the fate dioramas After I will not be.
So farewell priteni, thank those who supported me, thank those who helped me.
For the last time I invite you to visit my site and I wanted to watch movies from the beginning of the dioramas.

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 25 Септември 2009, 13:40:38
Dear friend ,

it is so sad for us to know about your health problems ,

deep in our hearts we wish you happy end -

we trust in it !!

Don't be sad - just believe - the trains will waiting for you ,man !!


Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 25 Септември 2009, 14:04:09
 :good: :good: :good:

Цитат на: Adrian link=topic=1087.msg28752#msg28752 date=1253875238

Dear friend ,

it is so sad for us to know about health problems ,

deep in our hearts we wish you happy end

we trust in it !!

Don't be sad - just believe - the trains will waiting for you ,man !!


Good luck!!!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: EMPEROR в 25 Септември 2009, 14:09:27
Dear friend,
It is really sad to read those words...
I believe every person in this forum shares my thoughts, and I wish to thank you for all that you have contributed to this site! Although I didn't write much in this thread it was always a pleasure to read and see the links and pics that you have posted.
We all wish you the best with your health and we will keep our fingers crossed for fast recovery! We all will be waiting for your return, as we don't want to think of any other way! We will all hope that your health issues will be left behind as soon as possible as just a bad memory!
Much love and best wishes from all of us to you - our friend!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: piko1 в 25 Септември 2009, 14:30:12
I don't know what to write  it is so hard restrain my tears
you can't give up now it is too early to give up so little time you was here among us
struggling to keep going fight life is full of pain, suffering and struggle you are unadulterated Modeller your truly love
Railways steams from you with each character in each of your material's ...
everything goes so fast in front of my eyes first meeting with you page every spent hour reading every line that you wrote
if you do not come back from the hospital it will be a tremendous loss because this day we will lose an incredible man
friend and a true Modeller who share his experiences with others who always answer your questions
I sincerely wish to you that on the other side to get what you didn't had here we will never forget you nor forget your page

That reminds me of that phrase: "It's to sad he won't live but then again who dose"
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: piko1 в 25 Септември 2009, 16:06:48
Цитат на: prognosis link=topic=1087.msg28745#msg28745 date=1253872282
Здравейте скъпи приятели

Кризите в последно време винаги ми напомня, че здравето ми се влошава със всеки изминал ден. Аз подготвих това писмо което пускам както на този сайт така и на другите, 15-20 където участвам, . Скоро ще вляза във болница понеже вече не мога да се държа на краката си , Снощи разглеждах колекцията си от филми всичко което е снимано за  Диорамта  има клипове които пуснах на саита
 trenulete.info в  5 часа, когато вече съм изтощен . Исках само да не загубя трудът си и любителите да могат да се насладят на филмите
Намерихме няколко от периода в който диорамата все още се формираше в съзнанието ми  В действителност, в началото имаше само една дървена дъска, по която се движиха само няколко влака за проба Ние направих ме ревюта на така обичаните от нас локомотиви а трябваше и да се разделя със част от фонд диорама за да успея да постигна мечта си от детинство. последните две години работих по  диорамата тя ми бе убежище от болестта и моята pupta (това нямам как да го преведа) исках да се обучавам много лесно
За съжаление кучката ме пребори , оставям Спомени и Сълзи Спомних си как ръцете ми трепереха когато взимахме всеки един от локомотивите от страх да не падне или да се удари. И като финал не толкова стресиращо искам да кажа Сбогом ако това се случи
и не се върна от болницата в която отивам заради болка болка която ме кара да не желая да се върна
ако харесвате работите ми имате любими видео клипове ако диорамата ви кара да мечтаете то аз съм постигнал целта си
надявам се семейството ми да реши най доброто за диорамата ми когато вече ме няма
Така приятели Сбогом блогодаря на тези които ме подкрепяха благодаря и на тези които ме подпомагаха 

за последен път ви каня да посетите сайта ми за да видите Филми от началото на диорамата ми

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: koceto_sh в 25 Септември 2009, 22:55:05
i wish you all the best dear hobby friend ! let god grant you with the health of thousand bulls and the power ot 1000 horses !  :drinks:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 30 Септември 2009, 11:57:17
I am back!

Trams in Hon Kong

Anton Catalin friend of China, has recently made a visit to Hon Kong. I sent a series of pictures made by him, knowing my passion for transport. We invite you to see some images of trams and buses floors. Finally, you will see some train HO, sold in Hon Kong airport, special order items made to the architect who built high-speed rail line, linking the airport to the city, models that are just high-speed train shown in material Trenuri din China (http://trenulete.info/trenuri-din-china/)

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Calatorii/Hon%20Kong/th_Picture519.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/tramvaiele-din-hon-kong/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Vlado в 30 Септември 2009, 12:03:37
I'm glad to see you prognosis! :)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 30 Септември 2009, 12:05:59

Ok , explane what's happening ?
hah , super to see you again , man :)

You must write :  I'll be back , like the Terminator
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 30 Септември 2009, 12:09:07
Interesting to see the forecast, it is important prognosis!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 30 Септември 2009, 13:42:43
About my health, I want to talk about it. I did a complete set of analysis. After diagnosis I decided to leave the hospital to enjoy the rest of my life at home. So how's left of it. I do not want to die on a hospital bed far from my diorama! Even if I leave soon, my trains and my work remain. I just hope it will be useful!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 30 Септември 2009, 14:08:58
Extremely sad ...  :sorry:
We are with you, will read everything you want to take your us useful ...
but tests and doctors hope to sin ... hope dies last!  :( :( :(
Be strong!
Изключително тъжно ...
Ние сме с теб, ще четем всичко с което искаш да си ни полезен ...
но дано анализите и лекарите да грешат ... надеждата умира последна!
Бъди силен!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: piko1 в 30 Септември 2009, 14:44:28
Цитат на: pach link=topic=1087.msg28967#msg28967 date=1254308938
Very sad ...  :sorry:
We are with you, we will read everything you think that will be useful to us   ...
we pray that tests and doctors be Wrong about your health ...  hope dies last!  :( :( :(
Be strong!

дано не ми се сърдите за лекото редактиране на послта на Пламен мисля че така е по добре
бих искал да използвам един до скоро много ползван слогън

prognosis YOU ARE NOT ALONE  !

Цитат на: prognosis link=topic=1087.msg28965#msg28965 date=1254307363
За здравето ми Искам да поговоря за него Направих си пълни изследвания. след Диагнозата реших да напусна болницата
за да се наслаждавам на остатъка от живота си у дома или каквото е останало от него не желая да умирам на болнично легло далеч от Макета си! Дори да напусна скоро моите влакове и моята работа ще продължават да съществуват. Просто се надявам да бъдат полезни !
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: gregary в 30 Септември 2009, 16:30:45
  prognosis YOU ARE NOT ALONE  !   
 WE ARE WITH YOU!!!!!!   
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 01 Октомври 2009, 10:29:23
Thanks all of you. You are a realy frends to me.

Activities for Romania 1 route

Contains the string of activities created by me with a new set for Romania 1 route two activitati.Cea they propose today is intertwined with the two for testing locomotive Siemens CTV. The train leaves at noon Sibiu. Db182La Brasov have to do maneuvers at a decoupling of the opposite end of the train to change direction of travel. Traffic is heavy but your train has priority. Try to arrive on time at each station. You will meet many trains including the Taurus and was in a test on the route Bucharest-Brasov. Taurus locomotive can be taken from their website The-train.de
(http://trenulete.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Acc_Sibiu-Buc_N-150x150.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/activitati-pentru-ruta-romania-1/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 02 Октомври 2009, 12:19:53
Ускорение Букурещ-Брашов-Сигишоара

Ако не можеш да работиш на диорама на здравето и финансови причини, продължават да се проявяват си творчески дух работни нови дейности за реализиране на маршрутите MSTS румънски колеги. Телец представя тест маршрут в Румъния 1. Нова Телец локомотив трябва да се държи под контрол по склоновете на планината. Трафик доста пренаселено на слънчев ден в неделя. Db182Pe пътя и да отговаря на български влак теглено от 060 LDE БДЖ. Ще доведе до удоволствие красива локомотив, силна, с приятелска кабина с колегите дъска за отлично немски сайт за-train.de.

В този труд ние concisturi съставен от всички сайтове на MSTS румънски и немски сайт, посочени по-горе. Треньорски красив създателите направени румънците и българите, теглени от локомотива, направени от MSTS ентусиасти от Германия, в един плах опит да се постигне единство между MSTS фенове. В крайна сметка, след съперничество несериозни, брои само красота и удоволствие шофиране тренажор обединени влак в предната част на монитора. За мен това е двойно удоволствие, използващ контрол часа, че аз подобрена чрез добавяне на всички бутони, необходими за пълно разглеждане на локомотива в паралел с диапозитиви отворена, което е трайно е прикачено към USB порт, а конзолата е свързана към PS2.

Ако спазват графика твое ще бъде много изненади. Интересни кръстовището с влакове ...

(http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Activitati/Romania%201/Taurus/th_taurus-rom08.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/cu-taurus-prin-romania-activitate-ruta-romania-1/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: widowmaker в 05 Октомври 2009, 16:13:14
Транслатора обаче направо кърти мивки с тоя превод :)

I said that the translator is a very cool thing (simply it "rends the darkness"). It's very funny to read its translations :)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Октомври 2009, 18:49:15
The device invented by me, to drive a mini-piece on the servo. For its implementation on the diorama, I redesigned the motherboard to block Automatic lights that control traffic on the route outside the dioramas in Slobozia. We rebuilt the whole board, so that automatic control system comprised of lines and traffic lights in parallel with actinarea translations. 3C and automation system includes a switch actuator. Physically, the system performed in analog, switched trains in the front lines of doubles, while ordering translations to pursue a train. I mean come on a train in a line, stop at traffic lights and start the command as asteapa, or if priority train, his own command and passes green traffic light without stopping. It works with simple timed relays with condensers.

Film assembly operation
(http://trenulete.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/2.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/film-actionare-macaz-home-made-3/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: CaLLlo в 10 Октомври 2009, 21:26:07
Устройството, измислено от мен, да кара мини-парче на серво. За изпълнението си на диорама, аз нов дизайн на дънната платка да блокират Автоматично светлини, които контролират движението по маршрута извън dioramas в Slobozia. Ние преустроени на цялата дъска, така че автоматична система за контрол, съставен от линии и светофарни уредби в паралел с actinarea преводи. 3C и автоматизация система включва преминаване механизъм. Физически, системата извършва в аналогов, включени влакове в предните линии на двойки, а поръчване на преводи на упражняване на влака. Искам да кажа хайде влак в една линия, спиране на светофарите, и започнете команда като asteapa, или ако влака приоритет си управление и преминава зелен светофар без да спира. Той работи с прости във времето релета с кондензаторите.

Филмов монтаж операция
(http://trenulete.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/2.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/film-actionare-macaz-home-made-3/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: CaLLlo в 10 Октомври 2009, 21:40:21
Dragi prognosis,

De traducere automată din română în limba bulgară este mult mai precis decât de traducere automată din engleză în bulgară. Nu încerc redundante şi direct de a traduce din română în limba bulgară!

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 11 Октомври 2009, 22:16:22
Цитат на: CaLLlo link=topic=1087.msg29567#msg29567 date=1255200021
Dragi prognosis, ..
Mоже да няма възможност сега да превежда....той винаги го е правил! Аз искренно се надявам да се е прибрал в къщи от болницата.
Prognosis- :victory:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Ноември 2009, 14:43:10
Here we managed to finally implement the outer circuit Dioramas in Slobozia, a pair of mechanisms created by me.

(http://trenulete.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/macaz-last.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/mecanism-de-actionare-a-macazului-home-made/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 06 Ноември 2009, 15:27:56
 :blink: :good: :ok: :clapping:



Perfect!!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Ноември 2009, 16:02:54
Prezentarea dioramei de la Slobozia la tvialomita (http://trenulete.info/prezentarea-dioramei-pe-site-ul-tvialomita-ro/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: jopeto в 10 Ноември 2009, 16:15:36
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: piko1 в 11 Ноември 2009, 11:45:37
Hey prognosis how are you my friend are you fine ?
i like that clip it is wonderful  it presents your work very well  :drinks:

Как си приятелю добре ли си харесвам клипчето показва прекрасно работата ти
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ritchie в 12 Ноември 2009, 13:26:34
Евала  на  пича !
У  нас  такова  нещо  не  може  да  стане !
Изоставаме  на  светлинни  години  от   румънските  колеги !
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Vlado в 12 Ноември 2009, 13:42:21
Цитат на: ritchie link=topic=1087.msg31094#msg31094 date=1258025194
Евала  на  пича !
У  нас  такова  нещо  не  може  да  стане !
Изоставаме  на  светлинни  години  от   румънските  колеги !

Не съм съгласен заради това: http://www.railwaypassion.com/?cid=119
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 12 Ноември 2009, 14:06:05
Цитат на: Vlado link=topic=1087.msg31095#msg31095 date=1258026141
Цитат на: ritchie link=topic=1087.msg31094#msg31094 date=1258025194
Евала  на  пича !
У  нас  такова  нещо  не  може  да  стане !
Изоставаме  на  светлинни  години  от   румънските  колеги !

Не съм съгласен заради това: http://www.railwaypassion.com/?cid=119

Вярно е !!! И не е само този ... и на Владо също е добър макет , а доколкото знам, каква реконструкция му прави - ще стане още по-добър.
Впрочем имам малко клипче от Стояновият макет и ако той позволи , ще го метна тук някъде...
А румънският колега явно го правеше по цял ден , щото в къщи си стоеше (а сега със сигурност не излиза) за това напредна за две години така бързо.Не е лош , но на мен лично неговият макет ми е малко претрупан.
Обаче все пак си е готин.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Vlado в 12 Ноември 2009, 14:14:59
Истина е, че има още какво да учим, но и не бива да омаловажаваме вече постигнатото. Малко повече самочувствие трябва! Докога все ние ще сме най-зле?!?!Смело и безотговорно напред и това е! ;)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 12 Ноември 2009, 14:43:58

Най-вече безотговорно ! Щото никой не си превежда на английски , та колегата да разбере к'во става !

attention : translating !!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 12 Ноември 2009, 15:18:23
На колегата още преди месеци му пратих линкове за превод директно на румънски, той остана доволен от превода  и тогава някъде сложи българският флаг на сайта си (поне старият - в жълто дет беше) и превеждаше автоматично от румънски на български.
Въобще , колегата работи здраво за популяризирането на хобито ... :good: :good: :good:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 05 Декември 2009, 18:15:10
Tram route "Constanta tram" demo


I came back. How can no longer work in diorama of health reasons, I worked at Constanta MSTS route imaginary. Here are the first line functional download.

Although we started this route with only 2 months ago without the slightest knowledge to do that, reading tutorials, helped by Marius at first and later Michael, I finally managed to finish first line from one end to another. Comes from the 48 barred from the Palace Station and back. However, now put at the disposal lovers a demo, is archived exactly as in MSTS route for those who want to discover the pleasure of driving close to the Romanian join tram to take a few minutes to spoil vatmanistic a Romanian design route.

(http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Constanta/th_Constanta-Trams.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/ruta-de-tramvaie-constanta-tram-versiune-demo/)Enjoy!
Waiting for your suggestions either here or on the blog www.trenulete.info
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 05 Декември 2009, 22:14:35
Prognosis :hi: :dance1: :dance1: :dance1: :dance1: :give_heart: :clapping:
Нищо не разбрах ,кво си казал,но  важното е ,че си сред нас :good:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 19 Декември 2009, 10:24:58
Siemens Diesel Locomotive ER 20-2007 from Roco

Santa Claus came to Slobozia in this crisis, just sent my son from Constanta Alexander, who discovered in Constanta in a shop that opened on December 2. Alex gave me the web page link and I chose to Mosul ER20-2007 diesel locomotive produced Roco. Toy was bought at a price of 3.5 million old lei for one interesting fact Roco product, especially since entering Roco site I found the product at a price of 129 Euros.

A more ample description:

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/depou/diesel/DE%20ER20/th_ER20-04.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/depou/diesel/DE%20ER20/ER20-04.jpg)

Happy Birthday and wish you happy holidays Prognosis!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 19 Декември 2009, 14:56:16

Happy Christmass , man !  :drinks:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 19 Декември 2009, 15:46:39
Нappy holidays Prognosis!
Happy Christmass!!!
 :hi: :hi: :hi:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 27 Декември 2009, 13:42:53
How LEDs came from zeXstar (http://www.zexstar.com/) I spread nice driver and I went to change the lighting installation. The first time I removed the beculete bands from the two posts. We bonded motherboard two 1200 ohm resistors on each side of the board, directly at the point of current enter the collectors of the wheels. I have not changed anything on the board just to leave the car close to the original, if ever I can to pass on a digital, I will be easier to replace light bulbs SMD LEDs on the original slots.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/depou/diesel/DE%20ER20/th_ER20-06.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/depou/diesel/DE%20ER20/ER20-06.jpg)


A happy New Year to all!
А щастлива Нова година на всички!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 31 Декември 2009, 11:18:53
Diorama in Slobozia on December 29, 2009

The year 2009 was not too generous with diorama in Slobozia. A difficult year in which I worked less in diorama of lack of funds but when I started the virtual dioramas Constanta.
The city of living came to an end of year by Santa Claus Alexander (my son) and Santa Claus Bogdan, a wonderful Siemens diesel locomotive and two wagons of oil.

I did a movie with running these gifts that will be invited to watch and conclude by wishing you a better year in every way and Happy Birthday!

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 02 Януари 2010, 14:32:25
Automotorul VT135 - LED lighting

Automotorul VT 135 is the first work completed in the new year 2010. Using two-color LEDs, bipolar yellow-red from zeXstar have created one group for each management position. From FX 2.2 mm thick board I made when I gave holes for LEDs. Later I sanded board for a semi-oval shape after the car profile. LEDs are serial with a 560 ohm resistor placed just below the board. LED legs are slightly bent to retrieve the current where the two strips of brass sheet obtained from a canned broth. They cross the long wagon and take the slots of the direct current electric motor Tiilig recovered from the famous DA that has received 060 instead something more appropriate.

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mitko359 в 02 Януари 2010, 22:04:54
good job :yes:
Титла: Lighting columns economic
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Януари 2010, 11:28:47
Lighting columns economic

Most of the lighting columns in Slobozia Diorama are made by me and are based on one 12-volt Miniature beculeţ. How the diorama are also about 40 columns, consumption is high enough, that on the one hand, and from another perspective, the original model created by suits me more platforms, parks, private gardens and less street.

Therefore we decided remobilarea town street lighting poles something more specific, the light sent down the asphalt. Also the model that we created now uses the familiar warm white LEDs from zeXstar.


(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/stalpi/th_IMG_7294.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/stalpi/IMG_7294.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Ivo Nedkov в 06 Януари 2010, 18:03:00
Hello. This is excellent idea!!!  :good:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 07 Януари 2010, 11:25:40
I have spread and toy and I carefully studied the issue. Noise which aroused after installing lighting came from the fact that I stuck blades contact the electrical contacts engine, which immobilize it against the axis on which to work. The engine is initially placed on a small bed and set the base cloth with an elastic tape which gives them some flexibility in relation to the worm axes. So after I replaced the soldering of a flexible wire, the noise has subsided back to what it was before.

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Януари 2010, 10:14:20
After I created all lighting poles as described in Pillars economic lighting, I went to replace the whole lighting system diorama. First we changed the old PC power 200 W with a new, ATX, the 450W. The new source is still an output of 3 volts, which I dedicated exclusively a public lighting. The advantage is that we gave to all resistances of which were serial 1200k LEDs on the diorama. For public lighting (which is on my diorama of a total of 31 poles), we used a single resistor which supplies 22 ohmi/300W entire network. I left the platform pillars with shade only in the schoolyard and we also placed two pillars in the little park, is more suitable for this place. They remained at 12 volts fed through a resistor 10 ohmi/3w. I intend in the near future as its food on a 3 volt output of all LEDs on the diorama, including those at traffic lights.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/11-01-2010/th_11-01-2010-02.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/11-01-2010/11-01-2010-02.jpg)

Unfortunately the camera did not capture the beauty of the new street lighting. Everything seems real maii, roads are well lit and evenly. On the other hand, we have substantially reduced consumption and thereby protecting the source.

Титла: For taller towers in depot yard I used 5mm LED
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Януари 2010, 10:34:24
For taller towers in depot yard I used 5mm LED

The yard was made for all LED warm white from zeXstar. We used the same technique as a cap lampshade washer, but the LEDs used were those older than 5 mm diamentru to look like huge spotlights the yard.

After bending legs in proper position, I made a template on a piece of wood for their position in the soldering of tin with each other and the thread of connection.

VARNISH tube with a green, the installation of aeration tank, I made shade, after which I polished lens LED. For polishing I used mine and one other innovation that is a hard drive failure that I rearranged turntables so as to come up last drive, over which we have stuck with prenadez an emery disc. It turns out to be a very useful man near the house ...

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/stalpi/th_IMG_7310b.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/stalpi/IMG_7310b.jpg)

After I cut paste to move two feet to LED, I plugged it back with cyanoacrylate and we all gray vosit Revel.

Also on this occasion I changed the pillars classic arched lights with LED 3mm diameter prepared by the same methods. To make no metal inside the table, I shortened one leg longer and I applied black vpsea inside before fixing the LED in the right position.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/stalpi/th_IMG_7316.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/stalpi/IMG_7316.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: XRISTO в 11 Януари 2010, 12:45:44
Пичове, това с харда е голяма идея, само ще ви замоля някой, който разбира езика да пиши какво слага върху плочата, защото транслатора ми пише глупости.  :(


Дворното място е направено за всички LED приятна бяла от zeXstar. Ние използва същата техника, като миене на капачката абажур, но използва светодиоди са тези големи diamentru от 5 мм до изглеждат като огромни прожектори на двора.

След огъване крака в правилно положение, направих един шаблон върху парче дърво за тяхното положение в запояване на калай един с друг и нишката на връзката.

ЛАК тръба с зелено, инсталирането на аерация резервоар, аз направих сянка, след което аз полиран обектив светодиод. За полиране Използвах мина и едно друго нововъведение, което е неизпълнение твърд диск, който аз пренаредени грамофоните, така че да излезе последно диск, върху които ние нямаме остана с шмиргел prenadez един диск. Оказва се, да бъде много полезен човек близо до къщата ...
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: optron в 12 Януари 2010, 09:42:45
Христо, пича обяснява, че е сложил абразивен диск на шпиндела на хард-диска, вместо няколко от плочите, които са си оригинално. Впрочем, това се вижда и на снимката. В нашия случай може да се пробва с диск за флекс според мен ...
Действително е страхотна идея, имайки предвид, че хард-диска си има всичко - електрониката за двигателя, лагери, шпиндел, който е калибриран и дори балансиран двигател. От нас остава само да си балансираме диска, ако се налага.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 16 Януари 2010, 08:52:43
Добавих друг диск. Ние преместени над тенджерата да стигна до ръба на корпуса.
Аз свързани с лепилото на тиган, изрязани от една шкурка диск Сандер. Това е всичко!


My dear
I don't added another disk. I just moved above the pan to come to the edge of the casing.
I bonded with adhesive on the pan a cut disk from a  sander sandpaper. That's it!

I used 3mm LED for street poles.
For taller towers in depot yard I used 5mm LED
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: jopeto в 17 Януари 2010, 20:05:00
Това с харда е много яка идея ! :good: Браво ! Браво ! Със захрнаването може да си зареждате дори акомулатора на колата, между другото. Подобни самоделни лампи им направени, изпозвал съм крушки от коледна елха, поради факта че диодите светят концентрирано. Но ето виждаме просто решение на този проблем.  :good: :good: :good:     
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: optron в 19 Януари 2010, 16:21:16
В следващия си пост, Прогнозис обяснява, че не е слагал друг диск - залепил е шкурка към съществуващия диск на хард-диска. За удобство го е преместил нагоре по шпиндела, за да се подава над ръба на корпуса на харда.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: XRISTO в 19 Януари 2010, 18:29:04
Каня се да пробвам въпросната технология тези дни.А шкурката каква е?С водна предполагам няма да стане?Много ситничка ми се струва.  :scratch_ones_head:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 20 Януари 2010, 09:52:45
Increased freight liners that run the Diorama in Slobozia imposed final lamp equipped with a car yet. I used red LED puntctiform which already has a form similar to a lantern. Before the lamp is made of FOREZ 0.5 mm drill size LED lens glued to it. After curing we cut the contour LED forex.

The wall of the car I did two 0.5 mm holes I went through the legs LED car after it + I bent to 90 degrees into the lantern that he stuck to the wall without glue.

I used to collect current from one slide each axle thin flexible copper obtained from an engine failure on the switch Piko paste it on a piece of FOREZ to bring the height of the axle shaft.

When I brought the wires inside what we collected and connected to a micro-bridge rectifier.
Exiting + - I applied it on a capacitor 2200 with a wireless micro serial beculeţ a 12-volt instead of resistance. LED + is connected directly to terminals during condenser so that feed run through ballast bulb and the interruptions remain powered by capacitor thus removing annoying interruptions.

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 24 Януари 2010, 14:37:17
Line 43 from Constanta January 24, 2010

Although lately I have not worked from Constanta to the health reasons but also because the desire for Diorama May Slobozia made me dedicate time changes in a city of living, this week I managed to add the list of works carried out the route and much of the route 43. In principle we finished the road placed pestze line, yet remaining reyolvarea design problem intersections. On the road from the Hospital Pharmacy Miga Flamanda then I put the buildings closer to reality as the years '85.
http://trenulete.info/linia-43-ruta-constanta-24-ian-2010/ (http://trenulete.info/linia-43-ruta-constanta-24-ian-2010/)

(http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Constanta/Linia_43/th_43-03-24102010.jpg) (http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Constanta/Linia_43/43-03-24102010.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 28 Януари 2010, 07:53:07
Line 43 from Constanta January 28, 2010

Advanced route construction line 43. Blocks occurred in the neighborhood from Tomis Brotăcei, poppy red feather to Dacia Complex. I planted vegetation in the area furnished. I mounted and catenary poles were put into service electric traffic lights to the intersection Blvd Tomis - Str. Tulcei.


(http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Constanta/Linia_43/th_43-01-28102010.jpg) (http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Constanta/Linia_43/43-01-28102010.jpg)

Post Merge: 29 Януари 2010, 15:55:27
Movies with state route 43 tram from the direction from Constanta Tomis Nord - Constanta railway station and back in on January 28, 2010. That live to see the looks.

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 31 Януари 2010, 13:32:46
A low-speed shooting at 48 line crossed Palas - Constanţa railway station and back. Filming is not to stop me can fit in time required by regulation YouTube. Hope you enjoy!

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Февруари 2010, 13:31:01
Diorama in Slobozia On February 3, 2010

Evolution dioramas, the new locomotives and pillars illuminated LEDs to zeXstar captured in a movie. http://trenulete.info/diorama-de-la-slobozia-in-data-de-3-februarie-2010/

The workshops PanArin recently arrived three locomotives. An AB 110 came from Constanta and from Satu Mare came an E10 (dreams and still want to Slobozia in Brasov 2008), with an ancient Ludmila from Hrushca.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 04 Февруари 2010, 11:19:11
Constanta MSTS route on February 4, 2010

We present some improvements to objects located in Constanta route. I restored tram stations by placing posters in public transport route in the city, map lines accurately. I added some posters with pictures of the city and I made the plate station. Plan for the future is to repainted every type of station as the line that is located. I mean will be referred to the plate lines stop at those stations.

http://trenulete.info/ruta-constanta-msts-in-data-de-4-februarie-2010/ (http://trenulete.info/ruta-constanta-msts-in-data-de-4-februarie-2010/)

(http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Constanta/02-04-10/th_01.jpg) (http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Constanta/02-04-10/01.jpg)

Location-specific traffic lights on trams, I admit that I panicked unnecessarily. In fact the location of traffic lights is child's play to the tram system is much easier to use. I already made a first test activity on line 43 to check operation of the lights. Works well, which gave me wings to go with this route, especially since after I got on the net several tram routes, I was very disappointed with the way they have been "completed" the relevant routes. Therefore I do not want to rush and to give attention to detail that are the delight of such routes.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Февруари 2010, 15:20:00
10 minute video on line 48 from Constanta

In this small fimlulet, only 10 minutes (yutube not allow more), you can see how to route traffic from the first activity is taking place over several stations on the line 48, respectively. 48 /. I put lights and entrance stations in high traffic so hard, when there are many cars in tarseu, obedient to all steapta they can enter the station. Even in some stations with platforms long, I stop at the station by two trams at once.


