декодери ToM 8 pin 1A H0 TT (N) Търсене
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декодери ToM 8 pin 1A H0 TT (N)
04 Ноември 2015, 15:01:50
В таблицата по-долу ще намерите пълен списък на конфигурационни променливи (CV) на декодиращото Lokommander Mini DCC. Ние препоръчваме да се променят стойностите по подразбиране, само ако знаете тяхната функция. Грешни настройки могат да имат негативен ефект цвете изпълнението на декодера, или може да предизвика не-очакваните действия на декодера към командите DCC, изпратени от командния станция. CV No. колона съдържа номера на конфигурационните променливи, а диапазонът Value съдържа валиден диапазон от стойности за всеки от автобиографиите. Колоната Default Value съдържа стойностите на фабричните настройки за всяка CV (след извършване на нулиране декодер всяка CV ще съдържа тази стойност). Описание Колоната ще ви даде кратко описание на всеки от автобиографиите. За да извършите нулиране декодер (в случай на грешни настройки CV), моля пишете на CV8 всяка числова стойност. NMRA   19x14x2 mm

CV   Default   Value   Description   
   Value   Range      
1   3   0-127   Decoder Adresse Short, 7 bits   
2   2   1-127   Vstart   
3   5   0-63   Acceleration Rate 0=Fastest acceleration   
4   7   0-63   Deceleration Rate 0=Fastest deceleration   
5   100   1-127   Vhigh   
6   60   0-127   Vmid, recommended value  = [25%-75%] Vhigh   
7   105   -   Software Version (only readable)
8   78   -   Manufactured ID/RESET (readable 78 = train-O-matic, any written value
            will reset the decoder to the factory default values
9   3   0-9   Motor Control Algorithm, 0-8
            User defined = 9 (see CV 60)
   13   0   0-255   Analog Mode, Alternate Mode Function Status F1-F8
            Bit 0 = 0(0):  F1 not active in Analog mode
            = 1(1):  F1 active in Analog mode
            Bit 1 = 0(0):  F2 not active in Analog mode
            = 1(2):  F2 active in Analog mode
            Bit 2 = 0(0):  F3 not active in Analog mode
            = 1(4):  F3 active in Analog mode
            Bit 3 = 0(0):  F4 not active in Analog mode
            = 1(8):  F4 active in Analog mode
            Bit 4 = 0(0):  F5 not active in Analog mode
            = 1(16): F5 active in Analog mode
            Bit 5 = 0(0):  F6 not active in Analog mode
            = 1(32): F6 active in Analog mode
            Bit 6 = 0(0):  F7 not active in Analog mode
            = 1(64) F7 active in Analog mode
            Bit 7 = 0(0):  F8 not active in Analog mode
         = 1(255): F8 active in Analog mode
143=   0-255   Analog Mode, Alternate Mode Function. Status F0f,F0r,  F9-F14,
      Bit 0 = 0(0):   F0f not active in Analog mode
1+         = 1(1):      F0f active in Analog mode
      Bit 1 = 0(0):   F0r not active in Analog mode
2         = 1(2):      F0r active in Analog mode
      Bit 2 = 0(0):   F9 not active in Analog mode
         = 1(4):      F9 active in Analog mode
      Bit 3   = 0(0):   F10 not active in Analog mode
         = 1(8):      F10 active in Analog mode
      Bit 4   = 0(0):   F11 not active in Analog mode
         = 1(16):   F11 active in Analog mode
      Bit 5   = 0(0):   F12 not active in Analog mode
         = 1(32):   F12 active in Analog mode
      Bit 6   = 0(0):   F13 not active in Analog mode
         = 1(64) F13 active in Analog mode

Bit 7 = 0(0): F14 not active in Analog mode = 1(255): F14 active in Analog mode

150   0-7   LockValue: Enter the value to match Lock ID in CV16 to unlock CV
         programming. No action and ACK will be performed by the decoder when
         LockValue is different from LockID. In this situation only CV15 write is
16   0   0-7   LockID: To prevent accidental programming use unique ID number for
         decoders with same address (0..7) For example: 1-loco decoder, 2-sound
         decoder, 3-function decoder, …
17   192   192-255   Extended Address, Address High
18   3   0-255   Extended Address, Address Low
19   0   0-127   Consist Address   
         If CV #19 > 0: Speed and direction is governed by this
         consist address (not the individual address in CV #1 or
         #17+18); functions are controlled by either the consist
         address or individual address, see CV’s #21 + 22.
21   0   0-255   Functions defined here will be controlled by the consist address.
         Bit 0 = 0(0):  F1 controlled by individual address
         = 1(1):   …. by consist address
         Bit 1 = 0(0):  F2 controlled by individual address
         = 1(2):   …. by consist address
         Bit 2 = 0(0):  F3 controlled by individual address
         = 1(4):   …. by consist address
         Bit 3 = 0(0):  F4 controlled by individual address
         = 1(8):   …. by consist address