May I set stops vehicle lengths stations and their ability to stay so little in the stations. I have enough! But first you could see in the movie about what I do in this route. We can easily imagine how beautiful you will see traffic downtown, where several lines are combined on a road section, where you will cross the tram lines.

The route still has many problems to solve. Lines 48, 48 / and 43, which we already reached the stage of installing traffic lights are outstanding. Always go through and see the errors and then correct them. What I thought at first it would be child's play proves to be a complex exercise thoroughness, patience and perseverance. Many encunoscute me and my attempt against s5tau still primitive turned into the biggest project (after diorama) of my life.

(http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Constanta/02-06-2010/th_linia48.jpg) (http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Constanta/02-06-2010/linia48.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Dispatcher в 08 Февруари 2010, 09:29:41
Има тема по въпроса, що трябва да му цапате темата на човека. Мненията са преместени в темата за серия 46

Прогнозис, можеш ли да ни дадеш малко повече информация за двата проекта на сериа 46

Prognosis can you give some more information about the 2 projects of class 46 in other topic, thank you.

http://www.railwaypassion.com/forums/index.php/topic,1976.msg35365.html#msg35365 (http://www.railwaypassion.com/forums/index.php/topic,1976.msg35365.html#msg35365)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Февруари 2010, 07:46:38
I finished the rehabilitation reconditioned old VT 135 railcar from Hrusha produced in 1968, as I discovered on a sticker under the lid of the box (was covered by another paper ... glued to the former owner to keep the old box rennet). ..

Last operation was to add furniture and lighting inside the passenger cabin. To illuminate the interior, we used SMD LED from zeXstar, which we planted with a nice bridge rectifier diodes made of SMD. I fixed all the ceiling using silicone hot and I did connect a thin wire stranded, stuck one in each end on each leg of a zeXstar LEDs used in headlights.

This being done, the antique VT 135 regained full functions and run it on the diorama in Slobozia, his favorite activity being to transport railroad service PanArin craftsmen who restored life after so many years after many attempts. Now, who knows, maybe find a coach and pair that intineritul VT 135 to tow it proudly in the living room enhanced the City lines.


(http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Locomotive/Straine/Rame/VT%20135/th_VT135-08.jpg) (http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Locomotive/Straine/Rame/VT%20135/VT135-08.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: 760mm в 13 Февруари 2010, 12:42:40
Amazing work as always! I also like the passenger train pulled by the BR290 :)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 18 Февруари 2010, 15:27:22
Diorama in Slobozia, Town of living February 16. 2010

Town of living as shown him in on February 16, 2010. Diorama in Slobozia with its new enhancements, lighting poles based on LED zeXstar with Bondarul VT 135-062, 20-2007 ER diesel locomotives and 110 BR 226 from Roco. It also notice the engine operation without reproach H0 made me switch based on miniservo, with realistic movement of those translations.

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 20 Февруари 2010, 22:49:24
E103 H0 Roco - rebuilding and lights

I recently came into possession of a locomotive that I wanted it very much. E103 produced by Roco in 1974, as shown in a label pasted inside body. Situated in a sorry state of decay, dirty, with broken circuit boards, exfoliate and filled with unsightly wires subtle, full of misery and no one tapon. The effect was instant when I spread it. Nor can I imagine I'll get your.

After I did a piece, we clean it thoroughly with alcohol and I skimmed it with Axion. The tiles around I copied and I fully restored just after the original, only minor modifications we made. More specifically, instead of diodes which powered lights, we installed new lighting resistances necessary. We used SMD LEDs from zeXstar course. For white light, I glued joined in parallel, in 90-degree angle, two LEDs fueled by a resistance of 1100 ohms. For red light lamp with a serial I 920 ohm resistor.


(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/E103/th_E103-01.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/E103/E103-01.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/E103/th_E103-07.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/E103/E103-07.jpg)(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/E103/th_E103-12.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/E103/E103-12.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: 760mm в 21 Февруари 2010, 16:02:08
What a great loco made by Roco so many years ago! I'm happy that you've gotten a loc that you wanted very much - the feeling is always great! Good job!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 28 Февруари 2010, 20:52:13
Diorama in Slobozia on February 28, 2010

Town of living photographed and filmed by a camera lens can outperform mine. As in pictures and in video can be seen running locomotives is 10 and Dan's e140 Thin Client from Satu Mare, after having gained SMD LED lights, beautiful and elegant E103 and modified BR110 http://trenulete.info/diorama-de-la-slobozia-in-28-feb-2010/

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/02-28-2010/th_IMG_7886.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/02-28-2010/IMG_7886.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 18 Март 2010, 08:03:42
Steam Locomotive BR 38 Liliput

An old locomotive, the '70s generation made the metal chassis. The supply of antique, with the pick voltage polarity by a boiler and the wheels of one polarity on the tender wheels, makes it difficult for the automatic application diorama, but put in jeopardy and statutes for digitization by commissioning short blocks supply. I changed the kind of food, applying a contact strip on the boiler, on the wheels alone that now collect and voltage on the hand by three locomotives Loti ... When we split tender "work" for collecting blood between the two Boghe equally by a trick. I cut metal greutattea they reach the current in the screws and I boghielor isolated parts between them. Both polarities have found continuity through power cables from the traction wheels of the accommodation which now collects on both sides. In addition, we added to the collection curectului and wagons had with its two axles, as now also contribute to a smooth power.

After tying all the wires, we have created supply network between tender and boiler. Tractor had a broken shoulder attachments. How it was dynamic ntimoniu difficult soldering maia les that break was very spot where a hole filenatata facilitate the capture of the chassis, changed entirely with the engine in the same generation t, kept for "who knows what" the stores depot PanArin. That means it's good to keep ...

For lighting I used warm white LEDs from the dipped zexstar point lokomotivei and red LEDs to HGD, the lanterns of the tender. They are fueled by = a diode bridge rectifier and one serial resistor with 820 ohms to 920 ohms to front headlights and the final tender.

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: 760mm в 18 Март 2010, 14:31:15
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 19 Март 2010, 12:16:00
LED lights on an American loko from Mehano hobby

An American loko with ... fashion! http://trenulete.info/o-americana-mai-cu-fason/

We all know how frustrating it is sometimes when we run Mechanical toys, the range of hobbies, from the lighting leaves much to be desired. Such an American driver, was transferred from the Depot Ploiesti for assistance on PanArin workshops. Engineers and craftsmen of Blumenberg have studied the problem and found solutions to remedy this shortcoming. Comparing different picture of the locomotive original location was decided according to the original position lights.

Since the first trial, it appeared that the ingenuity of craftsmen from the depot PanArin is flawless. The lights worked properly and effectively in both directions, giving a special note of a locomotive rather Fada without lights ... And as evidence of natural routes Blumenberg, massive U.S. prepares to leave for the depot CFSbingu Ploiesti, which will take bread from Sunday.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/americana/th_americana-10.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/americana/americana-10.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: zazo в 19 Март 2010, 14:24:38
Like your sense of humor Prognosis  :good:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 27 Март 2010, 08:38:06
MSTS trams Slobozia 03-27-2010


I have continued work on what route would be a polygon, for testing of future implementations of equipment made by me for Constanta route. At this time we managed to do so I use two different types of textures for lines with a cubic stone of the city's tram lines, and with a classic sleepers for railway lines which intersect tram routes in the area of three barrier level crossings.
As mentioned before, and this route is the fruit of my imagination and passion for the trams. I was criticized for infringing on some blogs reality in two routes mine. I said it and repeat.

1. My routes are semi-imaginary.
2. My passion is for trams, (so who wants to make one bus bus routes that are not specific MSTS ...)
3. I never NEVER proposed that these routes to respect the reality of a hundred percent ...

As such, what we have created remains as we created, improvements are supposed to be applied on this structure and not another. For example, the route Slobozia, I imagined a depot close to the train depot in Railway Station Slobozia Veche ...

(http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Slobozia/03-27-2010/th_05.jpg) (http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss287/RomMSTS/Slobozia/03-27-2010/05.jpg)

I need to tell you that I work on the imaginary ryte on MSTS becouse in the last time, my healt condition is badly and I need to work something instead to cry on my fate. So I work on computer rutes... The work on Diorama de la Slobozia, is out of my healt condition for the moment.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Maktub в 28 Март 2010, 00:33:25
It looks nice, Prognosis. I admire your work, even if I comment rarely, and I really hope you will be able to continue soon also with the diorama.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: 760mm в 30 Март 2010, 15:18:16
I really like your work Prognosis! It's great that you are creating something that will ever remain! I really hope and in a way do believe that your condition shall get better and that you'll be able to continue your work on the diorama as well soon.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 22 Април 2010, 20:39:31
Romanian storied wagon - LED lighting

Romanian storied wagon belonging Railways Sbingu Ploiesti, gave me the patience and ingenuity. Quite complex in this paper two floors to be illuminated as separate but required a serious time of thinking, for developing and designing a plan designed to meet the conditions of land but also flexibility. From the beginning I proposed that wagon to suffer as little change and body parts to leave the chassis without the intervention obviously soldering gun or other special dismounting. Solution found present in the material below. http://trenulete.info/vagonul-etajat-romanesc-iluminare-pe-led-uri/

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Etajat/th_Etajat-17.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Etajat/Etajat-17.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 29 Април 2010, 18:48:30
Ladder access to railway workers

Since maintenance work on the railroad near the town Blumenberg, in the lower zone, requiring rapid intervention handicraftsmen railway, which were forced to bypass a few hundred meters and then travel along the railway in situations of uncertainty, engineers PanArin FF ordered the construction of stairs for easy access to the railway station located somewhere in the neighborhood below. After the necessary measurements, workers began making and fitting of such ladders.


(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/04-29-2010/th_scara-07.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/04-29-2010/scara-07.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 30 Април 2010, 18:18:45
April 30, 2010

Pedestrian access works at the scale continued today. Concerned about the safety of citizens of Blumenberg, FF leadership had PanArin completion before May 1 workers' work, which has passionate workers (especially as they were promised the first set) and before dusk, after the chief engineer verified paper It was put into use for the happiness of citizens will not have to bypass long distance.

Here's how it evolved in images and video works:

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/04-30-2010/th_scara-05.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/04-30-2010/scara-05.jpg)

Around the great celebration of May 1, FF PanArin reports beloved leader proposed implementation plans to date. The depot PanArin recently arrived for surgery, three rail transportation from the Depot HP Barlad. One is a nice V135 already has befriended drone in Slobozia. Automotorul is very well maintained, old but perfectly functional, PIKO product of years of glory. PanArin in yards will bring improvements on the LED lighting issues.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/04-30-2010/th_dio-30apr-02.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/04-30-2010/dio-30apr-02.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Май 2010, 19:20:42
Traveling by train from Slobozia at Fetesti

May 3rd day meant to me an opportunity to make a personal journey by train from Slobozia at Fetesti. Obviously I have not missed the opportunity to make the reporter and photographer tried to capture as many images in your route. We made about 90 pictures that I captured from different railway vehicles and equipment to railway stations. Cantons abandoned, locomotives in various color schemes, even antiques besides Fetesti depot, which stood near a steamy hour in which I climbed to the despair of a railway worker full of coolness, that I shouted a few times . Old lady who is resting in the foliage of trees after they beat probably far and wide roads of iron. How many do not know much about nor dumneaei and some vehicles whose pictures I've posted here, any explanation of the connoisseurs will be welcomed and will post them in the right place if readers will dare to send them ...

Pray with all my heart not to be upset because I did not put on any forum or blog where memru, detailed history and photos, but travel fatigue only allowed to insert the few thousand rows. Desire but rather how to share my experience, I determined to try to bring the site today, hoping that tomorrow I will write something more about this trip. Till then let dozens of pictures to speak for me. Thank you!


(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Calatorii/3%20mai%202010/th_05-03-2010-60.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Calatorii/3%20mai%202010/05-03-2010-60.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Calatorii/3%20mai%202010/th_05-03-2010-55.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Calatorii/3%20mai%202010/05-03-2010-55.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 05 Май 2010, 17:28:26
VT 135 PIKO - LED lights

VT 135 PIKO Automotorul arrived in Botosani to install LED lights is ready to go to HP Botosani depot. For lighting I used two-color LED red-yellow pole at zeXstar. First I removed the old lighting becuri.Am had in mind a simple assembly that allows trapped wagon without intervention and without soldering gun hanging electrical wires between the body and chassis. The work was divided into two distinct fronts.

1. Blood collection
2. Body lights


(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/VT135-2/th_CRIM0006.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/VT135-2/CRIM0006.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 07 Май 2010, 08:06:24
Roco BR 218 - LED illumination http://trenulete.info/br-218-roco-iluminare-pe-led-uri/

Locomotive BR 218 from Roco,with the decoder built, was sent from Depot Sbingu Ploiesti for substantial changes. The owner was unhappy with the light origional quality, yellow LED on the lighthouse and the center position, the lack of red lights and especially in this huge and hideous space prisms of what ought to be the cabin, so the default lack cab. Clearly still a work in two fronts. First I removed the prisms (light guides) and we extracted the original headlamp masks.

1. Making lighting
2. Making cabin

I used the new LED dots of 1.8 mm, white-hot for the light and all LED lights point of 1.8 mm for red positions.

I used a cab to achieve Forex special, 1.2 mm thick. It has a yellow color front and the material is black, which is why I chose this forex, because such residual light is prevented from breaking into the cabin lights.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR218Roco/th_BR218-Roco-09.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR218Roco/BR218-Roco-09.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 08 Май 2010, 20:54:33
PIKO BR 185 Connex - LED lighting

Another series of locomotive depot sent from HP and it is Botosani Connex to PIKO BR 185516-2. Arrival in the depot PanArin reason is the change of light bulbs to light emitting diodes.

For this we proceeded to build circuit board distribution box model by the original light guide. I used LED 1.8 mm from the point ...., They have installed after diagram on the site, and the fact the one used in locomotive BR 254 Arco in Ploiesti only in this case I tied each group separately (each cabin) each serially connected with a 820 ohm resistor.

Each plate are glued each five LEDs. Three white and two red parallel alongside each other, but antiparalel with whites. Unfortunately, after a small misunderstanding between me and windosu 'my initial pictures suddenly disappeared from the card, for which, full of gratitude to the RE microsoft, I loosened the locomotive and made other pictures, which are not and as explicit as they were first developed.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR185Piko/th_IMG_8712.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR185Piko/IMG_8712.jpg)(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR185Piko/th_IMG_8713.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR185Piko/IMG_8713.jpg)
Detalii si imagini http://trenulete.info/br-185-connex-piko-iluminare-pe-led-uri/
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 09 Май 2010, 13:09:59
Roco Locomotive OBB Rh 1142 - improvements

HB depot from Satu Mare, this beautiful locomotive produced by Roco, was sent to Slobozia for installing LED lights on. A model very well done, with many details and multiple accessories. After a full day to painstakingly fit tiny accessories, struts, wipers, electrical outlets, air ducts and even tustucul water spraying on the windshield, I switched to a plan to shift from bulbs to LED sites.
Was more difficult to realize a process by which light can apply this system for locomotive has a guidance system based on light curves, kinda like the BR 218 Roco, the Strategic bypass cab and ends in the right bulb angle of 90 degrees at the end of the prism, the lighthouse at the central front for headlights of position.
For this requirement, we stuck together, the two SMD LEDs Zextar, white-hot. Splice was made to bring in parallel angle of 90 degrees, two LEDs, one for the central lamp and one for position.
Connecting the motherboard I did in the rail supply points, folosid for a red light 1k resistor serially connected with an LED and 820 ohm resistor serially connected with two warm white LED (glued in parallel because they need something more current to be switched). For this type of LED superflux incorporated and one reverse protection diode load (factory, which is particularly effective for protecting the LED), has to fill each group separately by each resistance as I explained above. These LEDs do not allow linking to antiparalel, as shall soon with diode protection.
We highly recommend this type of SMD LED superfulx zeXstar trading at a price without competition, the big advantage is that the building have a reverse voltage protection diode.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Rh1142/th_Rh1142-Roco-08.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Rh1142/Rh1142-Roco-08.jpg)(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Rh1142/th_Rh1142-Roco-07.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Rh1142/Rh1142-Roco-07.jpg)

Detalii si imagini http://trenulete.info/locomotiva-rh-1142-obb-roco-imbunatatiri/
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Май 2010, 20:26:41
Line 102 Constanta MSTS Trams

This weekend I tried placing the asphalt in what's left of line 102 nesfaltat Constanta route. Before that I changed the texture of some types of line so far from Constanta can see two types of texture line. One classical, the other with dirt and asphalt.

We also continued to aggravate the elements elimininand path optimization route by merging multiple objects into one. I finally created a sufficiently complex task that line, which I test my real traffic route by crossing with other lines from Constanta.

102 line video presentation http://trenulete.info/linia-102-msts-trams-constanta/
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 05 Юни 2010, 21:02:10
Power Line 44 - Gate 2

Constantly enriched route this weekend with another route completed. Line 44 of the Energy Gate 2 port and back. Already his work very hard and difficult work remains my time only on weekends. Two routes would remain, the belt line and a line of Mamaia. I do not know when and if I manage to finish this route, but I do not lose hope. I invite you to watch a small movie with this route in the state where they are. Vehicles are put animated characters and some vehicles with parking. Probably next week because tomorrow I want to dedicate and dioramas that I kinda neglected lately. Expect criticism and suggestions on my site!
. I hope my sickness leave time to finish my route and then go quiet when meeting eternity.

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 18 Юни 2010, 20:01:10
Trolleybuses in Slobozia

Considering the current global economic crisis, Blumenberg mayor decided by unanimous vote in the City Council, the introduction of electrified urban transportation. Proposed measure is designed to bring significant savings to the local budget but also to promote an urban environment, clean town of Living. In this strategy, the city has purchased an initial batch Blumenberg two trolleys, made in Switzerland by means of just and supportive Company Silviu HP Botosani. Trolleys have been temporarily parked in the yard IJTL Blumenberg and engineers PanArin were called to design and implement Diorama in Slobozia, entire plant in record time required to implement electrification electrified urban transport in the city Blumenberg. Journalists present at the scene were captured when trolley cars were downloaded from the special and were deposited on the main street, Boulevard prognosis, to be towed to the garage. The event was attended by many personalities of the city and were invited mayors from neighboring towns. Unfortunately, the mayor of Slobozia was protected from public exposure after the last event of the Kaufland where he was cruelly humiliated by three old women and a gypsy, who threw red imported into poisons Slobozia mustaciosul unbearable that infected water.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/06-18-2010/th_CRIM0005.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/06-18-2010/CRIM0005.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 20 Юни 2010, 13:44:16
Br 95 PIKO - lighting improvements and


Just arrived in Botosani, old lady in the picture, a copy of my Duchess, the PIKO model developed in the years of glory came in the depot for interventions PanArin circulation system and lighting. Followed the design and modification of front lighting system. It is present in a combination plate textolit-bulb-socket-weight metal tension spring reception. I decided to use as much of the original system so that changes can be used in keeping with the practical system, mobile and easily made later. Thus, we have reproduced textolit plate circuit board with one side coated.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR95/th_BR95-04.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR95/BR95-04.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR95/th_BR95-07.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR95/BR95-07.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 08 Юли 2010, 17:00:52
Diorama de la Slobozia in ziarul ADEVARUL de seara

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 09 Юли 2010, 09:34:25
Liliput BR 38 running on the diorama from Satu Mare

Old lady in the picture, a beautiful Liliput BR 38 made the '80s, has been tested successfully in Slobozia diorama came well after the workshops PanArin and then sent to Satu Mare, which will run on diorama of Dan Committee diorama under construction and will be, in my opinion, the largest and most complex diorama of an amateur home worked. Images on the evolution of the dioramas you can see here: Diorama de la Satu Mare (http://picasaweb.google.com/Dan.Palcau/Istoric?feat=content_notification)

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR38/th_DSCF8762.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR38/DSCF8762.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 09 Юли 2010, 15:37:49
July 9, 2010 Town of living

Although in the last two months I have not posted much about the evolution of dioramas, here gives me a window during a moment of respite, which he will devote dioramas befitting a modeller who loves his creation. The images and movie below will highlight new works from PanArin workshops, an old steam Duchess in Botosani, which I installed modern LED lights on a locomotive zeXstar and Lima, which had defective lack of a correct angle of boghielor move horizontally, so it does not run properly on toy diorama relief. The slopes, curves and ramps, the car remains practically suspended and salt lines. I corrected this defect by amending metal chassis. He traveled to Cluj just underneath where it was milled, after my drawings, so boghiele to move horizontally, up and down, sideways towards the central axis, depending on the bias lines.

Otherwise, we continued to mount a protective fence in front of the dioramas, along the outer liniiei and intend that the next step to realize the power poles for firobuze (trolley).

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/07-09-2010/th_CRIM0031.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/07-09-2010/CRIM0031.jpg)
Here is the movie made today July 9, 2010. (Sorry for the comment tag from the video I said July 6 ...)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Юли 2010, 08:26:09
I continued work PIKO 95 Br - and lighting improvements
http://trenulete.info/br-95-piko-old-model-imbunatatiri/] http://trenulete.info/br-95-piko-old-model-imbunatatiri/
 started some time ago and described here with tender light. For starters I made contact tab no existing model. I used copper sheet elastic band made from Marius (minitehnicus) I made a replica of the existing slide.

I made a tender to illuminate common white-red lamp in a warm white LED from zeXstar and a red SMD zeXstar all of which I glued directly to the legs of the LED back-polarity so that the power in sense red light .... ... and the reverse polarity turns white.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR95/th_CRIM0014.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR95/CRIM0014.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR95/th_CRIM0015.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR95/CRIM0015.jpg)

Here are a movie with tests PanArin Workshops
http://www.youtube.com/user/PR0GN0SIS#p/a/u/1/TR4I2zvnslk (http://www.youtube.com/user/PR0GN0SIS#p/a/u/1/TR4I2zvnslk)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Юли 2010, 14:06:21
Br 130 Ludmila (model Hrushca) - Improvements

Locomotive BR 130, Ludmila known in the version produced by Hrushca years ago, arrived in just workshops PanArin from Satu Mare for improvement. The model is built by the old method, based on the chassis plate strip finger ends with plastic parts where they are prisms and lamps for lighting. Motorization is one bogie and even power supply is only on the bogie, the inert having no collection system. That is quite annoying by frequent interruptions in supply and will costitui second phase of improvements PanArin workshops. For now, I opened and cleaned the engine that was able Janice, full of dust and hair. Traction is provided only for the two ends of the axles of the bogie, but because it is worm shaft, I'm going to apply driving force and the middle axle.

The first operation, after calling the engine running at normal parameters, was to transform the lighting bulbs, LED warm white. We studied the location of lights and disappointing first impression was that this model, separate farurrile red light can not be used for lighting deoare line is located along the outer wall and a hole pierced is excluded. To ensure we still red brake lights to white lights used only for lenses.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Ludmila/th_Ludmila-17.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Ludmila/Ludmila-17.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Ludmila/th_Ludmila-16.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Ludmila/Ludmila-16.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Юли 2010, 15:36:13
AB 216 Mehano - improvements

Arrived more than a year ago in PanArin Depot, locomotive BR 216 produced by the range Mehano Hobby, was finally scheduled for an overhaul Kapital, during which the lighting was changed to red and white lights depending direction of travel. Locomotive is a pretentious, but occupy a place in my heart modeller, its history is great. Finally she got on my hands with its passenger cars in the set Mehano.

Wheel drive car is only two axles, one on each bogie. The car was equipped with SMD LED lighting on yellow and former owner wanted to change it to red lights. Lack of skill or tools and the experience led to damage by drilling inconsistent mask for red lights and disappointment owner who gave it. Initially I wanted to purchase 218 BR masks but they proved to differ slightly. Finally I decided to fix it and on it. First I fixed masks. I dropped the lighter gray plastic melted in the holes after finishing grinding unbalanced we re correct drilling headlights.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR216/th_CRIM0012.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR216/CRIM0012.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR216/th_CRIM0011.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR216/CRIM0011.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 18 Юли 2010, 22:38:25
Black Anna 0-2-0 tank loco
Received from more than one day in decomposed state from a friend abroad, I found this car on the net to be christened "Black Anna 0-2-0 tank loco. There was a time when I searched on the net pictures of her to know what it looks like pieces are missing. Machine does not have pistons boxes, lights, couplers and buffers. Miniature engine was still intact but without coal. In peroada why I rebuilt the engine and collection system after a short test model came into the park for an appointment to repair cold. After a while, Razvan friend request, he went to the locomotive to be turned into something else sacara TT. After another period, she has been requested by another friend of Braila in love with her is a picture that accidentally occur. Razvan but lost and only a few days ago to found an abandoned one of his boxes. Toy came back to me and how not even know how to give the buddy you wanted, I decided now it's time to bring back a life. So after I found some pictures on the net, I started to repair them.
In the first test was performed excellent toy. Tomorrow painting boxes next piston and rebuilding the roof and chimney. Then other small details after ispiratia pictures and even purchased a lighting system thinking. The problem is that metal chassis configuration is just the limit holes Devid lamps back and so difficult to assemble the lights but I will find solution.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Black%20ANNA/th_Tank-loko-02.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Black%20ANNA/Tank-loko-02.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Black%20ANNA/th_Tank-loko-08.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Black%20ANNA/Tank-loko-08.jpg)
Iata si un mic film cu evolutia in probe a Micutei Black ANNA:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 19 Юли 2010, 14:33:20
Today we continued work on this little hazy.
Using 1.2 mm thick ABS have made the roof. Webs are made from strips of cardboard 0.5 mm thick. Residue on the other locomotives have completed parts accessories missing. With connection to air hoses, air tank is made of 5mm plastic bar on the left houses kits ... The remaining couplings Fleischmann model faces to another, and I have reunited couplers locomotive made its backing of the front. A tip pen and a piece of mine I made the chimney (reinforced inside with a piece of cake, which remained in place nerupt fall fest on model). I then painted gloss black (because I currently black mat) parts made with red boxes and pistons and chassis where the pieces were reunited ... I put no standard buffers and that 's cars PIKO. The car is ready to run the diorama ... after the paint dries!
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Black%20ANNA/th_Tank-loko-12.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Black%20ANNA/Tank-loko-12.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 19 Юли 2010, 20:08:39
It was solved!

After the first evidence on the diorama I'm not convinced Flaschmann best original couplers. The curves recline on swabs and immediately derailed wagon. Consequently year and I loosened and rebuilt locomotive couplers. In fact I cut the hook from the original joint and combined them with the hook from the hook PIKO changed. A couple reziltat a more flexible and more stable.

Here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPunTh4V-ho movie diorama tests
 The only problem is that the barrier is interrupted supply and car stops. I have this problem before and two axle locomotives which lead me to do something grinding area barrier. Otherwise the car behaves very well in a scrap locomotive became something living and very pleasant to look at the diorama in operation. Follow the lighting design and development.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Black%20ANNA/th_Tank-loko-20.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/black-anna-0-2-0-tank-loco-h0-part-2/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 22 Юли 2010, 18:45:08
Closed wagon axle, Roco 45941 - Electric Final

Arrived in Ploiesti for the final wagon lamp assembly was scheduled today to PanArin workshops. The paper began by making contact points. I used elastic copper plate used to shield box tv tuner or radio, fixed on 3mm thick strip of ABS. Rzbate wire through the floor behind the plate painted with black ABS to lose the background.
Inside I used a bridge rectifier and a capacitor 1000μF/25 volts,
fixed in a slot that I cut it in teflon weight so as not to upset the wagon.
Resistance is 980 Ω in series with an LED point of 1.8 mm diameter ɸ lens cap lamp mounted perste I made forex 1 mm thick and painted with glossy black Revel
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Roco%2045941/th_IMG_9780.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Roco%2045941/IMG_9780.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: 760mm в 22 Юли 2010, 22:35:28
Thats great! I always enjoy the updates from your layout in beautiful Slobozia!
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 24 Юли 2010, 11:04:45
New challenges in workshops PanArin

After a year, I received a trenulist believe in Onesti, a set of two wagons Mehano type Thalys, whose owner has broken couplers and you no longer use and do not want them repair. Lately I beat all going to do something with it. How I locomotoarele from this set, I thought maybe trying to make a frame units, modifying the front (end) so that somehow resemble an outdoor underground. Motorizand probably one bogie.

What do you say? Is it worth?
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Programari/th_IMG_9801.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Programari/IMG_9801.jpg)

May I then steam on a chassis that we identified as belonging to AB 86. I'll try for the first time to make a locomotive from the chassis. That gives challenge. It remains to find a locomotive BR 86 and plans to go to work ... Does anyone have plans to AB 86?

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Programari/th_BR86sasiu.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Programari/BR86sasiu.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 24 Юли 2010, 18:48:31
Wagon platform - PIKO -


Arrived in Botosani, wagon axle platform from PIKO entered PanArin workshops for the manufacture of simple protective lattice. Engineers have used forex (ABS) 1.2 mm thick white that I have polished to a thickness of 0.8 mm, after which they carved and cut bumpers. Then, the gauge has been traced edges (hardener), and after the first test, the bars were removed and painted with acrylic Revell. After drying, the bars were mounted in bearings and their car is ready to transport various materials.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/platforma/th_IMG_9805.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/platforma/IMG_9805.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 26 Юли 2010, 18:23:29
The idea of creating a model from scratch gives me no peace for a few days. I documented on both DU 77, and the Czech automotorul, M131, which I find very interesting. I started gathering the necessary documentation and parts, but until then I decided that using some PIKO vintage cars, cars with no future in Slobozia Diorama, to create (yes my hand to what they say) a railcar conception of its own, somewhat similar to M131. As there is enough documentation regarding the achievement of this model, we decided to practice on the PIKO model, a toy rather poorly done and even ugly in some respects. I wanted to do a job not too fancy, something simple and easily made to understand what it means creating a new model.
 I decided to call my model AP 020-01 (automotive prognosis) ... http://trenulete.info/automotorul-ap-020-01/
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AP-020-01/th_AP-020-01.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AP-020-01/AP-020-01.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AP-020-01/th_AP-020-05.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AP-020-01/AP-020-05.jpg)
Here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-klzKTAtR0 motoring test movie
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 30 Юли 2010, 16:53:10
I continued this work with imaginary change the transmission and engine. I finally decided to leave on a single axle traction, as has the original M131 or 905 Malaxa that according to tests, the model does not need to have traction on both axles, the effort is minimal and can suffice for the tractor trailer on the slopes dioramas even two cars. Again, a design model is imaginary, I like to do that exercise and training in order to achieve a set pattern, as would be M131 or later even DU77.

Evolution works on this model imaginary http://trenulete.info/automotorul-ap-020-01-partea-a-doua/
Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxAoe1wUOBY film evolution works

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AP-020-01/th_AP-020-14.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AP-020-01/AP-020-14.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Август 2010, 19:26:49
AP Automotorul 020-01 (Part Three)

AP 020-01 automotorul work to prognosis continued with body recovery. I removed the old windows and have good clean soldering hideous place. I repainted the wagon box with airbrushed yellow, a color picture Fada come to change all the original PIKO wagon. Should inquire about how to make a decal that somehow burn the wagon. If you find the solution you use print on transparent self-adhesive sheet. I've rebuilt the windows transparent acetofan left on the buildings. I started realizing I mounted lighting and track lights in the car but the heat wave today, and plan to go to Bucharest today, I have slowed down this process, which certainly will continue tomorrow.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AP-020-01/th_AP-020-17.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AP-020-01/AP-020-17.jpg)

Mail multe imagini: http://trenulete.info/automotorul-ap-020-01-partea-a-treia/
Inca un filmulet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNjsE_9EE08
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 08 Август 2010, 15:31:41
The heat wave this week, I worked a little on this imaginary car. However we managed to advance work on time so it only remains for the interior furnishings, including floor. I postponed this goal for a neighbor willing to wait to bring my plate 2 mm thick sheet, which will aggravate the wagons and furniture over which you work.

VAGON Trailer

For wagon wheels, I planted underneath a bridge that we redressed current diodes that I brought on board. I finally chose the lamp oldest torch positioned in the middle, as VT automotorul 135-056. I used an LED diode punctifoma of 1.8 mm diameter, positioned on a circuit board and numbered with a 980 ohm resistor placed in the slot below the floor. Identical to another seat on the opposite side I put another 820 ohm resistor that feeds three of the SMD LED ceiling mounted parallel to light immediately at the lowest current. Also under the floor, a seat left open and I put a capacitor 420 to FM light stability. Thus, light and red lamp light ceiling lamps are lit constantly and regardless of the direction of travel.


On the wagon tracks made by two plates have in order to have lighting on both ends. For lights we used transparent plastic light round the rest of the windows of houses fitted for diorama. Frame lights and their shirt is made of termocontractil hose. Such prisms are glued worked on wagon chassis so that it is easily removed.

On the circuit board, I glued down the right prisms SMD LED warm white, mounted parallel to each post and each in series with a 980 ohm resistor placed in temples hidden under the floor above-mentioned departments who have sezizat potential and we used to hide strength.
Otherwise we proceed as in wagon wheels ...

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AP-020-01/th_AP-020-33.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AP-020-01/AP-020-33.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AP-020-01/th_AP-020-34.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AP-020-01/AP-020-34.jpg)

Mai multe imagini si explicatii http://trenulete.info/automotorul-ap-020-01-partea-a-patra/
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 08 Август 2010, 19:02:39
Iata si filmuletul pe care il dedic celui ce fost OMYDEE…. Dumnezeu sa il odihneasca in pace!

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Август 2010, 18:29:16
Festival steam locomotives in Slobozia

Town of living is higher today in celebration. Arrived from various parts of the country and in Germany, steam locomotives were gathered for a small performance in Blumenberg station. Have already been known Br 95 (PIKO) depot from HP Botosani, AB 38 (Liliput) and AB 55 G8 (PIKO) in Satu Mare. PanArin the depot was moved to the old exhibition G8 BR 55 (PIKO) izata CFR (40.065), elegant G7 Br55 (PIKO) and already famous Black-Anna.

The exhibition was completed by the Company's new acquisitions PanArin, locomotives arrived just in Germany and will be scheduled for workshops PanArin modifications, repairs and improvements, eventually to participate in a traffic times on Diorama in Slobozia. Series of these old ladies was opened by an ancient Gutzol BR at 64, followed by another lady PIKO's old guard, AEG locomotives BR 56 2906, car accessories in the box and still has not been run before. He arrived a beautiful mini Duchess AB 93 Roco.Piesa resistance to new acquisitions presented in the exhibition was the station Blumenberg an old BR 52.2006, locomotive equipped with a tender as her tender car extended heating , as shown in pictures.

Exposed locomotives have delighted visitors who had the opportunity to see live how to make railway transport after some time. After being reviewed and tesatte on all lines of city living, beautiful iron ladies of the road were withdrawn PanArin workshops for engineers to study them and their program not for various cosmetic operations and improving lighting. All locomotives are in a state of perfect preservation, fully functional, no damage. As the locomotives will be scheduled at the workshop will present a detailed description of each as well as cosmetic operations will be conducted. News to you, and I invite you to admire the collection of steam and will want to Slobozia Enjoy!


(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/depou/abur/ExpoAbur/th_Aburoase30.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/depou/abur/ExpoAbur/Aburoase30.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 17 Август 2010, 14:19:18
Steam Locomotive BR 56 PIKO - improvements

PIKO realized in the glory years, surprised me by making this model mainly as a hobby is a model range. And also details numerous bags of accessories. Although they are sealed envelopes in a box in their car seems to have been little used and how. First type the old engine with discoid collector, this one strange symptom. On the reverse is normally round, that is pretty hard on it but went ahead in the polls only to maximum power and locomotive only if the land itself. So it was rolled, with maximum voltage, a light guide proves especially front melted and combined with some of the black wall of the box protection under the locomotive, but on this subject I will return later.

How were held reconditioning works, improvements and LED lighting, more detail and with many pictures here:

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR%2056/th_BR_56_23.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR%2056/BR_56_23.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR%2056/th_BR_56_22.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR%2056/BR_56_22.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 18 Август 2010, 15:42:28
Ziua aburoaselor

O zi cu locomotive aburoase pe Diorama de la Slobozia… film special!

Facut partial cu telefonul caci intr-o criza de personalitate, camera video refuza sa mai porneasca… http://trenulete.info/ziua-aburoaselor/
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 24 Август 2010, 19:45:48
Renault Traffic rail HO (home made)

Very nice toy impressed by the sesancave pe forumul lokomotiv (http://forum.lokomotiv.ro/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=7495), I decided it was time to make my own cars that run on the diorama in Slobozia. I chose the little cars in the collection, a little more roomy minivan since masking engine and power accessories that you will use. I chose a yellow for the perfect the image will be a vehicle maintenance or post.

Unfortunately, all my magazine mini electric motors, none coresounde requirements. All are powered at voltages between 3 and 5 volts which leads to printing an excessive speed of the vehicle. I know there is this model of engine power to 12 volts, because I like the black one Anna, but do not intend to rob, so this project will remain on hold until / if I get a motor wound for 12 volts ... So as now provided, the vehicle works perfectly ... in digital, where speed can be determined more easily than other vehicles, but similar, overly hard on the diorama runs ... as seen next film>>> http://trenulete .info/renault-traffic-h0-home-made /

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/th_CRIM0015b.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/CRIM0015b.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/th_IMG_0002.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/IMG_0002.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: toniemi в 24 Август 2010, 20:28:43
Цитат на: prognosis link=topic=1087.msg45366#msg45366 date=1282668348
Renault Traffic rail HO (home made)

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/th_CRIM0015b.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/CRIM0015b.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/th_IMG_0002.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/IMG_0002.jpg)
:good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :hi: :hi: :hi: :hi: :hi:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: n_sirakov в 24 Август 2010, 21:42:13
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 26 Август 2010, 19:56:12
Today I did lighting. First, we made both by external hardships under chassis platform as well as inside, so I brought the toy to 100 grams as well stay on line. I slowed down behind a car with other pieces of lead even in the right worm shaft so as to be better adherence.

Should mention that the axle slots are not perfectly perpendicular. They are deeper side so that the contact pressure spring (made of elastic cords guitar), axles sits better on the irregularities themselves. The main counterweight, the inside, I placed the stick with double-sided tape, nice LED lights and strength back. On the side are nice weight to fall fest circuit between blades stuck on the bottom. Thus, the mechanism with light weight can be removed only by drawing with surinta and electrical contact is made with copper strips between weight and elastic bottom engine box. I thought so just because the equipment must be completely removable in order to intervene whenever cleaning or changing the engine. Virtually out of the engine box, no other piece is not bonded. All weights are caught with screws.

Headlight in front, I made a second circuit board and a rezistorde SMD 820 ohms in series, like what goes into the chassis and a place whose nature and they pressed on taking over the current need of contact blades.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/th_Renault-05.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/Renault-05.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/th_Renault-06.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/Renault-06.jpg)
Movie monster run in the samples
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/th_Renault-13.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/renault-traffic-ho-pe-%C8%99ine-partea-a-doua/)

After I started working on my little Ford Traffic trolley, I searched the net and see if there was something I found on various forums and sites with many images trolley, most narrow lines. Will present with you these images and links to those sites, oentru those who want to document better.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 28 Август 2010, 15:49:58
Renault Traffic HO rails - Part Three

I revived SlotCar engines that had endowed by their rewinding. Basically we rewinding one from each model as he had two types. Some Chinese from ruin and some german cars more, something more of God-help. The first 175 were wound with many turns on each pole, and 210 seconds were many turns on each pole. By dismantling a transformer used, we recovered a portion of wire winding wire which in my opinion (I micrometer and no marking of traffic was not decipherable) was about the required thickness. Was to know exactly correct wire diameter, but ... this is, with this scroll. Full of envy, I can not help remarking modelers benefit from other countries, which provide many opportunities to buy parts they need, engines, axles, gears, transmission group, winding wire, etc.. and thus they remain time and energy to deal with Modeling proper. I am forced to use thereof for the preparation of material I need. Winding engine is very difficult, requiring patience and meticulously wire and very carefully. What I say to manufacture a group of transmission using a drill ... Anyway, the result counts! And is a joy to see the engines made by Spira Spira, produce results and the book revolve. Have to specify that I met the two types of engines, different versions of the coil binding, although in practice, the engines are the same. I searched the net information about something, but are either not or do not know exactly how I was looking because I found Illustrating this data. We chose to connect each engine model that was linked to the original coils. Even the German model coil was interrupted and not working, the plan is to rewind time on my list of expectations, but such an operation meticulously prevented me a while to get to work. But you need to learn and push yourself back to do the right thing.

After rewinding, the engines have responded correctly to commands and at a speed slightly smaller and closer to what I needed. Basically we have a total of 280 turns on each pole in both engines. After my calculations would have about 320 turns to a section of wire but something less than I did. Thickness not allowed me to more coil turns. The Chinese are collectors of elastic strip copper sheet, as in almost all the toys, Chinese and German engines are powered by coal collected pills, which makes them something more stable, more durable and more silentiose. Winding wire in the end I fixed it with some nail polish for your wife, for stray hairs that have over-loaded poles, do not jump at them and breaking contact with the motor magnets. The gauge on my decrepit and barely read, I did section and found to be identical between the Chinese and German. The desire was to give these mini-motor general, especially since I planned to do and crane units in the previous post. For it but I need some pictures from another angle and try to reproduce them and hope that you find a colleague from Brasov to Sinaia to seize the vehicle in the photographic image and thus help me to replicate this scale vehicle.

Otherwise let the images speak ... http://trenulete.info/renault-traffic-ho-pe- 99ine-%% C8% E2% 80% 93-by-the-third /
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/th_Renault-19.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/Renault-19.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 29 Август 2010, 09:10:08
Gata si filmuletul cu rularea acestui vehicul pe diorama de la Slobozia
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 30 Август 2010, 13:28:59
More knowledgeable I have pointed out that hospitals do not really fit wheels with my trolley post modern allure. Therefore we changed using 9 mm diameter wheel dressing, wagon wheels Mehano. May to give a touch of authenticity, I painted the wheels red and white, befitting a genuine Romanian rail vehicle!


(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/th_Renault-21.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Renault%20Traffic/Renault-21.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Vlado в 30 Август 2010, 14:33:31
 :good: :)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 01 Септември 2010, 11:23:50
Roco BR 93 steam locomotive - improvements

Presentation locomotive

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR_93/th_BR_93_01A.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/locomotiva-cu-abur-br-93-roco-prezentare/)

How was natural, beautiful locomotive entered PanArin workshops for improvement. The original board was support for electrical modifications to the lighting. Cabin space allows digitization locomotive even though the plate is equipped with jack decoder, it can be easily changed. For starters I slowed substantially cart using pieces of lead runner printing that we put sum cart, around the axle, the weight obtained by testing until the car ran perfectly in all conditions of the diorama without having to make trouble. Basically it added about 15 grams of lead, which changed the original ride.
For lighting we used the technique of combining a white LED red-hot with a soldering SMD LED feet directly behind it in antiparalel. Excellent red light propagates through the body in this transfomand LED bicolor bipolar LEDs. Original plate, I replaced the ignition diodes that gave meaning to the original bulb with 980 ohm resistors, without making other changes. The same model we have used LED lights and rear.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR_93/th_BR_93_13.jpg) (http://trenulete.info/locomotiva-cu-abur-br-93-roco-imbunatatiri/)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 04 Септември 2010, 11:13:12
Steam Locomotive BR 64 Gutzold - improvements

The locomotive is the oldest generation, but kept in the cabinet for years. Does the factory only with light bulbs in front lights, rear lamps are visible. Metal rods are the engine of the old guard, with discoid collector is technically exceeded, noisy and stinking though is exaggerated for this locomotive speed when attacking a hill, under load, mentally and physically inferior. Although the locomotive weight is well proportioned, gives the engine, for which, the owner asked locomotive restoration and replacing them in circulation to nominal parameters soon to be digitized.
Enter PanArin workshops, the car was immediately disassembled and engineers have found solutions to change them.
He was elected an 12-volt motor, a copier from Sharp, engine type that has been placed on other trains refurbished to Shed PanArin and which gave surprisingly good results. His speed is a proper super steam locomotives, the rotor rather than the inertial torque with a weight has increased over the Chinese engine, acting as if they have a flywheel.

It was decided that replacing the motherboard textolit coils were placed shock and nutritional engine blades to collect accurate and the blood of the three axles motoare.Am circuit board used to design and achieve a new motor and caring support adiacente.Prin tin, on a plate were Tufted stands for the new engine and the engine was a piece of tinned copper with metric threaded screw 2mm exact original engine set antic.Pe same nail plate have drawn the circuit wife power law would reconditionate.Placa new car parts will hold and engine power, will support and connect the blades to collect blood from the wheels and will hold electrinica point lighting and rear lights. At bottom, I planted two shock coils which are powered by electric motor. Also there I located and bridge rectifiers will supply both sections of headlamps, the front s8i rear. Point LEDs, red for the rear lamps are in series between them, the middle one being numbered 820 ohm resistor. Also on the bottom right position is found in collecting blood slides.

Sample of light before being electrically connected traction engine ...
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR 64 Gutz/th_BR64_09.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR 64 Gutz/BR64_09.jpg)
Today, although the day off, the craftsmen decided to continue assembling workshops PanArin front lights, so earlier this week, tests on locomotive lines to enter the city from the living room and will then be sent to the owner for digitization.

will follow
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 05 Септември 2010, 13:08:10
Saturday, September 4, although the day off, the craftsmen decided to continue assembling workshops PanArin front lights, so earlier this week, tests on locomotive lines to enter the city from the living room and will then be sent to the owner for digitization. So they made the lines of Grandmother Gutzold rejuvenated and ready to tow to increase safety and trains just like her first youth ...

To begin to rebuilt front circuit board so that it be planted in two warm white LEDs and resistance of 820 ohms in series with each other after his princiouil E69.Placuta entered MPU applied to the right place of the old textolit and connections were made to the board through two wire copper line diagrams directly on the exit bridge rectifier. Between the motor and circuit board was mounted filtering capacitor positioned correctly this time, after the shock coils. This condensation was originally placed strangely before coils, as well reported in Mircea Ursu commented Peter sau.Dupa samples, circuit board and wire ends were painted with black matt Revell ... and was applied over the engine of self-adhesive foil black, to mask somewhat stoker engine cabin. Should be noted that currently there is enough room to install a decoder in the cabin.
Unfortunately, the owner decided to give up all its locomotives, so not much time to manage them and I said it would sell this beautiful toy for the price of 320 lei. Administration Bulmenberg regret that no withholding funds needed for this cute Depot PanArin grandfather and she hopes to get good hands, a depot where they are respected, loved and maintained by a steam locomotive enthusiast reconditioned and rejuvenation ... PanArin workshops.
Film with turnover in the locomotive tests http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgcTyENp9zY

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR%2064%20Gutz/th_BR64_14.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR%2064%20Gutz/BR64_14.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR%2064%20Gutz/th_BR64_13.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR%2064%20Gutz/BR64_13.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Септември 2010, 14:41:53
Finally I managed to recover barrier films on the old hard drive to edit. I redid the page with details about this barrier, correct links and all images recovered ... I got new movies and explanatory.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Септември 2010, 17:31:48
I wanted to accomplish in the workshop crane wagon in the picture. A detailed schedule has not yet found its inspiration but as I use a trolley Polish plan. After studying and wagon depot PanArin possibilities, I decided that I would use a car platform, blank, the PIKO, a model that will lack a few bars of the fence support protection and whose joints were broken. I think the car looks somewhat crane and extra for me to axle support system that has a game in chassis fabrication.
As we have oscillated between two mini-engine devoted and only after repeated tests, we chose all motor racing car for myself rewinding to 12 volts. Gears, axles and gears worm removed from Chinese toys last year. I decided to start on my action to achieve full traction then following that to build the cabin according to engine choice. Is very naturally especially as in reality, some of these tools are helpful relizate by modifying a car, and cabs are not standard, but depending on the manufacturer's imagination and possibilities.
To drive the axle shafts have a cut in two which I fixed axle with cyanoacrylate. Supports the worm shaft bushings are made of me pen Durex, glued them onto the axle with cyanoacrylate.
On the back, we supplemented it by strengthening the resistance of a cut piece of card phone, a little more resistant than forex software. Ing of two carts support the alignment is with the rubber hose silicone hose kits used in infusion, flexible and durable.
I installed a central axis cogwheel to be coached by a pinion located on the motor shaft to reduce speed and increase its pulling power at low speed. The engine will be positioned in the cabin below its glass.
Follow the central axis in the middle setting, the shaft bushings to be sectioned so easily removable, then atensiunii collection system installation, and then will begin work on top-box that engine mounting, cabin and finally building the crane arm.

I will return during work
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Септември 2010, 14:37:40
Continue http://trenulete.info/vagon-macara-home-made-% E2% 80% 93-2 /

After running the first tests we found that the vehicle is moving with too much noise. The problem was the transmission of the electric motor pinion, toothed wheel distributor of universal joints. Whether they are fit to your teeth not or was not balanced as cogwheel axle hole slightly smaller than the wheel thing caused me to give up this engine. However the speed was too low and he made good.

So, I rethought the motion system. I used this time a copier engine, which was originally wound for 24 volts, but I've adapted by rewinding the rotor to 12 volts. Initial coil wire have something thinner and a greater number of turns. I have one used a thicker wire and have calculated a different number of turns so that at the moment and the engine has more power but a lower speed, similar to those used in locomotives type PIKO.

For coupling with the axle with the engine axis I used silicone hose from the insulin infusion. I cut a place in the chassis to the engine so as to enter the engine stance and perfectly aligned with the axes of the two axles. Later we built in ABS 1.2 mm thick, the engine box, we placed an electric motor under the chassis for the mask.

For taking blood from the wheels, I used string guitar, thin steel wire, solder a circuit board, which I set it on top of the chassis by welding. Elastic threads of guitar chord, passing through holes in the inferoara and placed on wheels by simply pressing the axle shaft.

In rigorous tests, performed excellent vehicle moving with a speed similar to other vehicles H0, running quietly, quietly and fluently. May be difficult vehicle for its star better bonded lines during turnover. Place enough between floor and platform wagon chassis.

ABS construction followed cab stuck with superglue. After painting the walls of the cabin, we stuck paper on the protective foil on the back plate of ABS and then we cut to cater fretwork or component parts. With drawing paper and then broke away with the easy removal of protective film on the plate results

Follow crane bonnet and such, then arranging the platform. Of course not forget proper illumination of the crane.

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 18 Септември 2010, 12:39:28
Home made crane wagon - 3

Neither of my day I could not stand without something to crane my work. We continued to manufacture the engine hood. I used Forex 2 mm and 8 mm thick. After I carved a corresponding cut thicker partitions of needle caps, hood propriuzisa and radiator grilles front and side air vents.
I made all forex pillar crane using 8 mm thick and then I did and tool boxes mounted on the pole near the crane.
I then made using ABS crane arm, which is more resistant 1.2 mm thick and foil for reinforcements acetofan arm. Forex Captele are 3 mm thick and the top tube of 3 mm diameter tube (obtained from a lollipop on the stick). Pulleys are made by turning a plastic stick result of accessory parts kit cars. Turning cutting sandalwood and were made with linen fretwork on drill. Pole sticking with cyanoacrylate. Wheels for trolley crane are cut from forex 1.2 mm thick, with a mine preducele pen made of metal, sharp properly.
Shopping is made of 3 mm thickness forex we bonded wheels and pulleys.
I then made arch bars for reinforcement and galvanized wire for strength using a 5 m diameter and ABS cut fretwork. I gave the first handful of yellow paint and I passed the execution point lights using white LEDs for proper shade and mine something thicker pen.
I mounted the central front headlamp at a suitable position and will be electrically connected by painting and glazing cab. Reversing lamp next to the red light for the position.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/macara/th_macara29.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/macara/macara29.jpg)

va urma
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 19 Септември 2010, 20:18:07
Home made crane wagon - 4

We continued work on crane car. After I made the crane arm and the truck, I cut I made and installed shutters and staircase of Forex 1mm thick steel string guitar no. 3 for railings. I painted the deck properly, shutters, stairs and rest of ingredients using acrylic Revell.
I mounted headlamps moved forward, one at each pole crane cabin.
To support various bars and other trinkets will be mounted at the end, and after connecting the corresponding ballasted electric lights ...
Followed by a series of small things that will complete this first model made for me by a model. I mention that I had listed plans, worked only when measured against the images and photos found on the net. I'm sure I missed many more like I was wrong, but my first attempt is pretty good. I already know what's wrong, I already know what should be done differently and probably the next model will provide more attention to for a more accurate reproduction.

The first workers who have already taken delivery wagon to accommodate him and for specialized tests ...
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/macara/th_macara43.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/macara/macara43.jpg)

Iata si filmul evolutiei lucrarilor la acest vagon-macara
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: toniemi в 19 Септември 2010, 20:33:36
super :good: :good: :good: :good:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: XRISTO в 19 Септември 2010, 22:25:02
 :ok:  :hi: :hi: :hi:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 22 Септември 2010, 18:50:46
Home made crane wagon - 5 http://trenulete.info/vagon-macara-home-made-5/

Today we managed to bring the final stage wagon crane began last week. Thus, the platform after we cut the shutters and I mounted the stairs and railings, we continued with the final fitting red lamps, one on each end, positioned on the right. I used LEDs that go through the shutter and red dots are connected in series with a resistor of 980 ohms and turns antiparalel so each depending on the direction of travel. I thought whole circuit positioned beneath the floor, so that model to be able to remove without the intervention of soldering gun. I thought of taking blood from the plate located on the chassis through contact lameme guitar made of rope and attached to another circuit board located under the bridge, thus, bridge into place by pressing them and ensure electrical contact. From the same point and lights are powered lights in the cabin but connected through another resistor and installed as the red.
I redid the first cart that I lost the house and after 4 hours of searching I gave up on him ...
Of forex and I made the hook body. Pulley is made as those on the wheelchair and is one coupling hook them to steam accessories ...
I made all of forex and diesel tank ...
Crane cable is made of three wires bility, twisted healthy and then painted with black permanent marker.
For drums I used pencil and Chinese forex ...
Follow couplings, boxes of tools and accessories for small infumusetarea model. I'm terribly sorry that I have access to technology type sticker lettering but I think somehow peintez yellow on transparent self-adhesive sheet, which is thick and ugly, but after another method of lettering stick but I do not have ...
Before fixing the protective lacquer paint, dirt and I have dull paint here and there in important ... then the car was taken by the City Blumenberg and sent to work in areas where we began replacing underground cable television. Said happy new workers or their utility.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/macara/th_macara64.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/macara/macara64.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/macara/th_macara63.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/macara/macara63.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 24 Септември 2010, 09:06:56
Vagon macara home made – final
Film cu rulajul vagonului macara realizat integral acasa dupa imagini de pe net.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 27 Септември 2010, 19:35:50
Reconditioning and Improvements

Last week arrived in Constanta weather some steamy forgotten, dismantled and odd. Owner no longer hope to see them going, but the depot PanArin craftsmen began reconditioning action. Although this work is parallel in several workshops at all four antique cars, and I will briefly present each paper in turn, starting with this car on Steam, a U.S. locomotive.
After the first investigation, we found blocking rotor electric motor traction. He had bent the axle and therefore was replaced with a rotor from a Lima locomotive, and height, after minor adjustments were perfectly matched.
Lighthouse Central, received a warm white LED ... The lack of tender shell was reconstructed by using forex ... balustrades lack of various sizes were made from guitar strings and mounted in place ... lighthouse tender received bipolar Bicolor LED yellow / red .... The first tests I discovered that the car is equipped with smoke generator. This song has a reciprocating motion acting on the locomotive. The generator was loaded with about deposits and cabbage and the plunger was blocked connections. After cleaning it works perfectly adequate. Expect arrival corresponding liquid smoke testing.
And after recalibration slide contact and restoring ties, locomotive is given in tests Diorama in Slobozia. The car runs perfectly and is ready to go to depot basis of constant.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Cristi/638/th_Cristi-14.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Cristi/638/Cristi-14.jpg)
Iata si filmul testelor de rulaj cu noul motor precum si iluminarea:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: jopeto в 27 Септември 2010, 20:59:26
 :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 02 Октомври 2010, 12:41:28
Old Steam Locomotive Piko BR 55 - reconditioning
http://trenulete.info/br-55-old-piko-reconditionare/] http://trenulete.info/br-55-old-piko-reconditionare/

Arrived in the Dobrogea region, it is this engine in a pitiful state. Sparta with so many missing parts of the body and the bielaj, engine failure, but an emotional high for the owner, he entered the locomotive repair Kapital. After I changed to an identical engine but with full bushes and the Power (coal suprtul, springs, etc. ...), I went to the roof restoration. Piss lack of forex and have been made in those places put together. Chitu, sanded and painted. As there are no repair parts for them, I decided to confectionez you can at home, using various materials ...
The buffers were replaced after removing broken by cutting waste. We've assembled the chassis and drill pads in trade, taken from the pharmacy's Rally ...
For rods, the issue is complicated. After studying the problem we chose the most viable solution.
I rebuilt the main rod using ABS. Piston shaft was made of copper wire, wire softer I flattened it off by hitting the cob and in which I practiced for rivet hole of 0.5. Pins are rivets.
For rods to be identical we worked together ... After that I cut and pasted them have properly with cyanoacrylate.