            Bit 4 = 0(0):  F5 controlled by individual address   
            = 1(16):   …. by consist address   
            Bit 5 = 0(0):  F6 controlled by individual address   
            = 1(32):   …. by consist address   
            Bit 6 = 0(0):  F7 controlled by individual address   
            = 1(64):   …. by consist address   
            Bit 7 = 0(0):  F8 controlled by individual address   
            = 1(255):   …. by consist address   
   22   0   0-63   Functions defined here will be controlled by the consist address.   
            Bit 0 = 0(0):  F0 (forw.) controlled by individual address   
            = 1(1):   …. by consist address   
            Bit 1 = 0 (0):  F0 (rev.) controlled by individual address   
            = 1(2):   …. by consist address   
            Bit 2 = 0(0):  F9 controlled by individual address   
            = 1(4):   …. by consist address   
            Bit 3 = 0(0):  F10 controlled by individual address   
            = 1(8):   …. by consist address   
            Bit 4 = 0(0):  F11 controlled by individual address   
            = 1(16):   …. by consist address   
            Bit 5 = 0(0):  F12 controlled by individual address   

            = 1(32):   …. by consist address      
   27   0   0-7   Decoder Automatic Stopping Configuration      
            Bit 0 = 0(0):  STOP/Zerospeed constant braking distance   disabled   
            = 1(1):  STOP/Zerospeed constant braking distance   enabled   
            Bit 1 = 0 (0):  IR sensor for constant braking distance disabled   
            = 1(2):  IR sensor for constant braking distance enabled   
            Bit 2 = 0(0):  DC Braking disabled      
            = 1(4):  DC Braking enabled      
   29   6=   0-63   Configuration Data      
            Bit 0 = 0(0):  Locomotive Direction normal      
            = 1(1):  Locomotive Direction reversed      
            Bit 1 = 0(0):  14 speed steps      
      2+      = 1(2):   28 /128 speed steps      
            Bit 2 = 0(0): Power Source Conversion NMRA Digital Only (only DCC)   
      4      = 1(4): Power Source Conversion Enabled (DC + DCC)   
            Bit 3-Not available      
            Bit 4 = 0(0):  speed table set by configuration variables #2,#5, and #6   
            = 1(32):  Speed Table set by configuration variables #66-#95   
            Bit 5 = 0(0): one byte addressing (short addressing)      
            = 1(64): two byte addressing (extended/long addressing)   
            Bit 6 -Not available      
            Bit 7 -Not available
   30   0   0-7   Error CV. If the read out value is “1”, an overcurrent event occurred since
            the last reset. The value can be cleared with programming “0” to CV30
            Error Information (combination of each case is possible):
            0-No error
            1-Motor Short Protection
            2-Aux Output Short Protection
   33   1=   0-15   F0, Forward move mapping
            Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F0 forward
      1      = 1(1): Out1 active on F0 forward
            Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F0 forward
            = 1(2): Out2 active on F0 forward
            Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F0 forward
            = 1(4): Out3 active on F0 forward
            Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F0 forward
            = 1(8): Out4 active on F0 forward
   34   2=   0-15   F0, Backward move mapping
            Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F0 backward
            = 1(1): Out1 active on F0 backward
            Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F0 backward
   2      = 1(2): Out2 active on F0 backward
         Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F0 backward
         = 1(4): Out3 active on F0 backward
         Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F0 backward
         = 1(8): Out4 active on F0 backward
35   4=   0-15   F1, Forward move mapping
         Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F1 forward
         = 1(1): Out1 active on F1 forward
         Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F1 forward
         = 1(2): Out2 active on F1 forward
         Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F1 forward
   4      = 1(4): Out3 active on F1 forward
         Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F1 forward
         = 1(8): Out4 active on F1 forward
36   4=   0-255   F1, Backward move mapping
         Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F1 backward
         = 1(1): Out1 active on F1 backward
         Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F1 backward
         = 1(2): Out2 active on F1 backward
         Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F1 backward
   4      = 1(4): Out3 active on F1 backward

         Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F1 backward
         = 1(8): Out4 active on F1 backward
37   8=   0-255   F2 mapping
         Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F2
         = 1(1): Out1 active on F2
         Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F2
         = 1(2): Out2 active on F2
         Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F2
         = 1(4): Out3 active on F2
         Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F2
   8      = 1(8): Out4 active on F2
38   0   0-255   F3 mapping
         Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F3
         = 1(1): Out1 active on F3
         Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F3
         = 1(2): Out2 active on F3
         Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F3
         = 1(4):  Out3 active on F3
         Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F3
         = 1(8): Out4 active on F3
39   0   0-255   F4 mapping
            Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F4   
            = 1(1): Out1 active on F4   
            Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F4   
            = 1(2): Out2 active on F4   
            Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F4   
            = 1(4): Out3 active on F4   
            Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F4   
            = 1(8): Out4 active on F4   
   40   0   0-255   F5 mapping   
            Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F5   
            = 1(1): Out1 active on F5   
            Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F5   
            = 1(2): Out2 active on F5   
            Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F5   
            = 1(4): Out3 active on F5   
            Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F5   
            = 1(8): Out4 active on F5   
   41   0   0-255   F6 mapping   
            Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F6   
            = 1(1): Out1 active on F6   
            Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F6   
            = 1(2): Out2 active on F6
         Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F6
         = 1(4): Out3 active on F6
         Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F6
         = 1(8): Out4 active on F6
42   0   0-255   F7 mapping
         Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F7
         = 1(1): Out1 active on F7
         Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F7
         = 1(2): Out2 active on F7
         Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F7
         = 1(4): Out3 active on F7
         Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F7
         = 1(8): Out4 active on F7
43   0   0-255   F8 mapping
         Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F8
         = 1(1): Out1 active on F8
         Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F8
         = 1(2): Out2 active on F8
         Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F8
         = 1(4): Out3 active on F8

         Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F8   
            = 1(8): Out4 active on F8   
   44   0   0-255   F9 / F13 mapping   
            Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F9   
            = 1(1): Out1 active on F9   
            Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F9   
            = 1(2): Out2 active on F9   
            Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F9   
            = 1(4): Out3 active on F9   
            Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F9   
            = 1(8): Out4 active on F9   
            Bit 4 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F13   
            = 1(16):  Out1 active on F13   
            Bit 5 = 0(0):   Out2 not active on F13   
            = 1(32): Out2 active on F13   
            Bit 6 = 0(0):   Out3 not active on F13   
            = 1(64): Out3 active on F13   
            Bit 7 = 0(0):   Out4 not active on F13   
            = 1(128): Out4 active on F13   
   45   0   0-255   F10 / F14 mapping   
            Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F10   
             1(1): Out1 active on F10
         Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F10
         = 1(2): Out2 active on F10
         Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F10
         = 1(4): Out3 active on F10
         Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F10
         = 1(8): Out4 active on F10
         Bit 4 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F14
         = 1(16):Out1 active on F14
         Bit 5 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F14
         = 1(32):Out2 active on F14
         Bit 6 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F14
         = 1(64):Out3 active on F14
         Bit 7 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F14
         = 1(128): Out4 active on F14
46   0   0-255   F11 / F15 mapping
         Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F11
         = 1(1): Out1 active on F11
         Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F11
         = 1(2): Out2 active on F11
         Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F11
         = 1(4): Out3 active on F11
         Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F11
         = 1(8): Out4 active on F11
         Bit 4 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F15
         = 1(16):Out1 active on F15
         Bit 5 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F15
         = 1(32):Out2 active on F15
         Bit 6 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F15
         = 1(64):Out3 active on F15
         Bit 7 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F15
         = 1(128): Out4 active on F15
47   0   0-255   F12 / F16 mapping
         Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F12
         = 1(1): Out1 active on F12
         Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 not active on F12
         = 1(2): Out2 active on F12
         Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 not active on F12
         = 1(4): Out3 active on F12
         Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 not active on F12
         = 1(8): Out4 active on F12
         Bit 4 = 0(0):  Out1 not active on F16