Show more simplistic but at least for the time variant change the locomotive hobby. Follow the reconstruction of other parts of bielaj, lighting installation (which involves the manufacture of lanterns in November - the old ones were lost) ... as described above.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Cristi/55/th_BR55_Cristi_01.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Cristi/55/BR55_Cristi_01.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Cristi/55/th_BR55_Cristi_14.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Cristi/55/BR55_Cristi_14.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Cristi/55/th_BR55_Cristi_15.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Cristi/55/BR55_Cristi_15.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Октомври 2010, 15:43:49
DIGI 218 BR - improvements http://trenulete.info/br-218-digi-imbunatatiri/

Roco BR 218 locomotive, equipped with a built-built factory is a good engine and the mechanical traction, but owners know that the lighting is poor. Not to mention the lack of car and light guides by this monster. For such a change came from a locomotive BR 218 Roco Tulcea. Having already an attempt to actively locomotive in Ploiesti, but connected to analog, I started reconfiguring the system of power. Practically everything we redesigned assembly building combining the cabin lighting system. I removed the original LEDs will as their sanctuary to connect the wires to the new boards lighting so that light can be controlled from remote.
So I made the board cab made for the depot model GS Ploiesti. Basically cabin became electrical connections and support for LEDs. On the same plate is connected all LEDs, 820 ohm resistor for red lights, dipped headlights and central position. The latter resistor is connected without because there's already one on the motherboard. Slots connected to the power of the two original yellow LED (deleted). All ansablul is mobile so the cabs can be taken any time off for any inteventii. Nothing is glued on the body, are extracted from the dwelling quarters in that it is working perfectly embodies exactly the inner profile of the body. LEDs ansablul out with the cab without being stuck on car mask. A beautiful car with lights as ready to go to Tulcea to enter the digital mode of operation.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR218/th_BR218_DIGI_08.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR218/BR218_DIGI_08.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR218/th_BR218_DIGI_09.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR218/BR218_DIGI_09.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR218/th_BR218_DIGI_10.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/BR218/BR218_DIGI_10.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 21 Октомври 2010, 10:45:09
Film of a living city, train diorama in Slobozia printed CFR crane built by me, with washer tank wagons and coaches prepared to mark the CFR after coming stickers.

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 23 Октомври 2010, 11:00:50

Another very nice model but odd and useless mototul, arrived in Constanta for reconditioning. This steam car, built by Roco, is a strange blend between quality and Roco Roco puerile. Metal chassis, well done, with various facilities for mounting accessories implies that the car was done in several ways. The body of highly detailed, beautifully engraved, handcrafted quality plastic and easy to blend and beautiful chassis bielajul contrasts sharply with crude and simplistic, like children ... Piko boiler door shows a hole at the top, there was probably placed a lamp, though it seems such an incongruous location ... Otherwise all the lights are dummy. If the back will be relatively simple to set the lights, the street front are a new challenge, which I hope to cope with any good idea!

For starters we tested the engine and found a Roco engine, 5-pole, closed all the casing, but nonfunctional at the moment. Probably will be removed and cleaned because he would go, but it stutters.

I started restoring the roof after I studied some pictures on the net, using as a matter of working Forex and 0.8 mm, of which I made tracks. Soldering made with cyanoacrylate and Revell matt black acrylic paint.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Cristi/80/th_BR80-Roco-02.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Cristi/80/BR80-Roco-02.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Cristi/80/th_BR80-Roco-03.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Cristi/80/BR80-Roco-03.jpg)

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 23 Октомври 2010, 12:20:57
Blumenberg Depot - reconditioned trucks

Another diorama is the stage in life where I have an account reconditioned vehicles Depot Blumenberg.

In a crisis like this, the mayor thought it would be appropriate to acquire The town of reconditioned vehicles. In this respect, were sent PanArin workshops, some truck parts, with precise indication of being refurbished and use the city played. Thus, specialists Blumenberg PanArin workshops, performance managed to equip the city with some vehicles made of pieces from various layouts destroyed and recovered by HO scrappage program ...

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AutoBaza/th_truks-13.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/AutoBaza/truks-13.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: 760mm в 23 Октомври 2010, 19:53:28
The one with the grass is cute ;)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 25 Октомври 2010, 10:12:50
Gondolas for trolleybuses

Saturday I received a visit from a parent with his son, Samuel, aged 11 years, Slobozia, who wanted to see the diorama. Both child and parent, they instantly loved railway modeling. As a result, on Sunday, I practiced teaching skills for the first time after many, many years and this is what came out of little hands trained child.

How had the house in wagons Lima boghie some parts, I decided that we are using them, to do something simple and easy style that is second gondola cars to buses, which also Samuel home. Because his parents were not willing to make public their son inaginea cadet at the Academy of Trenulism PanArin, I will publish only part of the picture, say, those boy made only objects made under my direction in just one day workshop lesson Rail ...

I rebuilt so they are boghiele Screw the bottom of the gondola platform beneath reinforcing them with a disk of 3 mm thickness in forex will raise hollsurubul
The forex I cut 3 mm thick and the lower platform of 1.2 mm ABS I made shutters drawn wagons and I place that we intaritoarelor acetofan made of 0.2 mm thick, from the cover of an agenda
I shortened boghielor couplings and we strengthened with 1.2 mm thick forex
I made the upper platform, gondola floor of forex 1.2 mm thick, which I traced the press as partitions between floor boards, the sides have buffers attached Drill ...
After curing, sanding and gluing corrugated acetofan, I painted cars and they've undergone the screening test and appearance. After proper ballast, with a thin strip of 1 mm thick plate located under the floor, the cars were towed on the diorama and behaved excellently.
Finally, they went to the local depot Sam, who started modeling as road building two rail cars in its first simple lesson. I hope that the young man to pursue and develop their talent is seen as exhibits. 80% of this work was executed to the satisfaction of the little hands of his parents.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Gondole/th_gond-06.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Gondole/gond-06.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 25 Октомври 2010, 19:35:13
Automotorul Malaxa DU 77

After several unsuccessful attempts I finally got the board with clippings in possession of 1.2 mm in forex parts for Automotorul Malaxa, all thanks to a good friend, Emmanuel, who cut to pieces bit by me in Corel comic. As such, today we began the offensive on target DU Fall 77
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/DU77/th_DU77-01.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/DU77/DU77-01.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/DU77/th_DU77-02.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/DU77/DU77-02.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/DU77/th_DU77-04.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/DU77/DU77-04.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 30 Октомври 2010, 11:27:54
Diorama of Slobozia in October 29. 2010

Since living in cities, road traffic was busy, the mayor decided to install a traffic light Blumenberg electronically in the main downtown intersection. Designers have developed a simple model which will be installed as soon as possible to eliminate congestion and safety of citizens in town intersection.

This is light assembly as used in the construction of dynamic traffic light ...
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/10-29-2010/th_Semafor-02.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/10-29-2010/Semafor-02.jpg)
I have built two models, one based on a complex scheme, the traffic lights just like the real road, a model that requires many wires passing through the pole lights. But as the diorama in Slobozia, I needed a simple traffic light, I decided to change a dynamic lighting scheme, namely the light used in conducting the fountain, where I changed four times in March and brought in the flash point of light Yellow repetitive sequences between red and green.

Thus, the system now in order turn RED - YELLOW - GREEN - YELLOW - RED and over again and no longer need only four wires. Metal pole will be so common thread to remove it using metal wires and remain only three experienced metal mine to be the pillar pen light.


And I started working on the second wagon 900/77. I made two in parallel, one of which will go to my friend from Botosani
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/10-29-2010/th_IMG_0075.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/10-29-2010/IMG_0075.jpg)

And last but not least I started the engine and replacement switches on the upper path, where PIKO coil system has made a victim.
So far we have made electronic device that practical application will be made this weekend.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/10-29-2010/th_10272010.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/10-29-2010/10272010.jpg)

As a friend arrived with a better camera, I took some pictures and I also made a movie but I have not had time to process, especially as I did sismtit too well lately ...
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 30 Октомври 2010, 13:51:38
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 04 Ноември 2010, 22:29:19
Piko BR 80 Old model - manufacturing connecting rods


Design and manufacture of connecting rods in an old locomotive, Piko. Were used as raw material Forex and plastic baton as described on page 55 BR reconditioning. Also available a video demonstration:

Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Ноември 2010, 19:18:22
Road Traffic light home made

As I wrote in a previous post, we designed and implemented a road traffic lights need to regulations of the traffic on my diorama. This scheme was designed on a simple, light 4-stroke dynamics, modified by me to serve the purpose. In fact I deleted a while, I've doubled apriinderea to yellow and increased maintenance time. A scheme in which I worked HERE
1 mm thick ABS bodies of light ... I did it in mine pillar and the hood is the pen plastic tube to stick to clean ears. Otherwise not much to say, carefully and painstakingly twin passion and this is what came out:
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/semafor/th_semafor_08.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/semafor/semafor_08.jpg)
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Ноември 2010, 19:20:46
Diorama lui Prognosis in data de 06 noiembrie 2010

I have profited from the arrival to visit a colleague's wife, from whom I borrowed a Nikon camera, extreme performance, with which I have some clear and beautiful pictures. Obviously I have not had enough time to study all the room facilities and to organize more artistic pictures, but we managed and even some footage. The problem with them is, however, that conversion from one format to AVI MOV and how we Converter filmrea will wait until processing. Clarity, however pictures amazed me. Frankly I am very impressed and it seems my diorama is different. I found details that I did not imagine it ... I leave town to take pleasure in living pictures.

(When installing traffic lights, we have built and implemented a small set of traffic lights for people to come or go from accessing the bridge and the station Blumenberg runs the risk of train accident at the railroad crossing. Traffic light in two colors, red and yellow, acts when a train approaches the station entrance, red warning light on those who venture in crossing the line. All for the safety of citizens above all to be in my town.)


Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: 760mm в 06 Ноември 2010, 22:16:25
That is it!!! I told you that a better camera would make your diorama look x100 times more beautiful to the world! It's great to see those. Seems like my advice stuck in your mind :)

Do they have V100's in Romania?

Also - have you thought about weathering the tracks (putting rust)? As I can see more detail now; this one thing would make the whole diorama look even better! I have noticed that when the tracks are rusty in the base they look more like smaller version of the real thing; while when they are left shiny all the way; they still look like a model; not like a real railroad.
Титла: Re:Layout from Slobozia - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 07 Ноември 2010, 12:19:10
Orasul din sufragerie 6 noiembrie 2010


Prognosis model railroad

Begun in fall 2007, my diorama was originally just a childhood dream neinplinit remained a dream until I watched this age. What kid does not want a train around the Christmas tree? I dallied in his early years with all forms of scale models. I did the fretwork years, we have quoted I plywood invented carriages and elegant models in all areas. We made houses, villas, cottages, car models I made of plywood and other materials. We invented and realized wind toys paintings pyrography. We reproduced the scale ships online game Rune Scape. We built models of ships from the jewelry boxes and expressed my imagination through what I did. I tried to cardboard, and plywood and plastic to ceramic to use to create beauty from my mind, but I managed to fulfill the dream diorama childhood.

In this model we have combined my ideas and my imagination endless automation kept me anchored in the past three years work. I wanted and the first thing I designed a layout designed to be exposed and be seen to run automatically so that delight children and their winged imagination. I wish with all my heart that my achievement to reach children, to form new generations costructori. I imagine their little hands busily working on my diorama inspired by the achievement of imagination, instead of typing mesenger crazy on the phone or listen to manele street corner.

God is my witness that I tried in so many ways to impress a positive and constructive to attract local government in this passion, which, by the power of law to help me reach the hearts of children. I do not think it was a big deal to be allocated a space to run a club, where the diorama to be exposed and where children come to learn to build. I do not think there is money in local budgets for the generations that are lost in meaningless political turmoil in this country. Unfortunately, we found that whether or not the power, that whether or not to do so, our elected politicians, administrators, mayors, businessmen with more money, they will not participate in this program. I do not give a damn about the formation of generations to come. I regret that did not echo my requests, I regret that this achievement is only meant to soothe my soul and those few that I guests step into, or those few viewers on the Internet. Not what I originally wanted. I thought my talent and passion will be used in a children modeling support offered by the county Ialomita, Slobozia, and why not, even for modeling and promoting local talent. There was to be so and therefore, protest and refusing to associate my name diorama town where she was born ... this is why in Slobozia Diorama Diorama's Prognosis, therefore henceforth not give any a ban on any politician, especially on any of the nation.

When will I die, because people are dying daily and not left behind them than what they did, I will share the parts depot PanArin, young people who support me through messages on the site, and Diorama's will be donated to a club Prognosis neighboring Bulgaria, where my work is appreciated and where she will be exposed children eager to learn something good.

"Thank you" to all people with money and other functions and Slobozia Ialomita county, for invisible support for the involvement of non-existent and not using my talent educating generations of children in a constructive spirit, forgetting to point out here a notice of a public servant Ialomita (whose name does not even deserve to be reproduced on this site): "No matter your talent. Do not have a diploma, they call that you can not do anything. "

I disagree and say it does not matter what you say you have done, passed to you only what you created! Proof is in my film. Even I do not know anything. Everything is fiction. Diorama's Prognosis is just ... Living City's!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 09 Ноември 2010, 19:13:02
Caile Ferate Prognosis va prezinta Depoul PanArin 2010 intr-un film

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: 760mm в 10 Ноември 2010, 02:06:31
This is just amazing! Almost everybody has a dream - but you have managed to do something a very few can - get your dream out of your head and materialize it; make a real thing, an expression of a dream that now everyone can enjoy. It's always a pleasure to watch your videos!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Ноември 2010, 14:47:55
O filmare cu o selectie din filmele cu locomotivele care s-au perindat prin depoul PanArin in cei 3 ani de existenta.

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: BateYavko в 11 Ноември 2010, 00:51:07
bine făcut frate  :good:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Ноември 2010, 12:14:06
Trams Constanta route to download

As I did not hosting space on my route to make free downoad http://www.rapidshare.com site for those interested to take it and enjoy it. The route has not been tested only by me and may have various irregularities but I'm sure they can be easily remedied. Forgiveness for the upset but I am a novice designer, I worked alone on the route several months, this work is my first attempt to make a train route in the simulator and will most likely be the last. All my life I have tried new things, we tried to do what I liked and trams have been and remain my greatest passion. In memory of youthful years, when I attended the installation of the first tramway in Constanta, the head-line Holiday Village, with a team of electricians and mechanics, led by a young engineer, giving all enthusiasts the opportunity to revisit and recreate the drive trams me through virtual constant.

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 17 Ноември 2010, 19:27:19
Tonight I had a great joy. I received a gift from colleagues of passion in Bulgaria, a digital camera Olympus T-100, a very complex miniature and more performance than what I did. After studying elementary textbook, I did my best to test and delight knows no boundaries. The photos taken at night in the house, with only two bulbs in chandelier, are published. Nor could it be something with my old Sony DVX-800 camera, the camera seems to be the work of the opportunists and manufacturisti not an original Sony product. There was no clarity and the software does not function properly, many pictures were lost in the process.

I can not express the joy made by colleagues in the neighboring country. In the current crisis had no chance to get a room with my own strength. But what I want to emphasize is that Bulgarian neighbors once again prove to be another kind of people. I do not deny that I often tried to get help from local authorities, the administration, because after all, through my work through my work, I searched and I managed to bring a good name of my city, my county. This did not impress anyone and I have not found help anywhere locally, outside the Earth shop, where I have purchased the parts I needed'm on my diorama building. Otherwise, only words and promise to those who would have to support my work locally, especially as I expressed a desire to expose the diorama and to teach children to mestereasca Slobozia the trains. Work that has not happened to my astonishment and shame them, here in Bulgaria, some colleagues of passion, without ever asking for anything from them, I have made a gift to help me in my work and works diorama presentation my scale models.

Do you think there are words to express my gratitude to such a gesture?

Thanks dear colleagues from Bulgaria!

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 17 Ноември 2010, 23:36:23
MSTS Constanta Trams – linia 100


Film cu ultima lucrare la linia 100

Ca o ultima zvacnire in domeniul simulatorului, am reusit sa finalizez linia 100 Sat Vacanta – Gara si retur. Problemele tehnice intampinata din cauza computerului destul de rudimentar ma determina sa renunt la acest proiect. Mai sunt si alte maruntisuri pe care nu le cunosc si care fac deliciul unei rute perfecte. Am incercat, nostalgia unui tramvai prin frumoasa mea urbe natala. Am lucrat la aceasta ruta peste un an de zile. Stiu ca are multe lacune, dar atat cat m-am priceput am continuat. Las pe altii mai talentati si mai priceputi ca mine sa continue aceasta munca. Ruta poate fi luata de la linkul:

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: 760mm в 18 Ноември 2010, 07:25:58
Не е счупена камерката ;) Тествах с гугъл земя - човека е написал "dogitala" вместо "digitala", което на Румънски значи "счупена" ;)

Можем само безкрайно да се радваме, че всичко е наред и е донесло усмивка!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 18 Ноември 2010, 15:04:26
Sorry for the mistake. Because emotions and fatigue ... :yes:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 22 Ноември 2010, 11:18:23
Maintenance - interior furnishings, the couple cut short and inscriptions


This weekend I worked a few trinkets, which, however, seem insignificant though, kidnap quite long.

First I made interior furnishings that remained indebted to Automotorul Prognosis. I want to do and an electrical coupling to power the lighting in car tow tractor wagon, so the train stops from where the tractor stops on a line segment energized, the parking lights remain lit, this time for a special note to my analog system.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/cuple/th_CRIM0037.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/cuple/CRIM0037.jpg)
Then they came for the stickers, I've written on here and there, in important respects. Priority is bonding with the inscription of the electricity, lightning warning. And for my diorama, the city is invented by me, we ought to dedicate some PanArin depot wagon, which I also made a logo and an inscription for freight cars ...
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/cuple/th_PB190003.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/cuple/PB190003.jpg)
For some coaches Piko, classic axle couplings were oversized so ancient distance between tapoane was over 10 mm. Compared with other joints, all Piko and all the old generation, fixing holes were different, so ...
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/cuple/th_PB200013.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/cuple/PB200013.jpg)
And in addition, we completed the collection of dedicated gondola transport trolley, with another car ... made by Gondo method for trolleybuses
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 22 Ноември 2010, 15:19:54
Drill home made


How do I drill a large, 220 volt, but whose small spiral chuck can not catch, so necessary in models, I decided to use the engine PanArin stores, something old, 24-volt used in the old windshield wipers to trams, to build a drill smaller and easier to handle in models, which have not beat the strands of 1mm or thinner.

For this, I ordered a lathe chuck a reduction from an old mine, a hand drill and screw shaft of the motor. Also I did everything turned aluminum, a pressure cap on the motor shaft to adjust the pressure with a ball and a spring and there are still cool and engine lubrication

The handle is made of textolit engine and comes with strips of aluminum plate and screws. The handle I placed a starting Micro. The machine is fed through a feeder trains FZ1. Unfortunately not much jaw chuck ....

But it's important that you make yourself a mini drill Scale models.

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 23 Ноември 2010, 09:57:10
The American Mehano with directional lights

Film presentation http://trenulete.info/inca-o-americana-cu-fason/

Came from a particular depot in Ploiesti, the American locomotive, product range Mehano hobby, is the U.S. sent two directional lighting installation. As we have done and first (http://trenulete.info/o-americana-mai-cu-fason/), I made holes for the red lights right in dwellings position lights imitated in the case. For that, the first was scored with a sharp needle, just the center hole where it will locate the front position. To perfect score in the middle, with a file to slightly flattened hemispherical shape of the lamp housing imitated in the locomotive. Propriuziză drilling followed the steps, spirals ever higher up the scale LED punctiform type which was to be used. Drilling in speed is necessary to keep strictly to the exact shape of the hole center lamp housing emulated.

Point red LEDs are connected in parallel and in series with a 920 ohm rzistor plate mounted above the engine. For central lighthouse we used a white neon light, a resistor in series with 820 ohms. Light is positioned so that light can be applied to both headlights stacked central and part of it be passed on plates with numbers and specific light American locomotives.

For extra effect, I placed in the cabin and a 12 volt bulb that gives a pleasant light in the cab.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/americana%202/th_americana-08.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/americana%202/americana-08.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/americana%202/th_americana-07.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/americana%202/americana-07.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 24 Ноември 2010, 22:29:41
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: topalov в 24 Ноември 2010, 22:38:58
 :hi: :hi: :hi:

Very good job! Congratulations!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 26 Ноември 2010, 12:25:49
My Diorama in local media attention

November 25, 2010 Yesterday, in truth the evening newspaper appeared an article about my diorama intention to Modeling founded a club in Slobozia. Maybe this time, authorities will be more cooperative and I will support to children and enthusiasts in Slobozia, a puncture of attraction and power in the arts rail modeling. I think it's appropriate for them to have a place where their passion could take shape, where the change imresii and experiences, where to make art in a controlled environment. It's a shame not to see the world through these works, it's a shame not to be in town a place where children practice and learn to build. I like a little effort from the County Council, the Mayor would give the city a good thing and prove that the administration engage in the act of promoting local talent and to encourage constructive hobbies.

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pach в 26 Ноември 2010, 12:31:34
 :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
 :hi: :hi: :hi:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: 760mm в 26 Ноември 2010, 12:41:17
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ivo в 26 Ноември 2010, 15:37:04
 :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:  :good:  :hi:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 28 Ноември 2010, 17:30:42
Classic car - LED lighting

A nice classic car with lights, came from the Banat region, received a white LED-based lighting, hot lights and lanterns for the final. After the principle applies to other cars with lights, we used light plexiglass 5 mm thick, in which we positioned peduri white hot. The ends were polished with emery lens removes the effect of magnifying your replacement light. LEDs are positioned to the top of the beam and the light is reflected from the ceiling skylight that I bonded foil so as to be illuminated and skylight windows.

The five ceiling lights are connected in parallel and in series with a 12-volt mini bulb and lamps are in series with a resistor of 820 ohms. The cabin is situated toilet miniature bridge rectifiers. The collection is made osiillor axle with slats Rally model (sent by the client) ...

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20clasic/th_28nov10-02.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20clasic/28nov10-02.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20clasic/th_28nov10-13.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20clasic/28nov10-13.jpg)

Multumesc Bulgaria Colegue
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 04 Декември 2010, 11:08:44
Ancient ships, another front of me modelist

It was a time I toyed with great pleasure, passion and patience, with water modeling. Passionate RuneScape player, since the game was released, I loved a lot and I tried to replicate the virtual environment used in the game ships. I had plans, I only studied some of the images in the play-on and after these milestones, plus imagination, I have reproduced these beauties. For long, the boats stayed in a restored shelves of a friend who bought all the ships at a time when my life changed, I got sick with asthma and I lost my job. Boats were for a time in life, as I am assured that the money necessary treatments. Later I regretted their alienation, especially because now I could not bear the dust resulting from grinding wood, but they remain a part of my passing on this earth!

(http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb409/Arin_Panait/corabii/th_Flotila12.jpg) (http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb409/Arin_Panait/corabii/Flotila12.jpg)

For almost one hundred pictures of these ships, I apologize for forwarding and invite those interested to see them on my site or photobuchet

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 05 Декември 2010, 17:44:02
Small car - LED illumination


After some time they arrived in Botosani a series of four small cars, from Piko, old model, who were destined for dismantling and use of chassis units for future construction Malaxa 900/77. After thorough investigation we concluded that the body is shorter and therefore gave up their disposal. After last week I changed their couplings, today we began equipping them with indoor lighting.

Strips are made from circuit board and contain four 1N4005 diodes as a diode bridge, a 1k resistor and the 3 SMD LED. Diodes and resistor are mounted on the top and so are hidden under the roof, simple scheme of image

... And on the plate, directly on the copper levels are only three "lights" yellow smd, given that cars are antique lamps and lighting is by whose light was yellow.

The axles are attached to metal hanger, the collection is simple, no slides, only two wires bonded closely over the shoulder metallic osiilo sharp peaks, r with minimum friction and without the need of blades. A very good and effective blood collection, one pole of the axle and a second from each other.
The plate is pierced for the passage of mounting guides on the wagon chassis. Removing and extracting placutei for intervention is no other problems.

A capacitor will be built in to cover the toilet cabin pressure drops during turnover.
Follow the rest of the coaches, the last going to be mounted lamps and lanterns upper end. But after we get this and other cars because the original metal axles were fitted with plastic axles.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20mic/th_PC050001.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20mic/PC050001.jpg)

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20mic/th_PC050006.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20mic/PC050006.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 07 Декември 2010, 17:26:06
Small car - LED illumination - 2
http://trenulete.info/vagon-mic-% E2% 80% 93-on-light-LED-2 /
I continued with light cars in this set. I worked circuit boards, all at once for ease of production. We made a little longer to lean on better housing and to secure a cabin built on the ends so you no longer see the window light. Basically I have fun with another 2.5 mm high, but still see the lights and as such I will proceed to other changes for the next car, and will process and apply to those already installed.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20mic/th_PC060006.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20mic/PC060006.jpg)
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20mic/th_PC060009.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20mic/PC060009.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Декември 2010, 13:03:45
Karos bus B-732 - mounting kit (not recommended)


(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Karosa%20B-732/th_Karosa-B-01.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Karosa%20B-732/Karosa-B-01.jpg)

Recently arrived in the country for assembly Karos B-type bus 732, developed by Czech company SDV models. The kit came to me because the owner found himself in the awkward situation of being unable to solve due to poor installation of sheet examples of explanations. That's very straight, recall that a year ago or so, and I've gone through those moments when I installed Tug TATRA car produced by the same company and sold almost everywhere in our country. Maybe in another manufacturer, model to be of better quality, but SDV Models, at least by what appeared on the Romanian market are ashamed of such nonsense modeling Sale inexperienced enthusiasts. Moulds very bad times spent with burrs huge gaps, chipped or misshapen parts, and brief explanations board the wrong places, you are nothing more than create a complete state of irritation and discomfort when you begin to build a product kit This Czech company. So I understand the frustration of fellow who gave up to till this model. Personally I would be disposed of in any case I would not try this experience. The layout is terrible, made no accuracy or precision parts, prone to suicide for those who do not have patience or experience, why not recommend anyone to try to SDV Models kits, unless you really want to learn new and long series of specific swearing ... .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have willed to go out this great layout mess.
First I removed the windows did not qualify as fair in their dwellings and who were still stuck and you have forcibly and smeared with fingerprints of the holder.

As such, we removed the fingerprints and scraping excess adhesive to climb, sanding with very fine sandpaper and then finished with felt and pickling paste.
He attended the trimming and finishing ... cauciucurilo window frames and edges tuturot infamous cast.
I removed all hardware holes parked purposely to hamper the work modelist ...
We cut and finished all recoverable components on the frame casting.
We adjusted and polished wheel axles which fit with everything but the wheels and chassis of this machine is NOT!
I even rebuilt the axle holes were completely different diameter and position on the frame, than it would be for the wheels to come in the correct position.
Removal of all stored holes plate casting and bringing the vehicle interior furniture rates by sanding with sandpaper ...
Wheel and axle assembly Regaurirea ...
Revell Acrylic Painting with aluminum floor and the stairs ...
Mounting body was the biggest challenge. That's because neither nohow, no walls between them did not fit nor the chassis. Explanations on the board did not describe them ... is useless!

Finally, the result is a toy acceptable, but the installation process and outcome are not worth any amount of money and no work, because the resulting model is beneath criticism, unfair and difficult stage of exposure brought a diorama ... You fully understand the former owner! Again, I suggest mounting kits passionate and not lose money with such a mess during installation. Just think how are advised to come out this crap and just in the Czech Republic, a country where high value is placed on product quality. It's a shame that a vehicle is so beautiful and famous in Europe, have no part as a model.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Karosa%20B-732/th_Karosa-B-15.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Karosa%20B-732/Karosa-B-15.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Декември 2010, 15:19:11
Купи ER 20 и BR 111 Roco

H0 локомотиви се продават за събиране на тези средства за закупуване на  060 EA Delfin (http://www.jucarii.com.ro/produs.php?prodcod=3238), че администрацията иска Blumenberg силно в Панарин Depot.


Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 14 Декември 2010, 22:55:48
Trenulete.info, Orașul din sufragerie și Prognosis vă urează Crăciun fericit!

Steluțe argintii coboară acum din cerul înghețat, căzând lin pe pajiștea amintirilor de Crăciun din copilărie. Șuieratul trenulețului ce se învârte în jurul Bradului de Crăciun, mirosul cozonacilor, focul ce arde zglobiu să vă umple casa de lumină, colindele copiilor să vă aducă zâmbete pe chip, iar dragostea să vă mângâie sufletul.
La Mulți Ani! și trenulit fericit!
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Baza/th_Sarbatorifericite.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Baza/Sarbatorifericite.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Vlado в 15 Декември 2010, 09:17:17
 :) :good:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 17 Декември 2010, 09:08:47
Small car - LED illumination - 3
http://trenulete.info/vagon-mic-% E2% 80% 93-on-light-LED-% E2% 80% 93-3 /

Further work to illuminate the small wagons.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20mic/th_PC160004.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20mic/PC160004.jpg)

Because the LEDs were visible through the window from a certain angle, but also for the light generated by small yellow SMD was not my liking, I continued with the third car in this series, but we improved the system. That means gaining experience, experience that I share with you, citititori passionate about trains.

We decided that the board must go up to ceiling glass and plastic that does not allow me, I decided it's time to make some changes. So I removed the plastic sector transparency for windows ....

And with a cater for a cover of the book, I cut easy and I separated from the upper windows. Attention to cut, not pressed too hard for the material is brittle. I also used the cutter to remove the hardware inside the mouth of the wagon roof.

After finishing the cut, with Revell in place I glued the windows on the side walls. On the board I planted warm white LED, 3mm diameter, we have polished the lens to change the angle of light dissipation and eliminate the beam.

To fix ceiling plate we used double-sided tape ...

The result is as effort. Light is much more realistic and also no longer see the lamps. As we proceeded to all the coaches and the post, so now there's a set of four 1-lit. The car has lights and final post as I described in that topic.

For over years, starting in 2007 dn, many people helped with various donations, supporting my work and poor novice modeller, because in this moment dream diorama is involved, because PanArin Depot reached the stage where their allows a media campaign to support the rail modeling, Sunday, December 19, a group of children will visit the diorama in my home, on which occasion I decided to donate two sets of classic cars on the axles, one being it, and two locomotives Junior Piko steam, together with related and self seals drives running Piko necessary.

I hope that in this way to encourage rail modeling among children in Slobozia, offering little that I have, like me and have been made donations to support the right time. Fri celebrations, an occasion to regain our hearts with goodness and love the good God has endowed us, but which we use so little for the rest.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20mic/th_PC160008.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20mic/PC160008.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 04 Януари 2011, 17:33:25
Vagonul de calatori Wt 11 311 – Lima

Cu o particularitate destul de evidenta, acest vagon produs de Lima este ceva mai reusit decat alte vagoane Lima care au trecut pe la mine. Impresia artistica este generata de accesoriile din cutie. Un set de burdufuri, cuple si amortizoare, pentru varianta cu burduful cuplat, adica intins, un set cu burdufurile stranse, precum si platforma de trecere dintre vagoane, articulata. Cu multe detalii si ingrijit lucrat, produsul te incanta la prima vedere. Spun asta pentru ca o data pus pe linii, magia dispare si face loc dezamagirii. Boghiele prezinta un grad redus de mobilitate in plan orizontal dar si vertical, facand deraierea constanta si producand o mare cantitate de injurii pe metrul liniar de cale ferata.

Problema este simplu de rezolvat, dupa ce se reuseste demontarea completa a vagonului, prin largirea in plan inainte-inapoi a gaurii in care intra axul boghiului, astfel incat boghiul capata o mai mare mobilitate. Pentru rezolvarea deraierii in curbe, este deajuns sa inlocuiti osiile standard Lima, cu axul din plastic, care tin rotile la maxim presate in interiorul sinei. Schimbarea acestora este necesara si pentru introducerea iluminatului cu un minim de interventii. Eu am inlocuit osii cu unele izolate pe o parte, de la Piko, osii la care am ajustat distanta ditre roti, reducand astfel incat osiile sa joace usor intre cele doua sine. In acest mod, am rezolvat problema deraierii vagonului.
Pentru ca tot am desfacut integral vagonul, am imbunatatit imaginea interiorului vopsind canapelele cu maro Revell si podeaua cu bronz aluminiu si astfel am obtinut si efectul de amplificare a luminii prin reflexia din podea.
Pentru colectarea tensiunii, lamele de la Rally sunt ineficiente, dat fiind lungimea boghiului. Ca atare am folosit pentru lamele, fasie de tabla elastica de cupru, taiata in latime de 2,5 mm si pe lungimea de 46 mm, de care am lipit un fir facut din trei fire litate impletite, ca sa dea elasticitate si ca sa treaca usor prin gaura originala din mijlocul axului boghiului, fara a mai fi nevoie alta interventie.
Pentru plafon, am realizat un sistem pe baza de folie de forex de 2,5 mm grosime. Am dorit sa fac un model la care sa nu folosesc placa de circuit, tinand cont ca multi dintre modelisti nu au acasa posibilitatea scrierii si decaparii in acid a placilor de circuit. Se poate folosi cu succes si placa de circuit pentru teste. Eu am folosit forex pe care am plantat ledurile alb-cald, polizate in cap pentru inlaturarea lentilei, si contactor de fir de cupru de la cablu de retea pentru legaturile intre led-uri. Am folosit principiul celor 4 diode montate la capete doua cate doua, pentru redresarea curentului, astfel incat plafonierele sa arda indiferent de sensul de mers. Ingroparea ledurilor in forex a creat inca un avantaj, ascunzand astfel corpul diodei, afara ramanand numai o jumatate de milimetru din caparul polizat al diodei led.

Initial am folosit numai 4 led-uri in paralele si inseriate cu un rezistor de 620 ohmi, dar pentru ca se luminau prea putine compartimente, am marit la 7 leduri inseriate cu un mini bec de 12 volti in loc de rezistor. Practic sunt iluminate individual 7 compartimente din 8 posibile.

Astfel, un vagon ce mi-a produs multa panica la primul rulaj, a ajuns sa ruleze perfect si sa dispuna si de iluminat corect in compartimente. Maine urmeaza si perechea sa!

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Wt%2011-311/th_Lima-11-311-04.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Wt%2011-311/Lima-11-311-04.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Wt%2011-311/th_Lima-11-311-10.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Wt%2011-311/Lima-11-311-10.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Януари 2011, 14:07:12
ДВУСТАЕН 64 Gutzold на диорама на прогноза


Малко филми и някои нови снимки на гратисен Прогноза Diorama е през 2011 г., годината, в която всички ние искаме най-доброто.

2010 година е достатъчно лошо модели, поне за мен, но аз се зарадвах, когато видях, че насърчаване на железопътния моделиране в Румъния е направила някои стъпки! Аз искрено желание, че тази година клубът да бази и да се премести Ialomita диорама modelism железопътна в изложбеното пространство. Обещавам! За политиците, разбира се!

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Януари 2011, 10:47:44
Trams in Constanta route freeware download

[img] http://trenulete.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Site-Ruta-Constanta.jpg [/ img]

This route is freeware, but can only be provided to me by selected sites on the Internet for dissemination. The route contains texture files, buildings and vehicles whose copy was allowed from the Internet freeware routes, the tram route is Stadtbahn U79. Each type of sale and transfer (Ebay, Download, file sharing, etc.) is strictly prohibited. It is not permitted to offer patches that alter in any route, railway line or the general appearance and acodul without consulting me.

All installation details, rolling stock and accessories can dowload FREE
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: anubis в 12 Януари 2011, 01:15:59
This tram looks very modern and comfortable.Where is made? I am just curious which cities in Romania still use trams public transport and do they develope and modernize his net and rolling stock.
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 17 Януари 2011, 10:34:39
Sybille Auhagen House of Assembly kit code 12223

A very easy kit, made over Auhagen, without burrs, with songs performed correctly, less than the eaves where the roof does not have the correct edge gluing them accordingly.


The diorama or window, the box can be equipped with interior lighting. Final appearance matters a lot if we take care to clean the excess glue with fine sandpaper. You see, house is very beautiful and stylish. The appearance can be improved if they mount in the attic, terrace or balcony various accessories, tables, chairs, umrelute, characters.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/H-Sybille/th_H-Sybille-17.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/H-Sybille/H-Sybille-17.jpg)

I'd really wanted to breed and train depot in Slobozia. Unfortunately not able to obtain plans of these buildings. Everybody tells me that is secret, as are strategic objectives and as such can not provide documentation .... more laughter! Country's rush and his secret Institutionescu Voda ...
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 17 Януари 2011, 16:01:54
Box Mounting Kit Auhagen Michaela from code 11 387 [/ b]


This kit from Auhagen is my favorite box diorama. It worked even a little more care than Sybille, but also has its drawbacks. Dies are slightly better than the laSybille, not so much for deburring. Problems arise when installing the fence, which does not match the concrete platform and you can interfere with adjustment pieces of concrete. No explanatory drawing when the fence is not relevant. We must carefully study the picture on the box and comes as a little insight. In fact, mold is the only hurdle that needs to intervene heavily to remove burrs and ugly edges of the mold pieces, slightly unbalanced, hence the inconveniences.

Finally, one gets a paper plate, resulting in little of note 7 to Auhagen company. With some of its problems, is more fun to Mihaela box assembly, no need to intervene with massive trimming, cutting tracks if the tracks close to the branch.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/H-Michaela/th_H-Michaela-1160010.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/H-Michaela/H-Michaela-1160010.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 20 Януари 2011, 17:13:33
Chart no. Set of 20 drawings from STIPP, set the first time we presented the construction shed built since 2009.

Presented on A4 paper, the various pieces of this set are very easy to accomplish and results in much more expensive than a plastic box kitt. The process is relatively simple. I have complicated things a bit, adding the sheet of paper a more solid support, ie 1 mm thick pressboard cardboard to give an increased stability of the building. It can be done by two methods. Whether simply cutting and pasting parts of their sketch, only paper or print them on school bond, cardboard cut pressboard walls, installation of the house and then pasting the sticker. I used an intermediate approach, ie we cut pressboard walls, I cut out the design on paper and after assembling the walls, I stuck with paper prenadez model.

We started with clamps but under the roof support, as I said, stuck with the cardboard backing prenadez pressboard 1 mm thick and cut with the climb and then rip. As we proceeded with the roof plate, which I left to dry.

I went on the walls to the coal bunker, which is about 2 mm thick, used as the inner support pieces of corrugated cardboard perfume boxes (packaging), thick cardboard and proper that I pasted paper model prenadez. Bunker is a reproduction of a wooden model.

Camera magazine is executed as described above. Sure, you can cut the window as we made the draw to be mounted inside luminaa. Prodecat I did not want to fill out so that only an outdoor lighting pole, such as those made by my home and I will not put the light inside

This building presents a back wall, 3mm thick, like a protective wall and integral with the rear wall of the warehouse. We used to provide indoor (in paper), the same forex board thickness, polished to catch prenadezul, on which I glued and folded paper by the same process model as described in the introduction.

Platform to support the magazine, was made by gluing all paper model hard pressboard, which I mounted the box walls and rear wall with coal bunker, after which I added to strengthen the roof and clamps above.

As we proceeded with the pillar of support and diesel pump, but worked directly from the paper. I do not recommend the use of polyvinyl acetate because the paper absorbs moisture model and curls. I worked two such shops, one of the original paper, copied from a Xerox color (laser) on the school bond. This process is simpler for use prenadezului remove, but it requires attention to fixing any further niscare not allowed. prenadezul let you move but a few minutes adjusting the correct position paper printed decoration.

It follows that after drying and curing, to do the finishing touches to creoiane colored pens or paper where the combination is too obvious, adding exterior lights and a white LED lighting pole-warm, decorate with flowers or ivy and arba, aging and dirt here and there, in important respects.

It follows a simple but beautiful work for modelers unpretentious, it appears that no relief from joining hollow bricks, but quite pleasant to the viewer. A simple layout and easy to do, the time being about 2-3 hours of work.

The set of plans includes several buildings that you try to accomplish in coming days and I will present after completion. Who needs these models can contact me!


Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 21 Януари 2011, 16:39:40
I continued this work, first making charcoal from wood bunker. I used a piece of pulp with coarse as to resemble pieces of coal, cut the size of the bunker interior painted matt black and REVELL.

After installation, I used a stick to clean ears, soaked in paint thinner and paint the areas that I stretched to reach. We spread the misery as artistically ... on corners, on walls in the neighborhood, the roof, columns and floors.

Using colors I vacsuit edges cuts close to the roof and walls so as to give a touch of old and dirty.

Unfortunately, so have problems with images not currently make only one picture here. The rest can be seen here:
http://trenulete.info/cladirea-loktankstelle-de-la-stipp/ I apologize for sending board members.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/H-Loktankstelle/th_Loktankstelle-16.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/H-Loktankstelle/Loktankstelle-16.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Vlado в 21 Януари 2011, 16:45:48
 :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: Good job!!!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 21 Януари 2011, 17:50:02
Cladirea Spritzenhaus de la Auhagen Stipp http://trenulete.info/cladirea-spritzenhaus-de-la-auhagen-stipp/

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/H-Spritzenhaus/th_Spritzenhaus-07.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/H-Spritzenhaus/Spritzenhaus-07.jpg)

Another construction paper, all Stipp Auhagen the set is Spritzenhaus magazine (ie, where the Germans are going to drink on lunch break  :on_the_quiet: ...)

Using the same methods as Loktankstelle building, I realized two fitting parts, the warehouse itself and covered shed next to her. I started to shed, whose walls I lined 2mm thick pressboard. To bend the edges correctly, we used plastic boxes from sidewalks, on whose edges have decorative paper bent elbow.

To store, we doubled the pressboard walls 1 mm thick, cut as the design of a building inside which I did, I stuck to the walls of paper.

Mounting cardboard walls was easier if I used the original attachment, self-adhesive paper that is used in the application of prices on various products to stores, which for the time set apart walls.

I lined the interior walls of the school bond cream, to give shade painted wall and floor I used all school bond gray. We cut doors bulge to make them functional. Doors are made separately so that they open. Instead we used a gummed hinge stuck between decorative surface. Edges with the color we painted the door. Inside, the two decorative layers, we placed a piece of cardboard cards to strengthen the door surface.

At present, the collection Auhagen, I have worked on these buildings.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/H-Spritzenhaus/th_Spritzenhaus-10.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/H-Spritzenhaus/Spritzenhaus-10.jpg)
the remaining station buildings and office administration to move the depot, which realize them-meaning the next few days. Finally, all these new buildings will decorate mini-diorama piece, which will be connected to the diorama's Prognosis, a small part of the depot will be 3-4 times, revolving plate and other accessories, all made in home made style, paper and forex. In parallel work on board and automotorul revolving mixer.
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 22 Януари 2011, 17:34:11
Stipp Auhagen Briescht the building - no body. 1

Depot buildings set to continue Auhagen Briescht combination of no board I worked today. 1, corresponding to the largest building in the last grouping, which represents the station, stores and office moving freight and parcels.

Chart no. 1, the station's main building, is the central part, which binds all other bodies, was first on the list naturally.
In this building we decided to cut out windows and mounting them in relief, so that building can be equipped with interior lighting. To this must be cut to window frames climb on board printed

Then, the two sides of the walls of the sample mounts after all edges have been bent at odds.

The 1 mm thick pressboard, cut replicates the walls and windows and doors are cut so that light can pass from inteior. Drawing is done by aligning the correct model of pressboard cut piece printed with pencil and tracing decupaturilor circumference so that they overlap perfectly fitting.

Duplicates for mounting on walls, taking care to match deculajele well, stick with the model prenadez printed on the back and make sure you have tape on the seam position until stiff. Follow clippings shaping interiors with soft brush and a color as close to the printed pattern. I gave a pale brown brick.

Follow cutting and pasting their backup windows as centered within the building, each in the right place so unacceptable to see any light through the windows and the model to gain depth in their right.

After a first test of flatness and fixing windows and joints following minor changes to the mail box manufacturing. I have also added outside the window sills, which we painted a suitable color.

Meanwhile, sticks, cardboard, pressboard dubbed the roof and let it dry.

After drying, I painted the roof with gray bottom, in areas where we can see from the outside underneath. After drying I glued to the roof and I pressed the correct position better because light can not penetrate the bond among the edges. For safety, stick adhesive paper inside is dark for the entire length of the joints.

Finally I made of 3 mm thickness and forex steps to the side door. No follow making body. 2. Finally, chimneys will be installed and will add vegetation and lighting.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Briescht%201/th_P1220018.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Briescht%201/P1220018.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 23 Януари 2011, 18:06:50
Stipp Auhagen Briescht building from -2

Construction of the station Auhagen continued today with the achievement of all nu.2 depot building. According to sketch this building is an annex side of the main station. Continuing the tradition and already has some experience, we have made and this work just like the previous ones.

In this section we encountered a problem roof design, which did not comply with the reality of combining the central building with the roof. After several tests, I found the solution and roof shape so I adapted to combine the two perfectly.

Here you can see the original form of the roof and drew pencil lines and then I made my cuts right changes. It's basically a design fault filmmaker kit, which I easily solved it by changing the geometry of joints according to the pictures.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/th_P1230008.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/P1230008.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 24 Януари 2011, 08:28:27
Stipp Auhagen Briescht building from -3

The assembly building Depot Station continued with the 3rd wing, a shed with ramp, turn attached to the central building on its side. It's no board. 3 of this group of drawings. Installation are not always clear explanations and in most cases, intervention modellers, with imagination and talent, make work more successful than she designed fot ...

Being somewhat small, it was easier to install, especially as experience is gradually added and operating speeds. In general, such models, it takes longer to bake idea, but the work itself. If they work directly and only paper, it would be much easier, but the work would not have strength, remains somewhat fragile.

And if this holds, I cut out the windows and door frames to see the relief and enter the light after it is mounted on a mini-diorama you prepare as an accessory to Diorama Blumenberg. It will be virtually attached to it one way, a little smaller, a small depot in the age 3-4, with the necessary repairs and gararii of steam. In this way, smaller, can I go I want you and me to rail modelism various exhibitions in the country.

So, the magazine also provides a landing, the left image, which should be installed only by bending the paper print. I made more solid platform from 2.2 mm thick pressboard, over which I pasted printed decoration, to create a stiffer platform than the paper, which anyway had design flaw ... and not fair to the final blend.

Under the building, we set with pieces of adhesive to keep close to the bodies, they would dry up prenadezul which we combined. Note the plus side of a piece of pressboard, which connects the three buildings.

That piece is meant to strengthen the construction underneath, and on the surface, it will decorate the driveway crossings between the two doors, one in the building and the warehouse, and vegetation. In addition we add it and speed relief to the access doors.

At the end of the ramp, the stick spit, I made a small pillar sustinere.Pe rear, no door to the warehouse, but also ramp, which puts me in dilemma. Should I do the frame and on the back? Hmmm! I see the final there.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Briescht%203/th_P1230020.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Briescht%203/P1230020.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 25 Януари 2011, 09:25:43
Stipp Auhagen Briescht building the final -4

Today I finally got to this work. The last pieces were worked to shed the entry ramp deposit, timber shed, and a few trinkets to the decor.
The final result a 3-4 overall construction time, with several buildings, which will equip the whole module you want to achieve in completing diorama Blumenberg. The book, quite laborious, spread over several days, but the result is something much more realistic than plastic, commercial work some more models, which is always enjoyable as the result of excellent work and very low price. Basically I took the computer model made of bottles, I laser-printed and I've used with cardboard pressboard, some match sticks, paper and other trinkets that you no longer lists. The result satisfied me. For those interested in the plans can contact me by email ...

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Briescht%204/th_P4-11.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Briescht%204/P4-11.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 25 Януари 2011, 16:06:59
 :good: :good:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: lubo_gumata в 25 Януари 2011, 23:55:24
Hello. :)
 Very good deal :good: :hi:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 01 Февруари 2011, 10:05:51
Lima Postal wagon Kol 105 114


The last of 11 311 seal Wt Lima, Kol 105 114 postal wagon, was purchased with the last Wt described below. The car was tortured by the old owner was trying to install interior lighting, little by ear. To repair the damaged buddy, I had to completely unravel the wagon, an operation that proved quite complicated because it's quirky design. Transparent plastic for the windows is a piece for all end and side windows and is placed in all slots and decupaturile possible, which makes it hard to dismantle it, especially as it joins the floor had been glued to his anteposesorul prenadez the chassis. Disassembly is very easy if toothpicks are inserted between the windows on both sides of the truck, then into one end to push the door windows of cars and shoot everything outside .... After disassembly and cleaning, I painted the floor with aluminum bronze and I mounted inside various transport crates and parcels.

As shown, the roof was also damaged by direct bonding of diodes with a very strong adhesive, which I removed with great difficulty ...

Being in my last car washer, we decided to have the final light. We used a new LED, 2 mm beam of light, which I entered through the wall and the exterior lantern I made of black plastic body, 2.5 mm thick, the clip material from closing / sealing a pipeline IDE socket on the motherboard of a PC.

For lighting I used in place of the board, a piece of forex (comatex) 3 mm thick, which I planted rectifier bridge, three light emitting diodes, current limiting light LEDs in series with the ceiling, (which I polished the end to remove magnifying glass), which are mounted in parallel. On the same board I mounted a 1k resistor in series with the lamp light the final. The wiring is copper wire from the cable network through this process can declare me as the inventor of the braiding process circuit, the cables being passed over for their safety by crossing various holes up and down the wiring board ... a process much simpler and more practical for those who do not or have not mastered the possibilities for wrapping in acid circuits.

All assembly is mounted directly on the wagon, under the ceiling and light Fizeau two pieces of bond paper (to put prices on products). Links to boghie lity are made with thin and flexible wires, the collection plate described in Item 11 311 wagon Wt

For light to see and eyelash extension roof observatory, I have chosen to Fret the inside where the skylight was faction observer, and I glued directly on the glass windows related.

On the side I glued white paper lantern I drew red signal lamp bars final.

And so my cars lining Lima has acquired a deserved place on the diorama, especially as cars are very beautiful with various elements and parts, with many accessories to mount the bellows extended to track shock to the floor that step is the passage of a wagon to another. There are many accessories in the kit mounted under the car, stands stairs, steps diverse pipeline, battery compartment, air tanks etc..

Thanks Pete for purchasing cars!

And a tip for owners of cars asftel LIMA, unhappy with the way they run. Coaches tend to jump on the curved lines on the piece, in slopes. This is because:

   1. the boghielor not too high a degree of freedom in the vertical plane. It is easy to solve by widening the hole axis pivot.
   2. axles are too tight on the track. Scoatrea be solved by a wheel on its axis and cylindrical grinding cylinder so easy distance of the wheel axle to be reduced by about 0.5 mm.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Kol%20105%20114/th_Lima-105-114Kol-10.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Kol%20105%20114/Lima-105-114Kol-10.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 02 Февруари 2011, 11:06:14
Filmare cu garnitura de vagoane clasice de la Lima

Frumoasa garnitura produsa de Lima, in rulaj pe diorama mea, dupa modificarile aduse vagoanelor in Atelierele PanArin de la Slobozia.

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Февруари 2011, 07:24:21
66 183 wagon Roco - final lamp

The first phase, the mounting tensions collection facility. Collector blades are hot-glued on a piece of comatex, mounted under the wagon, in front of the axle, the chassis, so as to allow natural movement suprtului axle / springs, specify the type of wagon. After drying, the slide support bracket was painted the color of the wagon.
The wires run through the floor of the chassis, it was attached with adhesive paper.
Part Two, lantern making. We chose a 2 mm diameter LED. For lantern I used a piece of black plastic, and cut drills properly
they've combined the hole in the panel wagon. Nothing is Lipt, so anytime you can change only by extracting the LED lamp.
The last part, the installation of recovery and stabilization. I cut the weight of the wagon duramid inside to make way for bridge rectifiers and capacitor stability. The lamp is in series with a 1k resistor, followed by the output capacitor directly mounted miniature bridge rectifiers.
All frumnos enter into the case, is visible under the painted chassis and ... ... give the line!

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20obloane/th_P1310008.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20obloane/P1310008.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20obloane/th_P1310011.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/vagon%20obloane/P1310011.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 05 Февруари 2011, 11:04:30
Vagoane cu coviltir – lampa finala


Tilt of the wagon with that of Piko Roco, received final lamps in a little different, and because it has the particularity of each wagon.

Piko wagon,

a counterweight is fixed with double adhesive metal in the middle of the chassis.

The lantern is a punctate red diode, which has the advantage of the approach of a lantern shape. Forex 1.2 mm thick, we gave a fixed hole diameter lens diode. I vospit black holes, the exterior of the plate and after drying I introduced and fixed with pressure drop, the light in that hole. After drying I cut the shape LED plate that is very close to the image of a lantern ... After filing the form I painted with black lantern sides won. I practiced in the wall of the wagon two 0.5 mm holes in exactly the right foot LED, which I entered and secured only by turning the legs inside the wagon up and down.

Collection wires go to a bridge rectifier, whose output is coupled to a capacitor to cancel healthy breaks. LED lamp is connected through a resistor 920 to capacitor 220 HMI micro/35 volts. Taking advantage of the great space was available in the car, so I installed a capacitor which, even after lifting itself off the wagon, keep the lights back up car in reverse and put it back on itself .... The condenser is attached to the wall of the wagon again with double-adhesive paper.

For plate fixation, we made a hole of 0.5 mm between the clips just bogie axis, we pierced hole and wagon platform. On the slide I soldered a thin, flexible wire coil removed from decommissioned. Lamela we set it above the hole through which thread a strip of 4 / 7 mm 0.5 mm thick cardboard forexde, slightly tipsy in transition right blade, to hold it firmly in position. I glued a strip directly over the blade fixing piece axle bogie. The whole piece can be extracted without further operations later than usual, with the axle bogie. I painted with brown chunks of forex which slides under the bogie and tin ... done. A car equipped with lamp finals.

Roco wagon

Bogie is something more complex and different Piko, axles having something inside, did not allow the mounting plate easily, which is why we chose the collection with pieces of elastic string guitar. I practiced holes of 0.1 diameter, Pein we passed a piece of string guitar.

In the middle, visible gap, stranded wire I wrapped up tightly around plate collectors, which I then passed through another hole, 0.5 diameter axle bogie practiced and so I brought the wagon chassis .

Duramid I cut weight to make room for a capacitor to maintain during the breaks, the output of a bridge rectifier connected miniature. I chose for the new type of lantern light of 2mm, which is quite long pipes to spread through the wall of the wagon and cut the size of a lantern plasitul attached to a car. The lamp is in series with a 920 ohm resistor mounted in the wall of the wagon ...

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: lubo_gumata в 05 Февруари 2011, 11:30:46
Excellent,perfect1 :good:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 05 Февруари 2011, 11:32:13
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 05 Февруари 2011, 21:55:36
beautifully :good:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: hristo_t в 05 Февруари 2011, 22:33:06
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Февруари 2011, 09:42:13
Va multumesc tuturor pentru suport!

Hello modelers

Can anyone help me with this program?
I do not have the resources to buy the software.
I promise to post on the forum all the planes of the buildings that I will build.
I thank you very much!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: 760mm в 08 Февруари 2011, 02:22:24
He's right. This can't be found for free, I tried hard to do so. And it looks like a great piece of software.
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 08 Февруари 2011, 10:31:09
UPS! I try me to but I can't find for free!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 08 Февруари 2011, 10:40:11
Public Toilets - home made of cardboard

A piece of resistance, always present in the urban railway, the public toilet. Toilet, as this building is named in Romania. How we planned a long time making this work, as my latest achievements in the field of railway scale models were made at home by focusing on building paper models of Auhagen, I thought it was time to equip future workshops PanArin depot with such work. The project we have made the PC using Corel Draw and different textures on the net free. The pictures were great inspiration that you've done this summer the station's toilet Slobozia Veche, a book that I adapted it to the position it will have on my minidiorama depot. I mean we changed the input side.