=   1(16):Out1 active on F16 Bit 5 = 0(0): Out2 not active on F16

=   1(32):Out2 active on F16 Bit 6 = 0(0): Out3 not active on F16

=   1(64):Out3 active on F16 Bit 7 = 0(0): Out4 not active on F16

=   1(128): Out4 active on F16

   48   255   0-255   Out 1   Light intensity, [1-255] , 0-continous   
   49   255   0-255   Out 2   Light intensity, [1-255] , 0-continous   
   50   255   0-255   Out 3   Light intensity, [1-255] , 0-continous   
   51   255   0-255   Out 4   Light intensity, [1-255] , 0-continous   
60   3   0-7  and   Motor, Back EMF measurement Delay   
         128-135   value of 0 or 128 swithes BackEMF Off, value>0 or > 128 changes the   
            BEMF measurement Delay. Delay(ms)=0.75+CV Value*0.25   
            Bit7=0 uses 32kHz PWM (CV range 0-7)   
            Bit7=1 uses 16kHz PWM ( CV range 128-135)   
   61   80   0-255   PID P constant   
   62   120   0-255   PID I constant   
   63   40   0-255   PID D constant   
64   0   0-15   Brake Distance configuration   
            0-No brake   
            1-15 Braking rate, the CV value influences the Constant Braking Distance,
            CV64=1 means the Shortest Braking Distance from maximum Speed to
            STOP.  Increase the CV value to increase the braking distance.
            Distance=Value * Shortest Breaking Distance
   65   25   0-255   Brake Delay
            CV65= 0 means no Brake Delay. To increase breaking distance above the
            value configured in CV64, increase  in small amounts the value of CV65,
            which will delay the start of the braking, resulting in a longer braking path.
            Brake Delay = CV65 Value * 8ms (ms)
            Extra Distance = MaxSpeed * BrakeDelay
            Ex: 200ms(delay)=8(ms)*25(CV value)
   67   2   1-127   Speed Table 1-28 ST[1] 1 position speed value
   …..         Throttle  position  speed  mapping  values,  ex.  1  position=2  speed,  28
            position=120 speed
   94   120   1-127   ST[28], 28 position speed value
   105   0   0-255   USER data, freely configurable. It is not cleared after a decoder reset
   106   0   0-255   USER data, freely configurable. It is not cleared after a decoder reset
   112   15   1-127   Fade ON effect on outputs, ex.:1=8ms, 15=120ms 125=1000ms
   113   3   1-127   Fade OFF effect on outputs, ex.:1=8ms, 15=120ms 125=1000ms
   114   4   0-255   Shunting speed, Function mapping F1-F8, F3 default (bit 0 is mapping F1,
            bit 7 is mapping F8). Mapping is possible only for F1-F8

115   8   0-255   Switch Off Acceleration Deceleration, Function mapping, F4 default (bit 0
         is mapping F1, bit 7 is mapping F8). Mapping is possible only for F1-F8
116   16   0-255   Disable Constant Braking, Function mapping, F5 default (bit 0 is mapping
         F1, bit 7 is mapping F8).  Mapping is possible only for F1-F8
117   0   0-15   Bit 0 = 0(0):  Out1 could be dimmed and faded
         = 1(1):  continues signal with no fading on Out1
         Bit 1 = 0(0):  Out2 could be dimmed and faded
         = 1(2):  continues signal with no fading on Out2
         Bit 2 = 0(0):  Out3 could be dimmed and faded
         = 1(4):  continues signal with no fading on Out3
         Bit 3 = 0(0):  Out4 could be dimmed and faded
         = 1(8):  continues signal with no fading on Out4
118   0   0-4   Electrical Coupler Output mapping for AUX 1-4 outputs. Only one of the
         AUX outputs can be configured as ECoupler Output
         CV118 = 0, None of the AUX selected for ECoupler operation
         CV118 = 1, AUX1 selected for ECoupler operation
         CV118 = 2, AUX2 selected for ECoupler operation
         CV118 = 3, AUX3 selected for ECoupler operation
         CV118 = 4, AUX4 selected for ECoupler operation
119   50   0-255   Electrical Coupler, Kick_time = Val*8ms, ex: 400ms=50*8ms
120   50   0-255   Decoupling, Locomotive move Time=Val*8ms, ex: 400ms=50*8ms

121   50   0-255   Decoupling Locomotive moving speed
122   0   0-1   Second Config, bit 0 0-LocoWire, 1-SUSI
123   16   0-255   SPP (Smart Power Pack) Timeout=16ms*Value Ex: =16ms*16=256ms
124   0   0-1   ECoupler Mode
         CV124 = 0, PWM Output
         CV124 = 1, Full Output on selected AUX in CV118
126   102   0-255   SUSI CV transport, SUSI CV=800+Value
127   0   0-255   SUSI DATA transport, Data write to CV=800+cv126
133         Chip temperature read out (the value is expressed in degrees Celsius. The
         precision of the readout is +/- 2 degrees). Prior to the readout the F5
         function must be switched On and Off
134   100   60-120   Temperature Limit for the temperature protection (value in degrees

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