Too many would not have to say about this building, being built by the methods described above all the buildings made of paper. To this, in particular, can observe the surrounding walls with oversized foundation. Because of the work done directly on the computer, I have a few small errors in the design side of the wall stuff that I will address today the painting project.
Who is interested in plans, contact me by email prognoza @ gmail. com cost nothing! It's free!

Finally, although it is a public toilet door, I hope with all my heart that my work is not ... shit!  :yahoo:
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/WC%20public/th_WC-07.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/WC%20public/WC-07.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/WC%20public/th_WC-08.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/WC%20public/WC-08.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: 760mm в 08 Февруари 2011, 14:16:39
"A piece of resistance, always present in the urban railway, the public toilet."


Cool toilets!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 09 Февруари 2011, 14:03:56
Blacksmith Age 3 - home made


Series cardboard buildings, buildings that will decorate my next section of the diorama, the depot three times, continued to forge achievement and associated warehouses. The work was made of cardboard and laser printed on A4 paper model building, model made in 2005 by American colleague, Godwin T. Petermann. In principle, the work was performed by the same methods described in papers presented before the board, except as window model, which border and inner comic. If only the paper work the plan, their location was not problematic, but only the paper work shows no resistance to manipulation or accidental harm. I have double walls with cardboard pressboard, 1 mm thick, which led to the placement of windows such complication. Basically, I cut cardboard, and then I installed windows over them, I stuck to walls. The benefit shows as a more detailed reperezentari.

Doors, wood type, and are open to the outside surface of the building, from previous models. steps we've not made of paper, too complicated when I comatex handy, of which we have made so much easier. In addition, extra support added to the bottom, the base is designed to inside walls, which I pasted below it, adding concrete driveway surface around the building. The forging furnace chimney hardware, I replaced mine with a piece of paper in pencil, which perfectly mimics the final piping. In addition, the bridge above the door, I placed a lamp shade made of white light / warm, polished lens. Abajurl is a metal washer, glued to drop the light and then painted black. Inside the wall we put 1k resistor in series with the lamp in question. Base building is trimmed to be introduced to the inner light and have a smoke generator in a Chinese toy on the batteries, I installed the generator in the building and I'll connect to the chimney of the forge.

Finally I added a few scattered bushes beside the chimney and corners of the building, befitting an annex to draw neaose! I will continue and draws a small achievement for a locomotive, and several other appendices perecum of a small depot. If you get the plans for a circular draws three lines, I try to do and such a building project.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Fierarie/th_Fierarie-12.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Fierarie/Fierarie-12.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Fierarie/th_Fierarie-13.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Fierarie/Fierarie-13.jpg)

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Февруари 2011, 15:48:22
Draw small home made http://trenulete.info/remiza-mica-home-made/

An interesting draw, from the base at Fleischmann, has been the subject of my work lately. On the original board, we found inconsistencies between rates written in the drawing and the actual size pieces. Also, the design lacked some components, while others were badly cut. Although I wanted very much a unique draw for my locomotive, I could not use the board and as such we decided Fleischmann recreating the entire drawing. Basically I redesigned by reshaping hall by drawing walls and interior parts so you can use transparent windows and nice to see inside. Finally, the redesign draw on three A4 sheets, up from an initial, I rushed to print after print and I attacked the little hall diligently. Naturally I used the method that I used in my work presentation based on the drawing board and pressboard, the method is not much point to describe in detail.

Es-For its doors open as if it had hinges, I used paper that I gummed it in advance by anointing them with prenadez both sides, so that after drying, this vision of flexible and probabilities without breaking layer prenadez elastic and ensuring durability and mobility. Although the original design to provide windows and doors, created as a model rather childish, I finally decided that the door was not fitted with windows, patterned after the Auhagen did last year.
-At first we decided to achieve the outside, so that the whole building to blend perfectly on the outside, both the windows and cut corners. After closing the main hall, time for the magazine, the building behind the hall, all crafted from strips of cardboard pressboard, which I stuck over the end walls printed on A4 paper.
- He followed the building of glass and window frame transparency, the draw Auhagen patented method. I used black paper, packages from some old fart black and white photographs, maps packed they were to be protected from penetration of light, the paper is that the thing that does not allow light through, very suited to my frame windows ...
- So I cut strips of 1.5 mm and 2.2 mm thick, to make them bay window frames, big enough area. Support base, glass in my case being a simple self-adhesive transparent window lying beautiful model, for then he has woven the correct model, just after the original.
- Finally, windows were plastered on walls and over them I stuck with zidatia interior design, after I cut the original windows of course ...
- He attended the manufacturing floor interior, raised pavement so that they can more easily reach the locomotive depot artisans of PanArin ... Also I made the motherboard, that the sidewalk surrounding the building of the forex of 2.5 mm , then painted in gray. Platforms raised interior will be decorated with yellow stripes flank protection and they will line the interior, where I intend to mount a channel and Enterprise. Otherwise will follow the installation of lighting and installation before he made the roof, but they are subjects Days next activity.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Remiza%20mica/th_RM-14.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Remiza%20mica/RM-14.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Февруари 2011, 09:32:49
Next I proceeded to achieve lighting of the hall.
 I used yellow LED, 3 mm, for several reasons.

   1. Draw time is 3, so neon lighting is excluded
   2. These LED light is close to that of incandescent bulbs in those years
   3. ... I do not have LED white hot!

Thus, in the hall were mounted three LEDs, and one above the hall door, the lamp shade comes with washer and cap made of metal, stuck with superglue and painted black. All LEDs were polished to remove the effect of head magnifying glass and their similarity with a lamp shade.


Because LDH removable roof advised me to do, I gave up and I thought of sticking a blood collection system, which we have made use plugs from sockets for integrated circuits. I cut the two groups of two jacks, which I pasted on the wall behind a shed, which I connected to wires that come under the power draw to the board diorama, and one on the roof the roof, the LED constable sites through a 820 ohm resistor serially connected with the ceiling lights. All installation will power, as all buildings deltfel my 12-volt outlet stabilized 420 watt computer power, fueling my diorama.


I have LEDs mounted on the ceiling with duct tape, after which I pasted cardboard guides on all sides by walls blend with the shed roof, then I "Tecu and whitewashed ceiling using white photocopy paper. Finally, the roof is very easily extracted from the building and allow such intervention inside the shed, all this because someone wrote to me like building a house with a Barbie or Thomas drew! Anyway, now I am offered the opportunity to mount various accessories inside a familiar draws. Tool chests, work benches, trash, artisans and other small things that I made the journey. How PanArin Depot is equipped with a crane and a wagon catenary maintenance probably will develop the idea for each of them a box realixand related games ...


Most likely is the work of the doors for other interventions, to mount windows ...

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Remiza%20mica/th_RM-29.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Cladiri/Remiza%20mica/RM-29.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: lubo_gumata в 13 Февруари 2011, 18:42:32
 :good: :hi:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 14 Февруари 2011, 08:47:48
As already formed a small refrigerator gasket 6, I decided it was time to equip the train with a final lamp, cargo traffic is carried on more night Blumenberg. We chose a car from Liliput for coupling installation, simpler than the similar Roco, allowing trouble-free installation piece collection wagon axle.
The truck is composed of chassis and body with a roof, which is mounted by two bolts with hot melted end. I cut out the bubbly to break the climb and I disconnected the two components. For their refixarea I Drill spindle attachment, first with 1 mm to 2 mm and then to use minisuruburi. They are obtained with optical drives like crazy from the dismantling of deterioration, and removed from the powerful magnets.
The lantern is made of 3 mm thick and forex is provided by an LED light 2mm diameter, mounted through the wall pressure in the lantern, so they easily can be removed for any subsequent interventions ...
Part p energy is provided by bridge rectifier, 2200 micro/16volti an electrolytic capacitor, a resistance of 920 ohms. The entire assembly is mounted on the chassis floor with double-adhesive tape.
Current collection is polarized differently on each axle. To pass to the top of the chassis, we made 1.5 mm diameter holes through the plate weight.
As shown in the picture, the lamp continues to burn even after lifting itself ....
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 14 Февруари 2011, 09:25:22
 :good: perfect !
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 17 Февруари 2011, 11:39:00
Monastery Home Made

Zuge Dorfkirche the building (www.bahnsteig.de)


The paper made of cardboard, by methods described in the previous buildings, is a Catholic monastery type.

     -The model is printed on laser printer paper, cardboard applied on 1 mm thick pressboard.
    -cut and imitation glass windows made of medical adhesive that mimics the grain semi-transparent opaque glass, windows frames and edges black photo paper.

Otherwise let the images speak for themselves, any comment is superfluous ...

Who is interested in models made by me in paper and cardboard, can contact me by email.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/th_manastire-7.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/manastire-7.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Март 2011, 20:53:12

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: n_sirakov в 06 Март 2011, 21:27:18
 :clapping: :clapping: :hi:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Март 2011, 21:30:38
Thanks dear friends!

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 07 Март 2011, 19:57:02
Cls passenger wagon. Series I 51 53 19 - Lighting

Lighting arrived in Botosani, two Romanian coaches at the depot today entered Tilligh PanArin for interventions. First, grade wagon. I received my home riglete made with white SMD LEDs, one for each compartment, or 9 pieces. LEDs are mounted in parallel to operate both analog and digital in, knowing that the series, the light is only slightly higher voltage, which is quite annoying in analog.
LEDs are serially connected with a 820 ohm resistor and an electrolytic capacitor using micro/25volti 1000, in parallel, remove palpaielile caused by interrupted supply or dirty self. Recovery was made with four diodes 1n4001 and blood collection were placed on slides using specialized sites. The thread passes through the middle bogie axle and axle plate acts both cars.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/51%2053%2019/th_P3070029.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/51%2053%2019/P3070029.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Март 2011, 12:34:26
Cls passenger wagon. Series II 51 53 20 - Lighting

http://trenulete.info/vagonul-de-calatori-cls-ii-seria-51-53-20-% E2% 80% 93-lighting /

What is the second coach from Tillig Romanian, Series 51 53, he received enlightenment in all departments, plus the final lamp at one end.
For lamps end, the intervention was somewhat more difficult because of construction, the wagon was not equipped with prisms (light guides) and that the holes in the frame lights, which lowers the note manufacturer for negligence. Drilling procedure must be executed with great precision, in steps, starting with very small spiral (0.5) and continuing up to the maximum permitted frame diameter reflector. It is very important that the initial alignment for the first hole, to be made in principle, very carefully, and using a needle under a microscope for scoring. It is also important that the drill be quality, without batting in madrina (... which does not possess, but pierce the hand, throwing the first spiral in a spiral trap, which rotate at hand, my car Drill is one that do not allow such a thing) ... Because of the wagon body molding material is white, slightly transparent, the inside wall, right headlight, and I applied paint negra Revell have also done inside the frame headlamp.

I used two lamps for the final SMD LED, in series between them and then in series with a resistor of 1.2 k For stability, they call a capacitor coupled in parallel with the 1000micro/25 volts. SMD's are soldered directly onto the wagon chassis, right headlight charged holes. Because I did not hole the size of transparent prisms, headlight lens is made of glue ... Revell, poured carefully into those holes, I glued back after temporary waxed paper tape. After drying and hardening the adhesive, the lights have got a touch of realism. I think that is better suited to the manufacture of molded lenses, the material used in water to emulate the scale models.

On rigleta lighting, we separated immediately after leaving the bridge rectifier, two routes, one for lighting compartments, one for lamps and final. At each have stabilized the same light with one capacitor mounted beside each toilet cubicles. All rigleta is one piece, removable, no seams in contact with the wagon, so that any intervention should take place without much effort. To illuminate the compartments were used neon white SMD LEDs, in parallel with each other and in series with a resistor of 820 ohms, so that the illumination parameters fuctioneze in both analog and in digital.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/51%2053%2020/th_P3100010b.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/51%2053%2020/P3100010b.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Март 2011, 10:21:06
EA 060 from Railway Memories

March came one spring day, arrived in Botosani two wonderful Romanian electricity for interventions and improvements. The first of them, an EA Dolphin, had a disturbing noise curves and move at the same voltage, slightly more slowly than standard painted colors. I noticed when demonatrii, differences in the fastening system, the dolphin with only four points of attachment of the body chassis, while the classic, has 8 points of attachment, which reinforces more than two elements. To remove them easily, you can use a few toothpicks placed near the points of attachment, after which the locomotive back in normal position and is very easy to extract its own weight of the chassis ...

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/060%20EA/th_P3100001.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/060%20EA/P3100001.jpg)

After disassembling and analyzing the Dolphin, I found two shortcomings that produce customer dissatisfaction. The first finding is that if one engine Wheel, placed too close to the engine, just touch the chassis wall, which led to friction, causing some noise and infranand rotation. A second finding, was that the two cardan transmission from dolphin, had casting defects, which are slightly off, which could create annoying vibrations and noise produced by the tremolo ... Also, the ends of the dial, crosses how are called, have a greater stake in the coupling nut, which leads to noise and annoying. Their remedy was made by straightening cardanelor hot and filling with silicone grease coupling nuts. So annoying noise, and speed deficiency decreased significantly by these interventions. As for straightening cardanelor, maybe not all models have this problem, the job holder you and good luck, but opposite ends of the universal joints, grease put in nuts, will probably reduce vibration for a while, but after melting and discharged, noise likely to be established again. There I found the same problems and the classical. This is perfect for cardan, front ends and nuts are combined game so great as to define and Wheel are slightly better placed on the engine axis, which induces the idea that it worked much more responsible than the latest pair, dolphin, or it was simply a bad luck of this Buyer!

For classic locomotive, the requirement was that the owner removes a shortcoming on the lighting. The fact found is that the engine is made by taking into prime interest to holders of digital satisfaction. Lighting scheme comprises four LEDs. Two yellow to white spots and two lights above the cab warm. In both cases, the lights are in series, doaua two, and then with one insriate SMD resistor value of 271 ohms each. Although the scheme has two ways of operation by changing a jamper lights, I believe that it was not designed to function properly in both digital and analog, knowing that inserirea LED current increases the initiation of production of light reflected in the drawback that, in analog and positions lights are lit only at very high speed running, ie the voltages or currents of power over jumatet variable. In the type Mehano I contatat a better, by firing at 30% of tension, while the drives Piko, just over 50% lights are barely, barely. This is quite annoying for the user of analog, quite widespread, that the price needs digitalis, not all collectors can buy the necessary devices. Therefore, after careful analysis of the pattern of operation, we chose an elegant solution that does not involve major changes to the motherboard and that will lead to satisfactory results in the normal operation of lights and analog parameters, given that proper lighting a model, the effect on the viewer grows exponentially.

How we did!

Well, first I changed the jumper position for the headlights only position at both ends, so that the second yellow LED SMD (God knows why they chose this color !!!), position of lights, end up in series with two 271 ohm resistors, a total of 542 ohm ballast.
We then stopped scratching, line plus (+) central headlight, thus eliminating their series-position lights.
I brought a strap which also have central headlamp powered directly, bypassing the headlights inseriarea position.
Since leaving the diode polarity directing, I took a voltage the resistor 580 through IMO, which I applied to the minus two of the SMD and central headlamp so I fed identical in each ballast resistance different but similar in value, each group of lighting, both top and bottom.
Thus, the two groups came to light with the same value of red light, which worked perfectly before surgery, and at this moment, the light became operational in the analog voltage values ​​close to starting time. Aprid mean is applied relatively quickly to lower tensions toy, releasing a pretty obvious drawback for owners of analog. I think that could solve the problem of manufacturing by implementing a simple scheme based on the jumpers, which will satisfy both categories of clients, but probably the economic nature of the producer, that spare parts would lead to increased price toy. But I think it would be justified, considering the fact that there are many similar users who love this beautiful locomotive, with whom we Romans, I grew up and we traveled on railroads in Romania during all these years and that trains an unspeakable passionate love.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/060%20EA/th_P3100004.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/060%20EA/P3100004.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Март 2011, 17:46:21
060 EA in Orasul din sufragerie

Cele doua bijuterii de locomotive, produse de Amintiri Feroviare, sosite de la Botosani pentru remedieri si modificari, in rulaj pe diorama “Orasul din sufragerie”. Se mai pot observa si cele doua vagoane romanesti, 51 53 19 si 51 53 20, vagoane in care am montat iluminat pe leduri tip smd. Lucrarile pot fi accesate AICI si AICI.

Locomotivele sunt excelent realizate, visul oricarui modelist roman si nu numai. Felicitari producatorului pentru reusita, desi pretul nu este pentru toata lumea!

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: lubo_gumata в 11 Март 2011, 20:15:13
Bravo, amice! Eşti doar perfect! :hi:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Март 2011, 20:28:25
Multumesc! :good:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Март 2011, 12:34:18
Postal Umbauwagen - improvements (Fleischmann)

http://trenulete.info/umbauwagen-postal-% E2% 80% 93-Fleischmann-improvements /

The last piece in the collection of wagons Umbauwagen, namely wagon semi, post / grade. II, was also subjected to operations according to colleagues lighting garnish. Quite the colorful garnish, being composed of the same models of cars made by different manufacturers, whose improvements I wrote about in the pages of my blog some time ago. The train is composed of:

-Umbauwagen - improvements (Fleischmann)
-Umbauwagen - improvements (Trix)
- Umbauwagen - improvements (Roco)

Note that in all, Fleischmann wagons, are by far the most successful and the details, as well as building shape, although the biggest problem was the Fleischmann model, the difficulty caused by current passing through the middle wire to bring the metal screw bogie mounting. Be the center screw with spiral drills of 0.8 mm, very difficult thing without a well-centered drill, In addition, metal screw naughty opposes small coils, which are destroyed very quickly in the drilling operation against metal.

With the success of this operation, the rest is a breeze. I used to like his colleagues, the same types of LED white hot 3 mm diameter, polished the head for De-Screening fasciculuilui lens, LED mounted in transparent acrylic prisms. Although meanwhile appeared on the market and lower consumer LED, SMD type, I now use LED lighting for the same is not different from other coaches. However, for me, age 3 mm LEDs encased in Plexiglas, the last place was taken by smd's more practical.

Also, we took advantage of removing the model for the gray painted floor and make REVELL forex 1 mm thick floor plates that'll cover the area over the mounting screws. In these way, the light is reflected differently in the floor seats highlighting beautifully executed.

I placed the toilet in the cabin miniature bridge rectifiers, and I used to collect current from a copper plate of the switching engine destroyed preabuna Piko's functionality ...

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Umbauwagen/th_Umbauwagen-05.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Umbauwagen/Umbauwagen-05.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 25 Март 2011, 10:09:04
Romanian bunk wagon - lighting
For the second time in history PanArin depots, wagon arrived for improvements made by Piko Romanian bunk. Slightly different than his brother presented a year ago in the link below, http://trenulete.info/vagonul-etajat-romanesc-iluminare-pe-led-uri/, this car received light based on LED smd white neon lamps and end at one end.

Collection of blood slides, Rally type, mounted in a classical style already collect axle voltages, each polarity for each bogie transoms and brings them into boards at each end. The recovery is riglete with four diodes in each of the two riglete, mounted by two in each end, so that finally result in a 1n4001 diode bridge rectifier.

For each light stabilizes rigleta many micro/35 1000 volt capacitor. Rigleta Each has its own recovery, filtering and balancing currents using a resistance of 810 ohms each for ceiling and a lamp k 1.2 final. Basically, this wagon, the lighting structures includes two cars, the difficulty consists in the correct location of the crossing with transoms and power cables, which must be concealed to the viewer.

This time I used all final Lamp SMD LED, mounted in rigletei upper end, the orientation prism light guide, so that once positioned rigleta, LED sends light through it and thus the lamp end. In order not to spread too much light red wagon in the end, the LED's and combining the prism is covered with a mask rigleta forex directly bonded under light.

The scheme worked this assembly then http://trenulete.info/schema-nr-8-pentru-iluminat-vagoane/
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Etajat/th_P3240008.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/Etajat/P3240008.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Април 2011, 08:48:40
Spring Cleaning


Winter has passed and over Blumenberg! As well, the bad, the snows are gone and the city of the living room by decree drew everyone from general cleaning. Thus, with a cleaner car, or leaves collected from vegetation and removed dust from the roads and in parks. Hardworking people and have complied with every car washing and polishing. PanArin Railway Company and the self polishing with special cars made ​​in our own workshop and depot artisans began revisions in the spring to all rolling stock. After the activity, it remains a clean city, bright. On this occasion, the campaign "Romania take root", employees of greenery with a few volunteers have planted a total of 15 workshop PanArin shrubs grown in gardens, by the method branches Busch!


(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/04-31-2011/th_IMG_4926.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/04-31-2011/IMG_4926.jpg)(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/04-31-2011/th_IMG_4927.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Diorama/04-31-2011/IMG_4927.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 04 Април 2011, 12:33:22
The trees in my garden

Film about various trees are home, using dry branches and sponge shock chopped or granulated textures of specialized trade. If no such textures can be used successfully and various dried spices, but in this case is absolutely necessary to use at the end of a spray hairspray because vegetation will not discolor over time.


thanks for that wonderfull camera
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Април 2011, 18:35:56
Sfaturi pentru revizia unei locomotive H0

Film cu modalitatea de efectuare a unei revizii si curatenii de intretinere la o locomotiva Roco Br 218 cu decodor digital incorporat!

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: topalov в 06 Април 2011, 20:55:30
Цитат на: prognosis link=topic=1087.msg57142#msg57142 date=1301909602
The trees in my garden

Film about various trees are home, using dry branches and sponge shock chopped or granulated textures of specialized trade. If no such textures can be used successfully and various dried spices, but in this case is absolutely necessary to use at the end of a spray hairspray because vegetation will not discolor over time.


thanks for that wonderfull camera

Very good trees! Congratulations! They look so real!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 20 Април 2011, 08:51:43
Happy Holidays!

Feast of Souls Resurrection brings renewed hope and love for everything that is beautiful and true in life.
Along with my respect and best feelings you want to spend Holy Easter holiday with peace and joy in my heart.
I wish you a Happy Easter!

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 20 Април 2011, 14:17:09
Reconditioning a Warburg - 3

http://trenulete.info/reconditionarea-unui-warburg-% E2% 80% 93-3 /
We continued work on refurbishment of this beautiful toy ... The main concentration was on solving the system of direction, especially considering that I rehabilitation by using a servo-steering mechanism operated electronically. Mounting the servo control scheme is presented side by side, fitting that we have made directly to the board reconditioned remote. Basically I made another control panel, so I planted the servo electronics, as well as buttons to go forward / back, at the horn, and in addition we installed a safety switch, a sort of mini Blackout, which provide current the servo control panel so not to be fed if not run the toy. All original remote in the box, I gave way and I mounted potentiometer for direction, we set the original steering wheel, after changing it, of course!

I am so happy because in my searches through boxes of monkeys, I found both the original horn, partially destroyed, and the original warning beacon. Horn has been reconditioned and works like 30 years ago ... will receive lights flashing warning beacon and strobe lights also will come with modern, I'll talk about later ...

Taking advantage of the fact that the overall direction will be subject to change, I imagined an additional signal steering system based on LED flashing. The device will work thanks to a base plate circuit boards and contacts, coupled LEDs will signal the slightest deviation from the straight line direction. The mechanism provides a disk, so corroded that they form a contact on each side of the rotation direction. Also, I intend and reworking the lighting, so the car will position lamps, stop on the brakes and steering back and I also installed a lamp and went back. I will not forget any warning beacon lights and all LED-based.

And because the first samples, original antique engine, proved a current blotting, we decided to replace it with a modern, 4.5 volts, with brush on coal, the Japanese brought a sophisticated toy destroyed a neighbor's child ....

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/th_Warburg-15.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/Warburg-15.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/th_Warburg-18.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/Warburg-18.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/th_Warburg-22.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/Warburg-22.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 26 Април 2011, 17:03:39
Reconditioning a Warburg - 4
http://trenulete.info/reconditionarea-unui-warburg-% E2% 80% 93-4 /

Next stage of the reconditioning of this machine with remote wired Warburg, was to restore the cabin interior, destroyed over time. Missing interior parts of furniture we have restored the ABS and Forex respectively 0.5 mm and 1 mm thick, glued and then painted with acrylic drops.

He followed the body painting. After studies on the net, I chose to paint the cars were piturate militia of the years 1970-1980. It is a dirty white matte and a glossy blue. I used automotive spray acrylic pane that I gave at an interval of 3-5 minutes. Acrylic paint has the advantage that it dries very quickly and goes quickly cleaned with alcohol if something is wrong. In addition, do not attack the plastic toy.

Meanwhile, I rebuilt and letters on license plates, also with Revell acrylic paint. I painted easily using a sharp toothpick.

The next day, after proper drying of the first layer of white that I gave the whole body, both inside and outside, I used paper tape for painting, which defined the two sides of the body color. After that, I applied blue paint, in 5 layers within 10 minutes, it asks for something more glossy paint drying time, although all acrylic specimen. I finally corrected with the same paint in places where not properly closed, using soft brush.

Dupa 3 zile, am montat caroseria pentru proba si iata ce a iesit…
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/th_Warburg-34.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/Warburg-34.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/th_Warburg-35.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/Warburg-35.jpg)

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: fpk1999 в 01 Май 2011, 17:00:14
 :blink: :blink: :blink: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hi:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: hristo_t в 01 Май 2011, 17:05:32
 :good: :hi:
Well done! Wartburg is a nice car - full whit memories.
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 01 Май 2011, 18:45:52
Reconditioning paper produced by 19-67 layout Piko Warburg, continued with the installation of signal achievement police! To this end, we decided that in addition to the classic warning beacon, to beautify the toy with two strobes, especially because my friend Razvan Marin, gave me a flashlight assembly from a damaged bike, but have a chip capable of stroboscopes imitate that I need. Thus, we removed from the casing assembly that flashlight, I adapted to my needs extracting action switch, which I placed in box order. Propriuzis assembly was located on the body, behind the banquet, where we pulled the wires to the wiring done for the Beacon and made the front of the car. When I mounted a flashing white LED Neon, and on stoboscoape I used two blue leds. On this occasion, I have no headlights restored using a transparent Plexiglas 3 mm thick, polished and etched to form dipped in relief with triangular cell so as to resemble as much as I remember it looked original headlights, lost in the fog To illuminate their childhood ... I used two white LED / hot, which will be operated from the switch. Are still working on lighting a stage, I want to mount the first phase in the headlights and rear positions, then adding the signaling system and reversing direction.

On this occasion I repaired and installed the original horn masinutei ....
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 02 Май 2011, 00:01:10
 good  :clapping:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Май 2011, 15:08:29
Reconditioning of Wartburg - 6

http://trenulete.info/reconditionarea-unui-wartburg-% E2% 80% 93-6 /

Work continued with installation of signal change in direction of travel. This facility operates according to the position of the front wheels, so when they are positioned to directly forward, lights are off and run when the car turns left / right indicator lights are blinking on the face and back. Disk command these lights is powered by servo direction and shown in the following picture.

Diodes used are 1.8 mm, punctual type and assembly that provide intermittent comes from another Chinese toy, as for current needs. Toete front lights are on one rigleta, removable by bending without screws and without seams so that it can intervene in ceremonious moment.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/th_Warburg-44.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/Warburg-44.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/th_Warburg-53.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Warburg/Warburg-53.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: fpk1999 в 03 Май 2011, 15:43:49
 :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 08 Май 2011, 09:16:13
Rehabilitation of a Rover


Another toy, this time something new generation of bought for my child, somewhere in the 90s, after the revolution, this car is still being controlled cable, I think some Chinese, I do not remember. I only know that summer sent to grandparents, Alex, my boy, took the toy with him to court, where participants play their neighbors, took care to dismantle and destroy the Land Rover. But I remember that one day, his grandmother called me call me to court because Alex is no longer stops crying. I found out that because he had broken toy sleep. We promised then that'll fix it, but that it lacked the entire steering system, gearbox and transmission ferfenita was made with the engine torn cabbage and sprockets, in those days forced me to put a toy in a box and let later. I rediscovered a wheelchair looking for Wartburg, otherwise unavailable, and I wanted to be next on the list this car rebilitarilor childhood soul of my son!

Here I am at work! A little discouraged by the lack of gear, I improvised a first engine and transmission gears from the lego games! It was relatively easy to scrape up a gear, especially the engine of lego game already has a three redoubts / and a large gears with teeth rare, are preferable because they produce zgomor so great as those with small teeth. Said and done, only to test my build I found ineffective, whereas in speed / power, the car did not have the necessary strength to climb even moving from linoleum to carpet ...

As such, we went to phase two, eke another gear with parts supplied. We chose a 3-volt little engine from a chinezarie, gears from the mechanism of dismembered dolls and support gear I made to order convenient to just inside the cut surface provided for the original transmission. We used 3 mm thick forex and sometimes a thick ABS ... Finally came a gear solid, quiet and with a speed / power satisfying. In tests, Land Rover has successfully scaled up and put his foot in the way of toys.
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Rover/th_Rover-00.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Rover/Rover-00.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Rover/th_Rover-07.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Auto/Rover/th_Rover-07.jpg)

I went with the first adjusting direction and had the gift to create the prerequisites for a very precise planning mechanism that will directly drive the toy. I do not think I will mount the signs and directions, but basically you use the same method by servo-drivers used to Wartburg. It's so important that the space inside the toy allows the installation of gadgets and I'll take advantage of this.

If you have such models, you want to give them for reconditioning are happy to buy them because I want to make a small exhibit of old toys rehabilitated. Thank you in advance!
I will return with details depending on the evolution of work!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 20 Май 2011, 17:52:06
Piko BR 52 Steam Locomotive - Engine change


I continued to work on the elegant Piko BR 52, which some time ago I installed LED lighting them. Today I replaced the engine traction engine which, although cleaned and reconditioned, gave still misfiring and jamming. It should be noted that the model is a Piko, the old generation collector motor with discoid rather cumbersome, noisy and large consumer. If we managed to get hold of a little engine, all Piko for Br 55-G7, I did the necessary tests and after I found concordance between engine power and speed, we decided to use it. The first phase was to change the rotor shaft, the little engine that does not protrude from both ends. I extracted so I replaced the rotor and shaft too short and that came out only on one side, using a bicycle spokes, the same diameter, which shaft I stand mounted so both sides of the engine. After testing geared motor, I proceeded to mount the engine. This is what I imagined and created a clamping device carried on a nice circuit, I set the shock coils, and fins for collecting blood from the original collectors or passing under the engine. On this plate I mounted a piece of Plexiglas, under it, in which I practiced a threaded hole to catch all the entire bottom surface of the tender. On the top we set the new electric motor. Used for the universal couplings are original, set to drop on the electric motor shaft.

The work performed resulted in a much quieter engine, more powerful and consume less energy. also above the engine to create an empty space, enough to mount a digital decoder. In this way, the beautiful locomotive received a new chance.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/th_P5200003.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/P5200003.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 22 Май 2011, 16:50:58
Revision of the double bunk Piko


Revision of this double-storied wagon and the ancient Piko, continued at the request of the owner to change interior lights based on LED lamps and final assembly at both ends. The car was equipped with a lighting system with two bulbs in each car, based on metal plates combined with cardboard. We redesigned the whole system and lighting have made boards double-plated circuit board to solve the problem of continuity circuit assembly so as not to interfere negatively with the wagon structure. We used the principle of the diode recovery current heads inside light so you walk in any direction and position lights to light at one end differently depending on the direction of travel. I used to illuminate the wagon led by two white hot resistor in series with one 1kohm and I used to position point by two red lights, which fit perfectly into place the original lamp. These two are connected in parallel with each other and in series with a 1 kOhm resistor. To eliminate flicker assembly is supported by one capacitor of 2200 micro / 35 volt mounted at both ends. Recovery type diodes are 1N 4007. Plate is fixed to the ceiling made using pieces of double adhesive.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/etajat%20piko/th_P5220002.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/etajat%20piko/P5220002.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/etajat%20piko/th_P5220005.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/etajat%20piko/P5220005.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 25 Май 2011, 12:26:47
Hi all!
I wanted to ask if you can search the store ads to you, if you somehow find the mechanism of image! It is a bogie scale 1 / 87 H0 ... In my country I can not find! Maybe you have better luck because I would help my inventions. Naturally I will pay! Thanks in advance and excuse me for daring! If you can not do that there is no grief!

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 07 Юни 2011, 09:14:28
ITB street car


My great passion for the tram begins to take place and the diorama in Slobozia. Impressed by the success of Adrian made the U.S. model, I asked myself permission to reproduce this beautiful tram, which in my childhood school, who lived in Bucharest, I went to school about three stations (up to class 7th, when I moved with my parents in Constanta). Memories bind me rude and indifferent time when I was walking on the shoe last car that I put over the first bag and would sit comfortably, I made me want to run the ITB diorama made me a wagon full.

Thanks to Adrian Ionut Crenganis, I got plans sidewall and I started realizing the project developed in Corel and the remaining parts, ie fronts, floors and roof. I submitted the design for laser cutting of Mr Alexander Crystal SpotDesign company in Bucharest, which was kind enough to help me in this project, offering to cut my wagon walls, difficult operation to be executed climb, considering that windows are very apopiate and have rounded corners. Scale 1 / 87 pillars between the windows are very thin, which resulted in the first phase a few unsuccessful attempts. We tried different materials but the effect was the same. The laser beam deformed by heating and melting pillars between the windows. In the last phase, the company tried to cut the wood SpotDesign, the thing that I see it! The model was executed well and will probably enter the building as soon as soon as I get a motorized bogie, because I want it to be functional.

In parallel, we made another order, the ABS cutting 1 mm wall, but this time with the cutter, I cut last year as coach automotorului Malaxa DU 77, a model which I have not quit, but I postponed the project technical and financial reasons. Basically it has to purchase a car chassis platform Piko, because I do not bring himself to destroy the equipment depot wagons PanArin functional.

Basically, you start assembling a set of wooden wagon ITB, which will make it static, then, cut to bit parts on arrival, I made and functional model.

(http://trenulete.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/bucuresti-20.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P6060001.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P6060001.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 25 Юни 2011, 13:59:43
-2 ITB street car


Laser cut parts arrived on the company ....... I cut a parallel set of tracks but the mill, to another company in Slobozia. Because I took on the project initially as I got, it seems that some errors have slipped due to the fact that I did not take into account both thickness and width cutter made ​​of laser cut. As such, the whole project came out of quotas. So I restored and started drawing I made ​​my first tram car ITB. I started with the wagon wheels. Ideally to start such a project to take into account all the problems. How are the first such project, it seems that I calculated everything as needed and made numerous adjustments to parts drawings. It is very important to predict both the location mechanisms in wagon wheel tractor and trailer positioning axle wagon collected. Both will be equipped with lights and position lights, according to everyone, but will not because I installed interior lighting tinted windows. That's because you have hidden in car engine and tractor amgrenajele and would not look good a coach with tinted windows and a glazed transparent. It seems that wood is the best material for laser processing, and the cutter works best ABS.

But in the end I was showing a perfect project, without gaps, easy to install as a kitt of trade.
Thanks to the benevolence of Mr. Crystal Alexander ......., this dream will come true soon.

At this point, the test car, made ​​of plywood 1 mm thick, is on the bench of workshops PanArin and looks like this:
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P6250007.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P6250007.jpg)
(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P6250007.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P6250007.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 27 Юни 2011, 16:53:05
-3 ITB street car


I managed to finalize the wagon wheels as evidence. I rounded on where they could round up, trying to bring the quota model. First is satisfactory, but the next car will be something done properly because I changed the project so that it remains material rounded corners. The roof will be slightly higher as he can be rounded according to reality.

We also made ​​chassis and tractor wagon, based on a locomotive bogie mehano engine, electric motor powered by a Japanese. For the moment the project is in phase presented in the attached pictures and movie!

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P6270010.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P6270010.jpg)

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: widowmaker в 27 Юни 2011, 18:01:51
Looks very nice!
Good job! Cheers!

Have you thought about using of photo-etched parts (I mean made by thin brass plate)?
I think with appropriate software (such as coreldraw) is possible to make good detailed plan (if you have a copy of original one and pictures),
which can be used to make details, using photo-etch technology.
This car is not very difficult to make by brass, I think. The shape is not very complicated and with using
a laser engraving (on thick brass plate) you can make also frame details, bearings, bearing covers etc.
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 28 Юни 2011, 17:15:17
-4 ITB street car


Today we continued working on the car trailer signal light ITB confectionand direction and then performing a dye test. I used acrylic spray color as the background and then the brush, I applied acrylic red Revell. The ceiling was also used dark gray acrylic Revell. With a black marker on the windows seals have done but to follow a retouching brush them, because I do not like how they went. However, this car is an experience for me and even if it comes out perfect, will be used somewhere in the yard. He is but a test platform for different solutions in making another copy later that I hope to make it more successful!

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P6280001.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P6280001.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P6280006.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P6280006.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 29 Юни 2011, 16:37:58
-5 ITB street car


Today I made ​​a blood collection system and lighting supply board positions. Collection we used wire rope guitar no. A thickness as that collected by gentle pressure on the bandage tension wheel, and innovation to help create a small suspension, so necessary for the wheels themselves always walk, even when they go over some bumps ...

On board we mounted a power bridge rectifier, a resistance in series with two 1k LED rectangular in turn series. For stability we mounted LEDs in parallel with a capacitor of 3200 micro/35 volts, enough to cancel wasteful interruptions of supply in some moments.

Follow brumarii making windows, that until the envelope arrives with cut pieces of ........., the laser for tractor wagon. After study on the net, I discovered that there are two models of this car. One of the rear window (rear window) beveled at an angle as the windscreen in front, and one pane right, as the wagon tractor model that I saw the wagon no. 100 circulated restored in Iasi to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of electric transportation, pictures offered by Adrian Ionut Crenganis from Iasi Railway Modeling Club. So I made ​​two models of cars!

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P6290014.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P6290014.jpg)

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 02 Юли 2011, 11:19:06
-7 ITB street car

Laser cut parts arrived by wagon tractor ......, for. Because I saw two tractor type ITB car models, I decided to made ​​them both. First I will reproduce the picture sent Adrian wagon Crenganis that the railway enthusiasts club Iasi, picture the car is restored and restarted ITB in circulation in Iasi to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of electric transport! No wagon. 100 will run and diorama in Slobozia.

Traction will be provided a motive to a locomotive bogie mehano dismantled (odd), where I hooked a little engine Japanese. Here are the first photos of what I managed to do yesterday! Today I hope to finish with accessories, bars, borders, couplers, ceiling, etc.. even in the evening to give a hand to paint the base.

(http://trenulete.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/a4-300x244.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P7010007.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P7010007.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Vlado в 02 Юли 2011, 11:40:09
 :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:  :good:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 03 Юли 2011, 18:52:36
-8 ITB street car

Today we continued powered tractor wagon effective. We developed the most effective for coupling the wagon bogie locomotive mehano ITB. For that I changed some things between bogie so that it properly in place. I tried to give a slightly inclined position to the front of the wagon, as seen in many photos received from Adrian Crenganis in Iasi, which was kind enough to give me the side walls and original designs More photos of car in different positions! We added numerous accessories such as bars, edges bordering the body, superior direction indicators, the roof vents and the central seat of the plate with the number of circulating wagon route. I mounted the motor and dynamically balanced as we weight model. In film you can see how it behaves on Diorama tram from Slobozia. Tomorrow I hope to manage to do pantograph and give a hand to paint model. Bogie and modification follow masks to resemble as much as what is in the ITB wagon wheels.

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P7030010.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P7030010.jpg)

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 07 Юли 2011, 08:47:48
-9 ITB street car end of the first model

Finally, I managed to complete a dream of youth, is to take tram ITB model, wagon childhood marked me! H0 functional model to support Panic released by the company ... that we processed parts by laser cutting. The model is made entirely of wood, plywood of various thicknesses and sometimes I use forex (comatex) 1 mm thick. On windows I used the windows of houses acetoafan, we bonded over obscure self-adhesive film for car windows. Pantograph is made of galvanized and tin wire of 0.5, and the sole is flat copper wire to the hammer. For lights we used two warm white SMD series, a 1k resistor and a diode bridge. Unfortunately I have not been and condenser!

Follow the marking and correction at the windows and then paint the second tram!

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P7060020.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P7060020.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P7060018.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P7060018.jpg)

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 23 Юли 2011, 09:25:36
ITB street car - gasket 2

I started working on fitting no. 2 tram classic ITB. This seal will include a tractor trailer model Bucharest and two cars the same type, with three windows plus glass panel on the middle window. And this model is made of wood, plywood namely lime, in various thicknesses from 1 mm wall at 2mm and resp. 3 mm various chassis components. All parts are laser cut by ........, after models made by me in Corel Draw.

Traction model is made using a 12 volt motor bogie locomotive that drives a Mehano. Pantograph is home made from galvanized wire of 0.5 diameter. Ceiling, multi-layer is polished manually! Ballast is made of pieces of lead from the Linotype printing, machine harvest ancient texts!

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P7220013.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P7220013.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P7220019.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P7220019.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 29 Юли 2011, 08:09:50
ITB street car - gasket 2 to final

http://trenulete.info/vagonul-de-tramvai-itb-% E2% 80% 93-seal-2-to-final /

I fulfilled another dream. One of my childhood to see trams running on the diorama from Slobozia. Perhaps these models are not made as would come from a factory gate, molded plastic, but my designs are functional, I'm proud of them.

The inspiration was a tram all of Iasi, slightly modified so that the middle window has sections for ventilation, the variant that I am adopted. We chose as a model of Iasi wagons, so that I wanted to thank my colleagues from Iasi, Adrian Crenganis modellers, who inspired me and helped me with the initial plans and numerous side pictures of the car!

We chose to work with wood, plywood precisely because wood is a living material, with the power of expression, shape and strength. Do not forget that the first models of trams had more wood in composition! Besides, wood glue and paint is compatible with acrylic material that gives you strength. Wood is very easy to be processed by grinding, much-needed operation for this wagon, where the roof is hard to OptIn rounder with plastic polish.

I turned to trams are a passion for inner, older than the trains, and that we finally found the solution of such a car motoring. I'll probably continue with V09 or other model in this series, because this car is as classic and beautiful car that I will achieve by the same methods as those used for the two sets ITB. I hope the models tram made me to be useful to those who love trams and will hold one of their diorama!

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P7280003.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P7280003.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P7280004.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P7280004.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/th_P7280013.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/ITB/P7280013.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 07 Август 2011, 09:27:37
Tram Class V 09

Trams of this type have been made ​​since 1927 in the Central Workshops of the Society of Transport Bucharest.

Corel project I worked on installing the necessary changes with a motorized bogie that I do and as was priginalul trick. We used various wood materials, plywood respectively from 1 mm to 3 mm thick. As shown in the pictures, I already installed the two coaches boxes, the tractor and trailer, after drying glue grouted and tomorrow I will be obedient to dryness.

With this model I will complete my collection of classic trams, for which we have already made ​​a passion!

(http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/V%2009%20392/th_V09-03.jpg) (http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk262/CMF-ialomita/Atelier/V%2009%20392/V09-03.jpg)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 09 Август 2011, 07:48:19
The work has progressed! Tomorrow I will restore pantograph because I came too soon! I had pictures from the side, but in the meantime I found a site dedicated numerous trams!


Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Август 2011, 08:36:54
Class V 09 -3 tram


We continued work we modified pantograph and directing me after photos. I stretched so far is correct in size and added damping and we changed his support. Pantograph is mobile and keep both up and down with a arculet and a lever mechanism.

The tractor wagon I made ​​mobile stairs. The real car, they are folded along walking wagon wall and stopping at stations, when you open doors, stairs to leave steps on them. My wagon doors are not opened, but steps are mobile.

Shopping and saving trick I made ​​with the bumper.

There was spray painting the car we used synthetic. The roof is painted with synthetic Revell. After final drying streaks correction will not come out perfect, although I used auto paint paper!

We made ​​the car light tractor. Lighthouse is central in terms of scrap kits houses. The case is so made ​​that unfold from the chassis without the intervention of soldering gun, rising to guide while the installation is mounted on the chassis.

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: София 70 в 10 Август 2011, 11:21:54
Prognosis ,this is so beautiful! Is this very difficult to work? I think that is. I very like trams models .Yours is so good hand make models.
My models is in cardboard and scale is 1:32.
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Август 2011, 06:35:55
Class V 09-tram at the end
Today I finished another chapter in my life amateur modeler. We have completed Class V tram 09. I have small corrections to even think about paint and windows to make the printer characters placed and standing in the tram, so that it appears more interesting than windows brumarii viewer that I fitted model.

This last tram came even charming. I do not know if pictures can convey what I feel, but seeing so gentle on the diorama, it is impossible not to fall in love with it instantly.

Of course my plans do not stop there. I want to work but still a car which does not say anything. It all depends on how I get another motor bogie. Modern trams are very beautiful, but small boghie imposibilitarea to purchase the transmission is a major obstacle to realization of models of current models. Even so, my great passion is for classical models, they are much more attractive and interesting, it presents an inconvenience in my way of preparing a diorama with trams.

Finally, we gladly offer some pictures and a little shooting.

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ivo в 11 Август 2011, 07:36:48
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: emilchaushev в 14 Август 2011, 11:26:09
Hey Prognosis,

I think you should be with us on our second  National conference and to participate with your models in the "competition". You are welcome with your beautiful trams or why not with sometging more- diorama or whatever...
Hope you have already seen the first banner at the beggining of the page next after the Head of the site.
You still have time to think on the idea to be together.
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: gregary в 14 Август 2011, 11:50:19
Цитат на: emilchaushev link=topic=1087.msg64061#msg64061 date=1313310369
Hey Prognosis,

I think you should be with us on our second  National conference and to participate with your models in the "competition". You are welcome with your beautiful trams or why not with sometging more- diorama or whatever...
Hope you have already seen the first banner at the beggining of the page next after the Head of the site.
You still have time to think on the idea to be together.

It's good idea!You are welcome!!! :good: :ok: :drinks:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 14 Август 2011, 13:29:05
I read through google translate this page. It is very interesting and good for the Bulgarian and European enthusiasts. Unfortunately, you know, I do not have good financial standing. This movement is impossible for me, but thank you much for the invitation. It means a lot to me that you appreciate me and my work for railway enthusiasts!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 18 Август 2011, 19:37:26
Automotorul VT 137/VS 135

Aceasta frumoasa macheta Piko, din vechea garda, a sosit de la Sibiu pentru inzestrarea cu sistem de iluminare pe baza de leduri. Am inlocuit vechiul ghidaj din metal, pentru becuri, cu unul facut pe baza de led-uri si matrita din forex. In rest las pozele si filmul sa vorbeasca de la sine.


Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 21 Август 2011, 09:55:51
Street car cut


An interesting car, cut out, for travel or holiday, which I designed after images and I realized after the methods explained in previous posts tram works.

The coach has a different shape to the classic V6, V9 and V10. I saw two different versions, one with that image and one with bumpers front / rear whole and painted black.

We use only wood from the body and chassis, and the canopy is made ​​of cardboard coated wire frame supporting 0.8 mm diameter.

The seats are made ​​of cardboard 0.5 mm thick and 3 feet thick plywood. The doors are made of mosquito net ...!

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 05 Септември 2011, 12:11:41
Tram tractor trailer band


For tram band, the cut, had somehow to be towed by a motor car, as in childhood I loved Chinese board a tram, which I've been driven by grandparents yard until I destroyed because although it is nice to replicate a real model, but I like my imagination and create new things and I decided to do a model of personal inspiration, but remember my childhood toy. I found a picture of this toy net, plus we combined red tram Polish model in the picture. What came out? The pictures say it all!

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 08 Септември 2011, 09:24:09
Automotorul VS 145 - home made


Because I had the opportunity to work on improving such a wagon made ​​of gold Piko in years, I used my knowledge in Corel and with the model before I created my project then pieces were cut with laser technology . The entire project is based on timber, plywood thickness between 1 and 4 mm, only girls are made ​​of pressboard carton (cardboard) to be curved on the profile of the mask front screw. For towing you create a new model, after my imagination, but that fits on the chassis of 216 Mehano you have available.
Let the pictures speak for themselves:

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 12 Септември 2011, 14:37:20
Tractor for VS 145 - home made


Because I had a chassis from a BR 216 Mehano I turned it in dummy engine (pusher), I thought a while he made ​​on my body where I can put a snap camera cameras. I postponed the project for lack of funds for this snap camera, and now, after I nearly finished wooden wagon reproduced of automotorului VS 145, I decided it was time to use his tow motor chassis.

So I designed this chassis, a body inspired by automotorului model, but the size of a tractor ataptata imagined by me. I know some will say that there is this model enthusiasts and as such is not what I did. Perhaps they are right in a way, but I remember that imagination has produced any model which ran on the railway. I for one do not take neparat all models made ​​by me to reproduce an original. I like to invent things to make new objects, as my imagination. This tractor is exactly that. A model imagined by me and made ​​of wood home.
I still have work to him, the necessary corrections to painting and other details.

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 15 Септември 2011, 10:42:41
Automotorul Vs Vt-145 to final

Passion for the construction of rail vehicles brought me PNA phase where I began to realize micromodele from scratch. One of my projects and it is. Piko inspiration was a model, the improvements came from Sibiu. After this model I made ​​computer designed and cut parts with laser technology. I generally use wood, plywood of different thicknesses. For girls I used a cardboard model type pressboard, cardboard 1 mm thick, curved wall to achieve. As accessories we used different materials in my store maimutze. Trombele cloves for ventilation, for chimneys broken stove pads, pins for railings, etc.. Tractor wagon was quite a challenge and designed the chassis of a BR 216 Mehano slept. This car is the fruit of my imagination, it is not authentic reproduction of a railcar. Only wagon trailer is reproduced. Models were self vosite acrylic spray. SMD LED illumination.
Thanks for camera!

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 21 Октомври 2011, 09:17:27
Soller, Mallorca, a classic promenade tram


This is my last work in the tram and even in railway models. Last years accumulated fatigue, lack of parts and very poor health, obliges me to give up that passion. Hoping that my work was good inspiration for railway enthusiasts, I present to drag the last model made ​​entirely home-Mallorca Soller tram.

I used to coach and a tractor mechanic from a locomotive bogie Mehano, American, slightly worn and mechanical problems. I reconditioned axle bushings axes because they were enlarged and axles played awful in their position, lifting and down in a horrific tram walking forward / backward. Also, the bogie tractor, we replaced the original slides that the current collection on the inside wheel, making the collection is quite bad, because their axles were playing in the bushes. I rebuilt the chord guitar tabs # 1 in thickness. I designed to pressure the bandage style wheels, thus providing, in addition to regular contact more strongly, even a slight permanent suspension and wheels keep on track.

The base material was and fiber form of plywood lenmoasa 1, 3 and 4 mm thick, cut with laser technology as a project for my computer, with the documentation some pictures from the Internet of Soller, Mallorca famous cars. Outstanding tourist variants are many. It was quite difficult to choose a particular model of car trailer. For the original versions are varnished wood, as we did with the model. I painted only torches and roof. Pantograph is 0.5 mm thick galvanized wire.

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 31 Октомври 2011, 18:56:01
Maintenance tram G 15-3199


My last wrinkle, tram maintenance, which should not be missing from a depot that respect. Taking advantage of the last bogie engine that I have it, I built this set of tram maintenance and troubleshooting. My model is very familiar, because I played with him tram simulator. Runs flawlessly on board trams Trams Constanta MSTS. In fact, the model we used the simulator even SView images to create plans in Corel. We used as basic material on various types of lime plywood, balsa 1,2,3,4 and 5 mm thick pieces of laser cut.

For tractor wagon, we used a bogie from American Mehano destroyed. I replaced the wheels of 12 mm diameter, with some Mehano wagon, the 9 mm diameter, the smallest that we had. During dismantling, we replaced and type collection system inside the wheel, with one personal innovation, which collects the current bandage string guitar using a wheel, very good elastic material. Situated above the chord guitar arculetul has meant to you pressed wheels himself. On this occasion, I got no will of my confirmation design deficiency DA locomotive 060, which is so well known for its duck walking drunk. Basically, if the press wheels above, and these camps are larger pivots around walking gear, left and right, trepidand DA's also easy. Most likely reduce the distance you move freely in the axle mounting bush to remove visually annoying vibration, although, technically, this improves contact with the rail.

For cars towed, we used the electric boghie piko old model (E42) that have changed balansierele removing and fixing parts of additional springs. In fact to be derived unvagon carried sand, used for spreading winter skid material. As we used some type wheels Marklin, who were put through in a short axis. I replaced the metal with a plastic shaft, a stick of candy, according to diameter.

One of these cars, is collecting all of the guitar string to mount the front position. Inside the bogie, generous space allowed me to place a plaque in blood collection, a bridge rectifier, the capacitor is located above the stabilization in the bucket. To hide the capacitor, I made loads of sand mixed with glue and mounted over a very thin film acetofan, cut to final shape of the inside tip. After drying, remove the load above the access to the condenser. Diode lamps are two 1.8-mm diameter lens point, in series with a resistor of 980 K. It should also be made from a wagon equipped with miniexcavatorul, but that after you purchase an excavator scale 1 / 87.

I used spray paint GalbenTaxi, matte black frame and gray to blue roof. lighthouse will be central to the tractor in bipolar diode bicolor white / red. I have to do the next day and set pantograph swing axle bogie used the tractor. I used to drive motor 12 volt utimul of equipment PanArin workshops, which ends his career with the paper manufacturer. Most likely to remain only maintenance work! No budget or health condition and lack of fulfillment other parts nevesare designing and great dreams, I do not allow the work to my favorite toys. For bars up I used paper stapler staples of 8 mm length. I had to plan a set of VT 35 and the famous Malaxa, but the reasons mentioned above, projects will be canceled permanently. With this post conception conclude the series of materials displayed on the site that I designed coverage passion for trains. I will probably continue to post on my site, but I will summarize the presentations of various models sold in Romania. I hope with all my heart that my efforts to photograph, write and present material on the site to be useful in the field of railway enthusiasts of the models.

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Ноември 2011, 10:44:14
Maintenance tram G 15-3199 on final

http://trenulete.info/tramvaiul-de-intretinere-g-15-% E2% 80% 93-3199-to-end /

After two days I lay .... Today I resumed work on the tram pantograph and I finished that I made ​​the paper clip wire. I first made ​​a wooden template, which I doubted at the same rate pantograph parts. I soldered together, and I did feet of copper wire beaten with a hammer on the bench ... Last night I managed to mount and tractor wagon lighthouse in 3199. We used two SMD LEDs, placed in antiparallel and in series with a resistor 1kohm. We Lestat and I did the test on Slobozia Diorama. Merge balanced, but runs too hard because I had little engine 12 volts and I used a 9 volt. Therefore runs much faster than other trams. Unfortunately we have exhausted the reserve of the latter tram engine, which is definitely my last paper models.

However, yesterday I was still a great joy! After years of struggling I improvised with a hand drill me a windshield wiper motor IMS, yesterday I received, thanks to a barter with a client in Sibiu, a hand drill, miniature beauty, very practical. What I did not have funding for its original feeder, I improvised ... a feeder in the famous FZ1 and I can say it works well. The only change in the FZ1 is required to add a filtration system / stabilization capacitor and diode based on further. Perhaps as we work to drill a very good and necessary tool, but until now I never allowed to take it.


and videos:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Ноември 2011, 12:03:52
In Lima Locomotive E 656 - improvements

http://trenulete.info/locomotiva-e-656-de-la-lima-imbunata% C8% 9Biri /

Material presented in here, locomotive has undergone changes to improve the model.

1. I added collection system voltages on two wheels, the tires without adhesion, the bogie tractor. I made slide collection of guitar chord number 1 in thickness, fixed to the bogie engine as shown in the gallery.

2. I added blood collection system and the bogie in the middle, using the remaining blades of American boghiele Mehano used to trams. Slides were mounted with hot solder as shown in the gallery.

3. I mounted lighting system based on warm white LEDs. After all these years I've been lighting enthusiasts locomotives of various types, after I went through hundreds of locomotives hand, after I looked at various forums on the phenomenon of light locomotives, we came to some conclusions:

A red light is just a fad to locomotives and locomotive is not justified unless that is designed to run no trains;

B. The white / white depending on direction of travel is best suited for running locomotives with trains;

c. is rather embarrassing fact that Analog seal off the lights go out at the signal ...

With regard to point C, I thought and changed his mind many variants of solving the problem. In all these years I did many tests on the ideas we had. Most unsatisfactory and as such we have not published my studies in the field. But even with this engine I could put my plan. Today is the ONLY Analog locomotives that can be stopped at traffic lights and which lights should not be left. The whole system is designed without the involvement of electronics! Designed system is able to provide me the stop lights on a non-powered section in analog, and the effect is the same as in digital locomotive standing still At the traffic light and lights are on! As long as lines are supplied with electricity, lights are lit! So, I solved a problem that runs in ANALOG locomotives!

For fitting we used lamps propiuzisa the point LED, white / hot, 1.8 mm lens diameter, mounted in parallel, as in analog to burn brightly even at the lowest speed. Previously, we cut the material transparent glass body so to speak, which were attached and prisms (guides) of light that enters their dwellings. Then we remove the central guide to the lighthouse, leaving it blank for light. LED central headlight was slightly polished and rounded on one side to join the ceiling recess. Parties around the headlights were painted with black acrylic matte that generated by the LED light will not pierce through the body.

All three LEDs for a management position, are mounted in parallel and then in series with a resistor of 1 kohm and mounted in anti-parallel between the two management positions, so to change the direction of travel, to ignite different for each post driving out the direction of travel. By fitting in antiparallel ensure current and residual polarization reverse takeover. I resistor assembly with appropriate even in the middle, the interior of the bellows joint slots locomotive.

The complete removal of the drive system, I found using an engine made in China, with port-metallic brushes, as cheap Chinese toys. I just replaced the engine cover, with one having port-based brushes coal, which both improved the car's noise factor, and the life of the toy in intense turnover regime.

Finally, you just have to admit that I was inspired to change the toys, failed to implement a lighting system that you bake for a long time, and now I want to apply it to other PanArin locomotive depot, specialized depot only in analog locomotive!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 14 Ноември 2011, 16:16:26

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 14 Ноември 2011, 16:19:48
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 21 Ноември 2011, 17:27:58
Installing a video minicamere Piko BR 218


I received last week a video snap camera spy, disguised as a car remote. Therefore we decided to adjust my camera for a Basque, an old Piko BR at 218. Adaptation placta we replaced the old car, one with digital output jack, especially since I am not nor ever will be digital! I made ​​another circuit board, which I adapted for lighting and extra strength I snap camera mounted socket for connection. Because I always use all this room, we decided that there is no need to separate it from the box, that means income can be used to spy shooting, and shooting for the diorama. Therefore I made ​​of a forex supert your camera simply sits and let go to work. The support is fixed to a bogie suprtul so that the curves to rotate the camera along with backer bogie. The same device we placed two white LEDs for light to serve in the tunnels where it is too dark. Finally I did a little test shoot. The disappointment is huge. Although regulations specify that room is equipped with image stabilization, the test footage that would not see it. In any case, I figure out how to buy it online. For edification, I invite you to watch movie attached! But the idea remains valid device for attaching a camera to spy on a locomotive shooting in route, as to express something more plastic!

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Mixy в 24 Ноември 2011, 22:21:59
Good!  :good:  Very good!  :yes:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 14 Декември 2011, 06:48:58

Developing the idea of previous material, I concluded that I could improve the system so as to provide all wheels collecting voltage on the line and at the same time we light the lights while stationary at traffic lights on the locomotive unpowered sector. Also I thought the system so that it can be applied not only used on a dedicated diorama, where there is power controlled sectors. Currently, the model can be run on any self-in analog even with interrupted line sectors, it will continue to keep the lights on even if it stops the inverter power supply rails. Moreover, the light will work just as hard even at very low speed, all thanks to batteries introduced in the cabin where I was held. The system is very effective, but requires mounting room for batteries.

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 31 Декември 2011, 12:00:04
Toate urarile mele de bine pasionatilor de trenulete, masinute sau alte machete! Fie ca noul an sa aduca numai lucruri bune pentru modelismul romanesc!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 31 Декември 2011, 14:45:14
 :ok: :hi:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: zazo в 31 Декември 2011, 17:20:48
Happy New Year, Prognosis. All the best for 2012.
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Vlado в 31 Декември 2011, 17:26:51
Happy new year, Prognosis!!!  :good:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: anubis в 31 Декември 2011, 18:43:39
HNY, Prognosis! We wish you health and new models on your layout!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ivo в 31 Декември 2011, 19:22:18
An Nou Fericit, Prognosis.  ;D
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 31 Декември 2011, 19:45:04

Thanks , man , for being our friend ! Cheers and
Happy New Year !!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mgirginov в 01 Януари 2012, 11:53:08
Happy New Year! :drinks:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Януари 2012, 10:40:23
Connex carriages Piko - Lighting

A set of three cars from Piko Connex have been lighting the LED. I used each of them a 7 rigleta SMD LEDs arranged according to the following scheme. Recovery is 4 diodes, two at each end, more practical solution than the bridge rectifier model collection on the axle shaft. Curectului collection is on axle type venetian Rally, but cut in half, so that, with one blade is made of blood collection in a wagon. Need not be so broad blade like the original. Mounting is accomplished with LEDs in parallel, Analog, so at the lowest voltage they turn on. Stabilization is an electrolytic capacitor. The seven LEDs are in series with a resistor of 580 ohms. To raise the position rigletei we made ​​to each car by two walls 2 mm thick forex, positioned in the ends.
A car has received the final lamps. I used red LED 3 mm, polished to remove magnifier head. Mounted in series with a 1k resistor, the two LEDs are stabilized with a capacitor micro/25 electrilitic 1000 volts. Installation support is placed perfectly in the end so the car to come to light guide position on the wagon. Finally LEDs were painted with black acrylic to reduce residual light in the end wagon.

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 11 Януари 2012, 10:43:54
 :good: How are you , man ?
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Януари 2012, 10:47:30
survive  :)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: София 70 в 11 Януари 2012, 18:29:42
Very hice work! I very like your model.
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 25 Февруари 2012, 14:22:27
Започнах да работя от модели DeAgostini нещо, което е настъпило в Румъния.Научих, че се появява в България с Moscktvich 408.Може ли някой от България да ми изпратите едно списание?Разбира се плащат.Легендарни автомобили



Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 25 Февруари 2012, 21:51:27
Moskviches were in stock before 5 days. If there are any left, I  would buy one for you.
Infact, I won't take your money,but if it's possible, you can send me carriage in HO scale for souvenir.  :) :hi:
Moskwich-->Prognosis- 3 Euro, carriage--> muncho-also 3 euro :yes:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 26 Февруари 2012, 07:01:03
I will send you! Be sure!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 12 Март 2012, 13:29:54
Prognosis AroSlot DeAgostini in the final version
http://trenulete.info/aroslot-deagostini-in-varianta-prognosis-4/ a like for pls. facebook - thanks!

After drying and grinding, followed mounting accessories and then continued with track tests. Some adjustments to the resistance value and flashing toy is ready for fun. Next, more precisely, pair this DeAgostini SlotCar cars will be a type ARO IMS.
You can watch a small video of track tests.
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 02 Април 2012, 06:59:45
EA 060 from Railway Memories

How am I doing to improve lighting in Analog

Well, first I changed the jumper position for only the position lights on both ends, so that the two yellow LED smd (God knows why they chose that color!), The position lights, come in series with two 271 ohm resistors, a total of 542 ohm ballast.
I stopped then scratch line plus (+) central headlamp, eliminating their inserierea position lights.
I brought a strap that I fed plus central lighthouse, directly, bypassing inseriarea with position lights.
From out of the diode polarity direction, I took through a resistor voltage the 580 IMO, I applied to the minus two SMD's central headlight and so I fed identically by each ballast resistance different but similar in value, each group of lighting, both above and below.


Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: piko1 в 02 Април 2012, 07:43:21
hey man very nice work nice too see that you are all right  :drinks:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 02 Април 2012, 07:48:49
Цитат на: piko1 link=topic=1087.msg75787#msg75787 date=1333341801
hey man very nice work nice too see that you are all right  :drinks:
Hello! I was very sick in the last 5 months! Glad to see you again dear bulgarian friends!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 02 Април 2012, 08:49:50

Don't give up , man !! Trains forever !
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: piko1 в 02 Април 2012, 15:09:44
don't give-up man and you are going to live even 95-100 years just when you turn on 95 you will remember what one Bulgarian say'd to you  :yes:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: anubis в 03 Април 2012, 08:12:04
Keep going, my friend! This great hobby will heal you!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: pavel75 в 08 Февруари 2013, 16:49:18
Някой знае ли къде се загуби тоя човек? Не е писал бая време.
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 09 Февруари 2013, 23:34:45
Вчера му писах на лична ... досега винаги отговаряше до 24 ч.... Последно си говорехме юли месец,тъкмо беше се прибрал от болница,дано е добре и да е някъде на ски
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Февруари 2013, 07:16:15
Скъпи приятели
Благодарим ви за проявения интерес съдбата ми. Миналата година беше много лоша за мен. Бях много болен и аз трябваше да продаде, за да правят пари диорама на наркотици. Държах някои влакове. Най-обичан. Защото не мога да издържам без нещо DIY, аз се съсредоточи върху нещата лесни. Изработени колекция от автомобили. Сега и тогава, по-много се влак за любовта на влаковете. Последния път, когато изработени една количка DeAgostini, ГАЗ 12 ZIM.
И малка сцена: http://arin.panait.net/gaz-12-zim-functional-pe-ecartament-redus-1/
Благодарим ви, скъпи приятели от България!

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Февруари 2013, 09:39:57
Един класически локомотив, много разпространени в древни времена сред страните признава modelistii пристигна в Slobozia пръти се обърна с главата надолу, в синхрон с кабината, смачкани и изпочупени tapoanele предната част на шасито. За ремонтирам тях първо се премества пръти както трябва, особено след като един от WD desincrinizata зъбите на зъбните колела, които блокират колата правилно оборот и доведе до напрежение механизъм. Операцията не е трудно, но изисква пилее времето и търпение.


Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 10 Февруари 2013, 09:51:55
GAZ M20 Pobeda feroviară

В тази книга преплита страстта ми за класически автомобили, както и за железниците. Наскоро получих проба габарит 1/43 и като преамбюла на microdiorama искате да направите за него, като принадлежащи Skoda кола ентусиаст Анна Паукер, имаме се удвои до M20 Победа GAZ черен облагороден сега известно време. Аз продължих да рисувам бели бинтове и аз направих броня Miniplug за премахване на обекти от железопътната линия, Монат предната шасито.

Надявам се да се радвате на малко самостоятелно mobilistica жп иновации!


More pics http://trenulete.info/warshava-gaz-m20-pobeda-feroviara/
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: София 70 в 10 Февруари 2013, 10:04:15
Nice job! I hope you be all right and good and any trouble be past  :)
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: emilchaushev в 10 Февруари 2013, 11:28:23
Wow , so nice prognosis.. The model is really beautiful.

Wish you all the best in 2013, all the health of the world and a lot of models by your hand.
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Февруари 2013, 06:22:06
Цитат на: emilchaushev link=topic=1087.msg86625#msg86625 date=1360488503
Wow , so nice prognosis.. The model is really beautiful.

Wish you all the best in 2013, all the health of the world and a lot of models by your hand.
Thank you!
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Февруари 2013, 06:43:58
Living City blumenberg,, в Slobozia Diorama е темата на новата реклама BRD (Румънската банка за развитие).В момента модел е изложен на румънската банка за развитие в Букурещ. Работата ще започне това лято нов диорама, този път мащаб N.

Reclama with Nadia Comaneci, Ilie Nastase and Gica Hagi

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Adrian в 11 Февруари 2013, 08:38:07
Цитат на: prognosis link=topic=1087.msg86618#msg86618 date=1360482715
GAZ M20 Pobeda feroviară


Amazing ! Bravo  :clapping:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 11 Февруари 2013, 09:30:15
 :yahoo: :yahoo: :hi:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Февруари 2013, 09:31:33
Цитат на: muncho link=topic=1087.msg86653#msg86653 date=1360567815
:yahoo: :yahoo: :hi:
Thanks my bulgarian friend! :pleasantry:
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 13 Февруари 2013, 11:54:08
TV 12 C - камион легенда

С този камион обяви открит сезон да снимате моите постижения. Този модел е премиерата и в момента е (13 февруари, 2013 г.), уникален в света моделисти!

Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 26 Февруари 2013, 08:41:56
Malaxa recondition a scale 1/43

Came from his bag like Santa Claus, beyond the edge of memory, this model made in Romanian People's Republic, as evidenced by the single electric motor located on ancient inscription, was a challenge I could not resist, although I had many other PanArin workshops scheduled work. Although at first glance appears intact, with a metallic paint that I doubt that would be the original model was destroyed inside. Melted and deformed plastic wheels, engine locked and short gearing flu boghiele dismantled.

We proceeded first to the plastic wheel straightening procedure less painful, because they put the wheels in boiling water and then with a board that is a groove on flange size, rub until moving wheel. I somewhat managed to get the line running three plastic wheels (four) deformed by the action calduriii as I inferred.

Personally, I would have turned others in duramid, or better, all aluminum as the collector and collection system would be modified so as to gather power to all wheels. Owner you but to preserve originality toy, for which the engine had been reconditioned and antique completely nonfunctional. Grip and full of slime, with manifold soon for deposits and a broken coil, rotor took me some time to bring it to the stage of operation.

Of flexible blades relay, I made strips of collection of blood and after 9 hours of migaleala I urnit rotor in place. Loud as a mother and heavy as a pig, bazdagania produced from my childhood child began to produce motor by turning it constant, for which came fitted into place in which he gave the spirit a few decades ago. Not silent, with a specific sound of metal gears gear, as it did once toy, massive railcar was reflected on getting to my satisfaction but to my horror Catelu exasperated by uruitul deafening to her ears sensitive traffic controller.

Although the owner wanted the LED lighting installation, implementation can not be put into practice along with current motoring and collecting empirical system voltages. Moreover, the toy will lose authenticity. I beat going to make a mold and pour silicone resin model to make another railcar, more modernized systems of our time, indoor furniture, lights and all. It would be something nice, especially for such a toy I had as a child. Stop me but that I have no self and therefore would not have to run on that beauty. From what I've researched, it found itself a 32 mm gauge (scale A - 1/43), I searched desperately instructions for my car models made himself, and I found this in the country.

Until one another, regained functional model and will leave soon to her owner excited and eager to spin himself ...


More photos >>> http://trenulete.info/reconditionarea-unui-malaxa-scara-143/

A movie with running >>> http://youtu.be/TVSkSzUtu0Q
Титла: Re:Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 26 Февруари 2013, 22:24:57
 :good: :dance1: :drinks: :yahoo:
Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 06 Юни 2013, 18:58:15
Reconditioning a railcar Malaxa
Once an avid antique toy belonging Romanian in Bucharest reached PanArin workshops for refurbishment. It is just like the previous model repaired, but at a different scale. Interestingly, it is ecartamenul 28.5 mm, while the model 1/43 was 32mm. Very close size gauges while the wagon is clearly different size, which is about half the size of what was garnet. Another interesting element is the elecric motor, an antique that has electromagnetic coil stator, rotor inserts (three pole). Replaces the permanent magnet stator coil. I think the batteries used for propulsion because a variable Mehano do not budge out of place, even in the short put higher voltage. For testing we used an old and powerful FZ1. Nothing compares with a FZ1. Another interesting thing, the polarity inversion line, the engine does not change its meaning. Regardless of polarity, it goes in the same direction! Finally, after cleaning the lubrication manifold and traction mechanisms crespunzatoare after intreptarea crooked metal chassis that puts short supply, the vehicle traveled quite nice on its lines. Can proudly pass in roll with achievements and recondition this antique toys, which I extended lifespan by at least a quarter of a century!


More pictures http://trenulete.info/recondi%C8%9Bionarea-unui-automotor-malaxa/
Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 26 Април 2014, 07:11:36
TV 12 CFR - 's dream Hrom Petrea

Passionate railways , my friend Petrea in Botosani sent me a flat 12 F , hoping that his dream of seeing trolley CFR ista FUNCTIONAL will be someday ... Behold, I can confirm today his dream fulfillment . Base construction DeAgostini Romania was a model modified as required . Inspiration after photos on the internet and by memories of CFR - ism personal time .

The project was a long time waiting , that's because missing self in scale 1 /43 scale that O ( zero) , which itself came to me by my friend from Germany , purchased on e -bay ! The type itself is old, pressed and after a brief cleaning and repair operation , most of them have become functional . So , with path , nothing would stop me to put into practice this idea ....

continuation of the story and more photos http://arin.panait.net/tv-12-cfr-visul-lui-hromei-petrea/

Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 26 Април 2014, 07:16:57
Support trolley http://arin.panait.net/suport-drezina/

It's about exposure and support railcar. The resin was poured into the mold made ​​of your original. Followed proper painting and application of herbs and spices to taste! Transparent bell goes but we have material!


Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 26 Април 2014, 23:09:09
 :hi: :hi: :hi: :drinks: :yahoo:
Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 25 Май 2014, 07:05:16
Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 25 Май 2014, 07:07:32
Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 25 Май 2014, 07:09:04
Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 27 Май 2014, 22:04:17
Yonko Penchev my friend from Bulgaria visit me today

27 MAY 2014
Today was a beautiful day. I visited a dear friend of Bulgaria, Mr. Yonko Penchev with his wife and daughter. He is a fellow of the forum dedicated trains modeling  Bulgarian http://www.railwaypassion.com/forums/. We reminisce about the Slobozia diorama about trains.

A visit to my great pleasure, especially since this forum had more posts and shared more knowledge of the Bulgarian railway modelers. Thank you for this wonderful visit Penchev Yonko.



Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ritchie в 11 Юни 2014, 11:28:20
Съжалявам  за  закъснялото  включване,  но  чак  днес  успях  вече  да  седна  и  напиша  няколко  реда.    Така  да  започна  всичко  подред:
Първо  бих  искал  да  подчертая,  че  един  от  приоритетиете  в  дейността  на  Пловдивския  клуб  по  ЖП  моделизъм  е  развитието   на  международното  сътрудничество  със  сходни  клубове.  След  Гърция,  Турция  и  Германия,  дойде  ред  и  с  колегите  в  Румъния  да  установим  по-тесни  контакти.   
Така,  че  реших   на  път  за  Яши,  където  бях  поканен  да  изнасям  14  дни  лекции  в  местния  университет,  да  се  отбия  в  Свобозия  (югоизточна  Румъния)  при  моя  стар  приятел  Арин  Панаит,  който  тук  е познат  с  никнейм  Prognosis.     
Трябва  да  кажа,  че  на  такова  радушно  и  сърдечно   посрещане  не  бях  присъствал  отдавна,  за  което  много  му  благодаря !
Градчето  е  не  голямо,  но  много  приятно  и  бързо  открих  адреса  на  Арин  в  квартала  до  парка,  в  близост  до  който  си  наех  и  хотел.
Винаги  ми  е  било  приятно  да  контактувам  с  интересни  личности,  а  Арин  е  повече  от  интересна.   Владее  английски  на  доста  прилично  ниво,  така  че  комуникацията  ни  не  беше  проблем,  а  където  бе  необходимо  се  включвах  и  на  Румънски. 
Около  него  винаги  е  имало  интересни  и  нестандартни  истории,  които  у  нас  няма  как  да  се  случат,  и  в  ограниченото  време  на  престоят  ни,  успях  да  науча  доста  непознати  за  мен  неща.
За  мое   голямо  съжаление  през  2011 г . той  е  продал  макета  си,  на  който  всички  се  възхищавахме,  на  една  банка,  която  го  е  взела,  за   да  го  ползва  за  рекламни  клипове. Понастоящем  макета  е  изложен  в  спортен  център  в  Букурещ.
Сега  е  амбициран  да  направи  нов  по-хубав  макет  на  тема  градска  среда,  с  действащи   трамваи  от  всички  епохи  и  градове  в   Румъния,  които  вече  е  изработил  сам  от  дърво,  метал  и  пластмаса.   Ще  следим  с  интерес  развитието  и  на  този  проект !
Преди  известно  време  хеликоптер  пада  върху  покрива  на  блока,  където  на  последния, 5-ти  етаж  живее  Арин  и  семейството  му.  Тавана  е  подънен  и  дъждовната  вода  заплашва  да  повреди  все  още  действащия  там  макет.  Добре,  че  правителството  се  заема  спешно  да  организира  ремонта  на  покрива,  и  сега  блока  им е   като  нов.
Самото  родословно  дърво  на  Арин  е  повече  от  любопитно.  Оказва  се,  че  той  е  1/4  Българин,  1/4  Грък,  1/4  Германец  и  1/4  Румънец.  Това  даде  обяснение  за   разнородните  му  таланти.  Изглежда   от  всякъде  е  наследил  по  нещо  важно,  което  е  допринесло  за  голямата  му  доброта  и  сърдечност,  за  което  му  се  възхищавам !     
За  моя  голяма  изненада  и  удоволствие,  се  окака,  че  с  Арин  имаме  и  други  идентични  хобита.
Той  е  може  би  най-добрия  в  Румъния  дай-каст  моделист  и  съответно  колекционер.   Пояснявам:  Хобито  му  е  постоянно  да  преправя  готови  модели  на  метални  автомобили,  предимно  в  М: 1/43  на  издигнатите  в  култ  марки  Дачия,  Аро  и  Роман.  На   неговия  сайт  всичко  е  описано  стъпка  по  стъпка  в  много  увлекателен  стил:  http://arin.panait.net/
Наистина  е  необходима  голяма  дарба  и  търпение,  за  постигането  на  тези  красиви  резултати.   
Неговата  съпруга  е  журналист  и  издател  на  местен  седмичник.     
И  още  много  и  интересни  неща  може  от  него  човек  да  научи !   
Искам  да  изкажа  голямата  си  благодарност  на  домакините  и  да  уверя  Арин,  че  с  гордост  беше  записан,  като  почетен  член  на  Пловдивския  клуб  по  ЖП  моделизъм,  документа  за  което  ще  си  получи  при  следващата  ни  среща.
Пожелавам  му  много  здраве,  щастие  и  нови,  още  по-големи  успехи  в  интересните  хоби  занимания !

Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Юни 2014, 11:37:01
Multumesc pentru vizita frumoasa! :yes:
Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ritchie в 11 Юни 2014, 12:14:57








Личен  подарък  с  посвещение:



Два  интересни  обекта  в  Свобозия:

Реконструирана  парна  машина  от  1870 г.



и  Айфеловата  им  кула,   която  е  54 м.  висока,  колкото  18  етажна  сграда :


Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: ritchie в 11 Юни 2014, 12:17:47
Ne pare rău pentru includerea târziu, dar până astăzi am așezat deja în jos și de a scrie câteva rânduri. Deci, totul a început într-un rând:
În primul rând, aș dori să subliniez faptul că una dintre activitățile clubului prioritetiete Plovdiv modelare feroviar este dezvoltarea cooperării internaționale cu cluburi similare. După Grecia, Turcia și Germania au venit colegii din România de a stabili contacte mai strânse.
Așa că am decis în drum spre Iași, unde am fost invitat pentru a da 14 zile cursuri la universitatea locală, pentru a opri în Svoboziya (sud-estul România), cu vechiul meu prieten Arin Panait, care aici este familiarizat cu prognoza porecla.
Trebuie să spun că o astfel de primire călduroasă și un bun venit consistent, nu a fost prezent mult timp în urmă că mulți îi mulțumesc!
Orașul nu este mare, dar foarte frumos și repede a găsit adresa de Arryn în cartier în parc, aproape de care a inchiriat un hotel.
Am fost întotdeauna încântați de a comunica cu oameni interesanti si Arin este mai mult decât interesant. Ea vorbește limba engleză nivel destul de decent, astfel încât comunicarea noastră nu a fost o problemă și în cazul în care a fost necesar să se angajeze și română.
În jurul lui nu a fost mereu povești interesante și neobișnuite că țara noastră nu se poate întâmpla, și în timpul limitat de șederea noastră, am fost în stare să învețe destul de necunoscute pentru mine lucrurile.
Spre marele meu regret în 2011 el a vândut modelul său, pe care le admira, o bancă care a luat să-l folosească pentru reclame. Modelul apare în prezent în centrul de sport din Bucuresti.
Acum este ambiția de a face un nou mai bun model de temă urban, cu tramvaie de operare de la toate epocile și orașe din România, pe care el însuși a definit deja de lemn, metal și plastic. Vom urmări cu interes dezvoltarea și acest proiect!
Ceva timp în urmă, un elicopter este pe acoperișul blocului în care la ultimul etaj, al cincilea de viață Arryn și a familiei sale. Plafon este podanen și apa de ploaie amenință să daune încă acolo în modelul vigoare. Bine că guvernul ia urgentă de a organiza repararea acoperișului, iar acum blocuri-le ca noi.
Arbore genealogic foarte Arina este mai mult decât curios. Se pare că el este sfert bulgară, greacă trimestru, sfert german și un sfert român. Acest lucru a oferit o explicație pentru diverse talentele sale. Se pare ca peste tot a moștenit ceva important, care a contribuit la marea lui bunătate și cordialitate, care-l admira!
Spre marea mea surprindere și plăcere, este Okaka că Arina au alte hobby-uri identice.
Acesta este, probabil, cel mai bun din România modelator Dai-turnate și colector, respectiv. Clarificare: hobby-ul său se ascunde în mod constant modele gata de masini de metal, în principal în M: 1/43 dintr-un brand de cult Dacia, Aro si Roman. Pe site-ul său este descris pas cu pas într-un stil foarte captivant: http://arin.panait.net/
Într-adevăr nevoie de un cadou mare și răbdare pentru a obține aceste rezultate frumoase.
Soția sa este un jurnalist și editor al săptămânalului local.
Și multe lucruri mult mai interesante se poate învăța un bărbat!
Vreau să exprim marea mea recunoștință pentru gazde.
Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 11 Юни 2014, 13:54:31
Multumesc prietene! &bgflag
Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: prognosis в 02 Август 2015, 07:49:27

1/43 мащаб 3D печатни механичен превключвател
Scale 1/43 бавно заменя моята страст trenulist тема.

Това не е, защото сме предали H0, а просто защото аз вече не отида очите и ръцете.

Не е същият човек, който е построил диорама в Слобозия.

Девет години са минали над мен. Аз нямам същия търпение, сръчност и прецизност.

Тъй като няма страст пътен смъртта, аз отидох да десетобалната подходящ конструктивно със способността ми. И не само това. I адаптирани към съвремието и технологии.

Благодарение на Виорел Spinu и в този случай си RoboFun Румъния , ние сме приети 3D технология. Все още съм начинаещ и практика. Но тъй като сме се научили да MESTER влакове в H0, така учат и печатни техники или проектиране и манипулирането на софтуер, за да се отпечатат.

Мината на машината, а 3D Prusa I3 се окаже от голяма полза за моделисти коварен влизане мен.

След като започнах плахо с няколко парчета, за да се подобри производителността на принтера за работа и като титуляр при преобръщане с нажежаема жичка или светлина стойка , отидох да ми тролейбуси производствени линии, подобни на известния Bucegi на отминали времена. Защото моят количка работи на батерии, така мащабни линии A (32 мм) са скъпи и трудни за намиране, Търсих в мрежата, намерих някои самостоятелно , че сме изправени пред използваема размер ми и аз започнах 3D ги отпечатате.

Първо ние отпечатани няколко договорени покупки с различни размери. За да получите нещата тяхното последващо боядисване, ние комбинирахме различни нишки, за отпечатване на черни и сиви метални греди за печат линии. "Търговия с нажежаема жичка шрифт пауза-автобиография" The техника успях да дръпнете някои реалистични елементи. Имам печатни и терминал, всички от същия източник отново и увеличаващ до 1/43.

Следващата стъпка беше предизвикателството за производство на механично превключване функционална 3D печатни, предоставена от същия създател 3D , която намерих много близо до модела в нашата страна. Не съм казал всичко, но мога да кажа, за да отпечатате и монтирайте го функционална в първия опит. Все пак има място за подобрение и ще продължи с неговото подобряване, ако здравето ми позволява.

Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: mill в 04 Август 2015, 01:32:44
 :drinks: :good:

P*S * Nu mai vorbi despre moarte  :hi:
Титла: Re: Prognosis H0 model railroad - "The town from the dining room"
Публикувано от: Ivo Nedkov в 21 Септември 2021, 08:27:11
Миналате седмица докато сърфирах из youtube, попаднах на канала на нашия румънски комшия Prognosis:
https://www.youtube.com/user/PR0GN0SIS/videos (https://www.youtube.com/user/PR0GN0SIS/videos)
Прегледах клиповете, и явно е спрял да се занимава с жп моделизъм
и е започнал да колекционира и ремонтира модели на камиони, джипове и коли.